ADMIN: Pages | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Policy students, former officers weigh in on the end of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Story
Paul N. Courant joins Digital Public Library of America steering committee Story
Susan Dynarski co-authored report on charter schools, federal government Story
Robert Axelrod interview by Radiolab about good deeds and conflict Story
Elisabeth Gerber, Applied Policy Seminar, and One Lenawee partnership highlighted in article Story
Barry Rabe spoke to Michigan Radio about Rick Snyder's plan to streamline environmental regulations Story
State & Hill’s Fall 2010 issue explores roads to better health policy, more Story
Returned Peace Corps volunteers serve abroad, serve at home Story
Through the lens of social science: faculty insights on health policy Story
Bullish on Michigan Story
Political novice leads "tough nerd" to victory Story
Skipping doses, splitting pills in southeastern Michigan Story
Roads, roadlessness, and Rotovirus in southern coastal Ecuador Story
From Ann Arbor, Michigan to the Blue Mountains of Jamaica Story
Can licensed health practitioners meet the gap? Story
Complex systems approach may offer new insights on health disparities Story
Uncertain funding, regulatory changes slow embryonic stem cell research innovation Story
Panel study tracks wellbeing over the lifecourse and across generations Story
Genetic gold rush hinders competition, innovation Story
Blame it on the rain: early rainfall impacts health, wealth, and education Story
Health economics and public policy Story
Demand-side solutions to health disparities Story
Legislators, lobbyists, and health care reform Story
Polling parents on children's health Story
Health care reform act unfolding, shifting the field Story
Health policy diffusion both horizontal and vertical Story
Local leaders open to regional partnerships-maybe Story
Shobita Parthasarathy interviewed by German Public Radio about legality of human gene patents Story
Matthew Davis quoted in Health Day article about gun safety Story
Ford School students attend 2010 UN Climate Change Conference Story
Ann Lin: Immigration law and guestworkers Video
Paul N. Courant quoted in Inside Higher Ed, "New Models for University Presses" Story
Susan Dynarski quoted in Wall Street Journal blog, "The Conflicting Charter-School Numbers" Story
Diversity Center issues call for proposals Story
Former Ford School Dean Rebecca Blank named Acting Deputy Secretary of Commerce Story
Research by Robert Axelrod cited in New York Times article, "This Is Your Brain on Metaphors" Story
Research by Brian A. Jacob cited in Science Daily article, “How Much Last Year's Teacher Affects This Year’s Test Scores” Story
Matthew Davis quoted in ABC News story, “FDA May Ban Caffeine from Alcoholic Drinks” Story
Brian Jacob's work cited in Inside Higher Ed article, “Cheating and the Generational Divide” Story
CLOSUP report about local economic development featured in various media outlets Story