Ford School News | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Showing 5851 - 5880 of 5931 results

Ford School mourns the loss of John Patrick 'Pat' Crecine

May 20, 2008
John Patrick 'Pat' Crecine, the first director of the Institute of Public Policy Studies (IPPS), a pre-cursor to the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy and one of the first programs of its type in the nation, died on April 28.[Read...

Susan Waltz receives Human Rights Fellowship

May 7, 2008
The University of Michigan Center for International and Comparative Studies has awarded Human Rights Fellowships to two Michigan faculty members. Waltz will use her Fellowship to develop a course on human rights for the International Studies minor...

Detroit Free Press runs Ford student editorial

Apr 22, 2008
"Take full advantage of wind's potential" written by Ford School student Sara Margaret Gilbert addresses the recently passed Michigan energy bill. Gilbert questions the legislature's decision to not include a statewide renewable portfolio standard...

2008 IPE addresses issues of health care reform

Feb 15, 2008
Not long after ringing in the New Year, the Masters students at the Ford School of Public Policy traded in their party hats for business casual suits as they prepared to tackle the hefty problem of health care. January 3rd, 2008 marked the first day...

Tom Talk: a new podcast focused on careers in public policy

Feb 15, 2008
Assistant Director of Graduate Career Services Tom Phillips provides our future and current students with an insider's look at how the Ford School produces well-trained graduates for first-class careers. [Learn more and subscribe to the...

"Behind the Curve: Governments versus Criminal Networks"

Jan 14, 2008
Melvyn Levitsky reviewed Michael Kenney's book, "From Pablo to Osama: Trafficking Networks, Government Bureaucracies, and Competitive Adaptation" in the fall 2007 edition of International Studies Review (2007) 9, 498-500.[Available to subscribers...

Parents want teachers who make children happy

Dec 7, 2007
When requesting a teacher for their elementary school children, parents are more likely to choose teachers who receive high student satisfaction ratings than teachers with strong achievement ratings, said Brian Jacob, co-author of a new study and...

National Poverty Center awarded three-year federal renewal

Oct 15, 2007
The National Poverty Center at the University of Michigan has been awarded a federal co-operative research agreement based on a national competition that extends its research, training and dissemination activities through 2010. The NPC began its...

Ford School mourns loss of Ned Gramlich

Sep 5, 2007
Long-time Ford School faculty member Ned Gramlich died September 5, 2007 after a long battle with leukemia.Ned joined the faculty of public policy and economics at the University of Michigan in 1976. He taught macroeconomic policy and benefit-cost...

Ford School Students Help to Plant the Future in Detroit

Sep 2, 2007
Once the capital of the industrial world, Detroit has for the past four decades become one of the nation's pre-eminent symbols of urban decline. Globalization, deindustrialization and "white flight" ravaged once-proud neighborhoods and turned much...

Public Servants of the Corn

Sep 1, 2007
Over the past few centuries a strange and intricate tradition emerged in Europe: building labyrinths out of shrubbery. These "hedge mazes" became potent symbols of aristocratic privilege and idle leisure. In the long years since the implosion of the...