“Civility is the bedrock of our free and democratic society,” Tonya Schuitmaker, a former Republican member of the Michigan Senate, told the recent panel on Promoting Civic Discourse - Democratic and Republican politicians on bridging the political...
Politicians from across the aisle discuss cross-partisan collaboration and how it can play a vital role in promoting unity, understanding, and constructive dialogue, ultimately benefiting the public by facilitating more inclusive and effective governance.
Many of the decisions facing legislators require a level of scientific or technical expertise that very few have. Examples of such decisions in the field of health include: stem cell research, vaccination programs, biotechnology funding, and soil and water contamination.This workshop will focus on the underlying decision processes that Michigan policy-makers use to protect the public health of Michigan's citizens.How do they leverage background knowledge with political constraints, lobbying efforts, and the advice of experts? What expertise networks do they use?