ADMIN: Pages | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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CLOSUP illuminates local leaders' perceptions of tax-exempt properties Story
Armed with Expertise: The Militarization of American Social Research during the Cold War Story
Waltz argues Universal Declaration of Human Rights a global, cooperative effort; not just a western idea Story
Ford School celebrates the legacy of Margaret Ann (Ranny) Riecker (HLLD '05) Story
Public less supportive of state fossil fuel taxes, says CLOSUP, still strong for renewable electricity Story
Students and staff run Big House 5K for fun and charity Story
Maya Menlo plays a role in U-M decision to support Bangladesh factory safety accord Story
Ranny Riecker: A philanthropist for the future Story
Harvard Political Review article quotes Mary Corcoran on gender inequality in the academy Story
Debate over 'Pay It Forward' continues, Dynarski's suggested amendments receive increased attention Story
Times of India highlights Yang study, motivating migrants boosts savings Story
GM penny-wise and pound-foolish says Marina v.N. Whitman Story
Inequality in America Story
The aftermath of financial crises: It doesn't have to be that bad Story
Metropolitan areas, regionalism, and the politics of intergovernmental cooperation Story
Public policy students respond to Kevyn Orr's Ford School lecture Story
Informing local leaders about fiscal health and economic development Story
Hausman's Brookings Institution paper analyzes Japan's new economic policy – "Abenomics" Story
Kevyn Orr, Detroit's emergency financial manager, speaks at the Ford School Story
Five Ford School faculty were nominated by students for this year's Golden Apple Award Story
The Center for Public Policy in Diverse Societies hosts calls for proposals Story
Call for Summer 2015 Internship Partnership Proposals in Science, Technology, or Health Policy Story
Levitsky shares his view on Russia-Ukraine with U.S. News and World Report Story
Times of India reports on Dean Yang's new study: short financial literacy seminar improves migrant saving decisions Story
Electronic cigarette liquid is extracted from tobacco; let's regulate them as we'd regulate other tobacco products says Michigan's chief medical executive Story
Curtiss Lusher wins Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award Story
Short seminar on financial decision-making yields impressive results for migrants who don't save Story
Paul Krugman and Ben Bernanke to sit on panel for Hausman paper Story
Potter comments on the large-scale knife attack at a train station in Southern China Story
7th Annual Gramlich Showcase of Student Work Story
Ford School MPP student among winners of 2014 Social Impact Challenge Story
Dynarski comments on proposals to offset the high cost of a college education Story
Levitsky shares his views on marijuana legalization with Story
Danziger speaks with Al Jazeera America on the U.S. poverty rate Story
Ambassador Richard Boucher and Margo Picken to teach two new public policy courses Story
A conversation on leadership and foreign policy Story
Let states tailor immigration policies to boost economic growth, says Lin Story
Dynarski appointed as a Brookings Institution Nonresident Senior Fellow Story
Quick online survey open for one week: please provide your input Story
When it comes to the tax code, it's time to simplify, says Whitman Story