State of Michigan | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

State of Michigan

Showing 1 - 19 of 19 results
In the Media

Rabe discusses climate policy funding in Michigan

Jan 2, 2023 Bridge Michigan
Barry Rabe, Bridge Michigan: While policy changes tend to face long and uncertain paths to passage in Lansing, Democrats could advance their environmental agenda by spending that money strategically, said Barry Rabe, a University of Michigan...
In the Media

Rabe sets expectations for climate policy in Lansing

Dec 12, 2022 Bridge Detroit
Barry Rabe, Bridge Detroit: "I wouldn’t necessarily lowball expectations. But I would temper those against the fact that the margins are narrow, there’s a saturated agenda, a very inexperienced legislature and the 2024 elections are already...
In the Media

Nothaft discusses auto insurance overhaul

Apr 16, 2022 Detroit Free Press
Two years after Michigan's auto insurance overhaul, experts are still waiting for the system to figure itself out and for insurance rates to drop, Amanda Nothaft, senior data and evaluation manager, explained. "I think the actuarial models take a...

Farley breaks down 2020 Census

Apr 13, 2022
Last week, the city of Detroit filed a claim with the Census Bureau, arguing its residents were undercounted in 2020. Ford School lecturer Reynolds Farley discussed the undercount.  “This census was deficient in Detroit,” he said. “They didn’t...
In the Media

El-Sayed calls for auto and health insurance reform in new op-ed

Feb 25, 2022 Crain's Detroit Business
Abdul El-Sayed, Towsley Foundation Policymaker in Residence, urges lawmakers to stop making auto insurance double as health insurance in a recent op-ed for Crain's Business Detroit. "As Michiganders know all too well, we pay more for auto...
In the Media

Schwarz discusses Michigan bill targeting stem cell research

Feb 14, 2022 Michigan Advance
Joe Schwarz, lecturer in public policy, weighed in on two bills passed in the Michigan House of Representatives this week. The bills would make conducting medical research on stem cells derived from abortions a five-year felony. "That is...
In the Media

Ivacko weighs in on 2022 Secretary of State election

Feb 7, 2022 HOUR Detroit
Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson is preparing for the 2022 election. So far, her Republican opponents don't seem viable based on their extreme views.  “If the GOP nominates QAnon conspiracy theorists, Benson will have an easier path...
In the Media

Farley describes impact of falling birth rate in Michigan

Jan 26, 2022 The Detroit News
For the first time since 1900, Michigan's death rate is higher than its birth rate. This could impact everything from the economy to political power to school districts.  "Having a smaller population is not inherently bad, but adjusting to that...

Rabe on the current political climate for environmental policy

Oct 5, 2021
In a flurry of articles in E&E News, Barry Rabe commented on the state of environmental policy as Congress weighs climate measures in the reconciliation bill, the Environmental Protection Agency writes power plant regulations, and midwestern states...
In the Media

Farley explains decrease in Michigan population

Aug 16, 2021 Michigan Radio
The state of Michigan has again seen a population decrease following the release of the 2020 census, resulting in a loss of another congressional district. Reynolds Farley, research scientist at the Population Studies Center and a lecturer at the...

Bentley gift bolsters MPP internships

Jun 28, 2021
Thanks to a generous gift from Ann Bentley and the Alvin M. Bentley Foundation in 2020 and in 2021, 10 MPP students were able to secure required summer internships without worrying about costs or income.  “Funding support enables Ford School...

Ford School wins NASPAA 2020 Social Equity award

Oct 4, 2020
The Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA) has awarded the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy with its 2020 Social Equity Award, which honors a public policy, affairs, or administration program that exemplifies...

Life during COVID-19

Oct 9, 2020, 12:00 pm EDT
Join us for a discussion on life during COVID-19 with Dr. Joneigh Khaldun, Chief Medical Executive and Chief Deputy Director for Michigan Department Health and Human Services and Garlin Gilchrist II, Lt. Governor of Michigan.