Winter | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy


Showing 961 - 990 of 1127 results

PUBPOL 578: Applied Policy Seminar

Elisabeth Gerber
The Applied Policy Seminar (APS) (now called Strategic Public Policy Consulting or SPPC) is an opportunity for students to conduct a faculty-supervised consulting project for a public, private, or non-profit sector policy organization at the...
PUBPOL 580.001

PUBPOL 580.001: Values, Ethics, and Public Policy

Joy Rohde
This course seeks to make students sensitive to and articulate about the ways in which moral and political values come into play in the American policy process, particularly as they affect non-elected public officials who work in a world shaped...
PubPol 475.003

PubPol 475.003: Topics: Utopianism and Public Policy

“Utopia” in Greek means both “good place” and “no place”—a paradise existing only in our imaginations. But no matter how theoretical or fanciful utopias may be, people still try to implement them, often with tragic...

PUBPOL 687: Negotiations

This course examines negotiation and social influence strategies for policy makers in the public, non-profit, and for-profit...
PubPol 716.001

PubPol 716.001: Introduction to Chinese Policy

Ann Chih Lin
This first portion of the course, held in Ann Arbor, will introduce students to China and its policy and economic environments. Drawing on the expertise of Ford School faculty and outside guests, each class will focus on a different policy...

PUBPOL 746: Social Welfare Policy

During the twentieth century, the U.S. both saw the development of a social welfare system to serve nonelderly families and a subsequent dramatic overhaul of the cash welfare part of that...
PubPol 750.005

PubPol 750.005: Topics: The Politics of Identity

Mara Ostfeld
Race, gender, religion, sexuality and other social identities permeate the development and administration of American public policy. These identities are just as powerful of a tool in efforts to reduce social and economic disparities...
PUBPOL 750.008

PUBPOL 750.008: Health Disparity

In this interactive seminar, we will critically examine health disparities within various groups by race, socio-economic status, gender, sex, immigration and incarceration status, including the health consequences of incarceration and health...

PUBPOL 529: Statistics

This course covers descriptive statistics, probability theory, probability distributions (normal, binomial, Poisson, exponential), sampling distributions, confidence intervals, and hypothesis...

PUBPOL 578: Applied Policy Seminar

Elisabeth Gerber
The Applied Policy Seminar (APS) (now called Strategic Public Policy Consulting or SPPC) is an opportunity for students to conduct a faculty-supervised consulting project for a public, private, or non-profit sector policy organization at the...
PUBPOL 475.004

PUBPOL 475.004: Utopianism & Public Policy

“Utopia” in Greek means both “good place” and “no place”—a paradise existing only in our imaginations. But no matter how theoretical or fanciful utopias may be, people still try to implement them, often with tragic...
PUBPOL 750.002

PUBPOL 750.002: Topics: Doing Diplomacy

Nations use diplomacy to achieve their goals without resort to war. Yet, in the end, the outcomes of diplomacy are determined by people, their personalities, their interests, and their...
PUBPOL 750.006

PUBPOL 750.006: Topics: The Politics of Identity

Mara Ostfeld
Race, gender, religion, sexuality and other social identities permeate the development and administration of American public policy. These identities are just as powerful of a tool in efforts to reduce social and economic disparities...
PubPol 750.009

PubPol 750.009: New: Topics: Wielding Economic Power

Wielding Economic Power We're going to look together at the elements of economic influence --trade, investment, financial flows, sanctions, rules, organizations-- and examine how countries use...