How do the judges on the Supreme Court make their decisions? What were the real issues in cases such as Roe v. Wade, and is it possible that the Court would overturn this decision? How do judges in different eras decided cases...
The combination of slow economic growth and rising inequality has meant that the material living standards of the median American household have improved only slowly since the early...
This course is an introduction to programming in the R statistical language. R is a flexible, open-source statistics platform which has gained broad adoption in a variety of...
This course will provide an overview of recent Japanese economic history and the current state of the Japanese economy. We will consider what economic policymakers around the world can learn from...
This course concentrates on the foreign policy aspects of U.S. National Security. We will study the Cold War preface to current policy as well as broad issues of substance and process affecting national security...
Federal election spending from all sources has doubled over the last twenty years and the 2018 election continued the trend. Campaign spending in the midterms exceeded $5 billion for the first time, much of it coming...
Hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling have made the United States the world's largest producer of oil and natural gas. What does that mean for the domestic economy, energy prices, foreign policy, climate change, and local...
This course is an introduction to programming and working in STATA, a core statistical program in the social sciences. In a variety of fields, STATA remains the baseline program for analysis, data management, and...
This course, structured as a seminar and writing workshop, intensively develops students' persuasive writing and critical reading skills through abundant practice and...
This course teaches the norms of policy writing to 1st year policy students. Through small workshops, students will analyze approaches to different types of policy...
This course focuses on rigorous evaluation of policies and interventions intended to support children's early learning and success in K-12. Evaluations will be discussed in the context of the current and historical...
How are the inherent and intersecting relations of power including inherent structures of dominance related to the experience of violence, oppression and resistance textured into the context of politics and policy...
This is a course on how economists think about government revenue and government expenditures — how governments raise and spend public money. Public Finance is a subfield of...
This course is designed to give students an understanding of how budgeting and financial planning are used in the management of organizations for which money is the means to the end, but not the end...
This course is designed to familiarize students with the Michigan political system and learn about current policy issues at play both statewide and in local...
This course is designed to introduce students to the policy and practice of community development finance including how private sector developers and lenders work with nonprofits, foundations, and the public sector to promote affordable housing,...