Core faculty
Dean Yang
Dean Yang is a professor of public policy and economics. His research is on the economic problems of developing countries. His current areas of interest include: international migration, health, culture, and political economy. Dean teaches a Ford School course on the economics of developing countries, as well as a PhD course in development economics. He received his undergraduate and PhD degrees in economics from Harvard University.
Educational background
- PhD in economics, Harvard University
- BA in economics, Harvard University
Current research
The economics of health decision-making in Mozambique
Additional current research here
Recent publications
- Picture This: Social Distance and the Mistreatment of Migrant Workers , Journal of Political Economy: Microeconomics, forthcoming. (With Toman Barsbai, Vojta Bartoš, Victoria Licuanan, Andreas Steinmayr, and Erwin Tiongson).
- Information and Immigrant Settlement, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 170, September 2024. (With Toman Barsbai, Victoria Licuanan, Andreas Steinmayr, and Erwin Tiongson.)
- Correcting Misperceptions About Support for Social Distancing to Combat COVID-19, Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 73, No. 1, October 2024. (With James Allen, Arlete Mahumane, James Riddell, Tanya Rosenblat, and Hang Yu.) REPLICATION DATA.
- Loss Aversion or Lack of Trust: Why Does Loss Framing Work to Encourage Preventative Health Behaviors?, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Vol. 104, June 2023. (With Emily Beam, Yusufcan Masatlioglu, and Tara Watson.)
- Measuring Remittances, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 161, March 2023. (With Giuseppe de Arcangelis, Alexander Fertig, Yuna Liang, and Peter Srouji.) REPLICATION DATA.
- Knowledge, Stigma, and HIV Testing: An Analysis of a Widespread HIV/AIDS Program, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 160, January 2023. (With James Allen, Arlete Mahumane, James Riddell, and Hang Yu.) Previously accepted as a JDE Pre-Results Review paper; here is the pre-results manuscript. REPLICATION DATA.
- Teaching and Incentives: Substitutes or Complements?, Economics of Education Review, Vol. 91, December 2022. (With James Allen, Arlete Mahumane, James Riddell, Tanya Rosenblat, and Hang Yu.) REPLICATION DATA.
- Religious Festivals and Economic Development: Evidence from the Timing of Mexican Saint Day Festivals, American Economic Review, Vol. 112, No. 10, October 2022, pp. 3176-3214. (With Eduardo Montero.) REPLICATION DATA.
- Carter, Michael, Rachid Laajaj, and Dean Yang, “Subsidies and the African Green Revolution: Direct Effects and Social Network Spillovers of Randomized Input Subsidies in Mozambique,” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Vol. 12, No. 2, April 2021, pp. 206-229.
- Mahajan, Parag and Dean Yang, “Taken by Storm: Hurricanes, Migrant Networks, and U.S. Immigration,” American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Vol. 12, No. 2, April 2020, pp. 250-77.
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