ADMIN: Pages | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Kids and screen time, too much says Davis Story
CNN interviews Stevenson on Beantown plan to eliminate gender pay gap Story
Former ambassador to Brazil analyzes president's reelection odds Story
"What's the counterfactual?" asks Sue Dynarski of student loans Story
Wolfers for Upshot: Labor Market Dented, Not Broken Story
Axelrod highlighted in Vox on Republican Benghazi dilemma Story
NYT Upshot cites Brian Jacob's work on gender differences Story
Soundbites, spring 2014 Story
Wanted: Alumni to join Centennial Reunion Committee Story
Matt Johnson's American Bureaucrat blog highlights the people and ideas public policy is meant to serve Story
U-M ranks eighth in nation for Peace Corps Paul D. Coverdell Fellows Story
Potter publishes op-ed in The Guardian on increasing threat of terrorism in China Story
The Last Word Story
Yu Xie study in LA Times, Washington Post, NPR Story
What every alderman should know (about endowments) Story
Detroit Free Press publishes Matthew Davis op-ed; Davis argues for regulating e-cigarettes as tobacco products Story
Barry Rabe interviewed on Marketplace Morning Report about the challenges Obama faces on climate change Story
Three reasons why Gregory Holman (MPP/MUP '11) is listed among Crain's Detroit Business "Twenty in their 20s." Story
Hybrid Justice and Armed With Expertise Story
Bon voyage, and best wishes to the graduating class of 2014 Story
Zachary Petroni, inaugural Raoul Wallenberg Fellowship recipient, discusses the flawed conservation equation for Kenyan forest Story
Hauling charcoal, studying conservation in Kenya Story
Fighting poverty like an IPPSter Story
Matthew Davis finds two out of three support Affordable Care Act's contraception coverage Story
Phil Potter quoted by Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones Business News on Chinese terror attack Story
Sheldon Danziger to retire from the University of Michigan Story
Sue Dynarski's research discussed in congressional hearing with Education Secretary Arne Duncan Story
Skin in the game, Applied Policy Seminar puts students to work for local governments, NGOs Story
Historical timeline celebrates centennial, more detailed online version in the works Story
Bloomberg features Yu Xie's research, reporting Chinese income inequality surpasses that of the U.S. Story
Bachelor's of public policy student off to serve Google Dubai Story
Undergraduate class uses $55,000 grant to study the art and impact of philanthropy Story
Alumni Board calls for Staebler Service Award nominations Story
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy 2014 Commencement Story
Matthew Davis discusses short- and long-term benefits of investments in lead abatement Story
Isaac McFarlin discusses his research on Texas Top 10 Percent Plan with NPR Story
Wolfers to contribute to New York Times politics and policy website The Upshot Story
Collaborative research effort shows pollution top concern for citizens around Great Lakes Story
CLOSUP hosts Ann Arbor mayoral candidates Story
Inaugural Dow Sustainability Fellow Cassie Brown helps city establish revolving loan fund for A2 energy efficiency upgrades Story