John Chamberlin, Ford School professor emeritus of public policy and political science, says a recent controversy in Lansing calls out the need for increased transparency when it comes to lawmakers. A Michigan state representative is proposing a law that would not allow local governments to ban gas appliances in residential buildings, while at the same time receiving donations from DTE and other energy companies and associations.
“It’s about as weak of a rule as you can put together,” Chamberlin told Bridge Michigan about conflict of interest rules in the Michigan Capitol.
Chamberlin has been involved in the process of redistricting. The Independent Citizens Redistricting Commission is currently hearing from the public about how to draw the new districts. Some have suggested looking at religious communities when drawing the districts.
“I think certainly a religious community is a community of interest,” Chamberlin said. “The commission could decide, ‘Let’s think about school districts as pieces of the puzzle.’ They really can’t do that on their own with religious communities.”
Read the news items featuring Chamberlin here:
- Michigan lawmaker wants to block local bans on natural gas, Bridge Michigan, June 10, 2021
- Michigan's redistricting commission sought opinions. It got plenty., Bridge Michigan, June 11, 2021