Stanford University named 16 Ford School faculty on their “Top 2% Scientists” list, representing the most-cited scientists with career and single-year impact in various disciplines. The faculty researchers join over 180,000 scientists worldwide.
Betsey Stevenson and Dean Yang were named to the single-year impact list, which is based on citations from 2020. Alan Deardorff and Reynolds Farley were included on the career impact list.
Ford School faculty that make both the single-year and career impact lists include:
- Arun Agrawal
- Scott Atran
- Robert Axelrod
- John Ayanian
- Sarah Burgard
- Christian Davenport
- James House
- Brian Jacob
- Paula Lantz
- Jeffrey Morenoff
- Jason Owen-Smith
- The late Robert Schoeni
The list is compiled based on scientists’ H-index, impact factor, total citations (including self-citations), and more, with data drawn from the Scopus database, which is the largest database of peer-reviewed literature citations and abstracts. It includes researchers from 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields.
See the entire Stanford University Top 2% Scientists list here.