Ford School News | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Showing 4471 - 4500 of 5912 results

Correlation still does not imply causation

Sep 1, 2014
In an August 6 article in “The Upshot,” The New York Times' curated blog on politics, policy, and economics, Susan Dynarski describes the perils of mistaking correlation for causation.In the article, Dynarski critiques a recent paper by Esther M....

Law enforcement increasingly intolerant of dissent

Aug 29, 2014
"It's very clear that when people get this gear they tend to want to use it," says Joy Rohde in the August 28 Policy Points video, "When the police look like soldiers." Rohde argues that militarized police departments lead to violent confrontations...

"Sacred values" can always be reinterpreted

Aug 29, 2014
"After spleens are vented…enough grudging accommodation can emerge to stop the killing even if dreams of triumph endure," argues Scott Atran in "U.S. Must Help Deal Directly With Hamas," an August 5 op-ed on The New York Times’ “Room for Debate”...

Khmer Rouge Tribunal begins new phase with wider scope

Aug 28, 2014
The Khmer Rouge tribunal's ongoing proceedings against the former Khmer Rouge leaders Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan are entering their second and final phase with broader attention to the regime's crimes, reports Sok Khemara in a Voice of America...

Welcome back returning Fordies!

Aug 27, 2014
As our new and returning Fordies settle in at Weill Hall, we'd like to share a few highlights from the summer:We were thrilled to get a series of "field reports" from students on their internship experiences.Nick Pfost kicked off the series with a...

Carl Simon talks Ebola and the power of quarantine

Aug 26, 2014
In an August 26 Policy Points video, Carl Simon argues that quarantine is the key to containing and eliminating the recent outbreak of the Ebola virus—the most deadly to date. “The first Ebola outbreak was noted about 40 years ago in small...

Welcome week for new students

Aug 22, 2014
They’ve ordered their Mcards, registered for classes, submitted their student bios, and done a dozen other things to prepare for their studies. But the week before school starts, all new public policy degree candidates come to the Ford School to...

Articles jump to conclusions on Gallup debt findings

Aug 14, 2014
"I am happy to yield the point that, everything else held constant, a person will be happier without debt than with it," writes Susan Dynarski in an August 8 post, "What We Mean When We Say Student Debt Is Bad," published by The Upshot, The New York...

Professional Development Fund helps jumpstart careers

Aug 14, 2014
With valuable educational opportunities beckoning in cities near and far, Ford School students benefit from supplemental funding that allows them to take advantage of career-enhancing programs. Every year the school sponsors 10-15 such students...

Take your professor to lunch

Aug 14, 2014
On March 19th, 2014, Ford School students Maron Alemu and Analidis Ochoa took professor Luke Shaefer to lunch at the Michigan League as part of the Ford School's "take a faculty member to lunch" program. Shaefer, an assistant professor at the School...

Fed stays cautious on recovery stimulus

Jul 31, 2014
"It would be hard to make a strong case at this point that the economy is roaring out of a slow recovery," Kathryn Dominguez says in the article by Allison Ross, "Federal Reserve preview: No summer blockbuster." The article notes that...

Guiding American math education reform

Jul 25, 2014
Ford School Professor David Cohen and his wife, Magdalene Lampert, cited in Elizabeth Green's July 23 New York Times Magazine article, "Why Do Americans Stink at Math?"; the article will be published in the Sunday print edition.American teachers,...

Kevin Stange awarded Spencer Foundation grant

Jul 24, 2014
Ford School professor Kevin Stange has been awarded a $49,854 grant from the Spencer Foundation to study the effects of tuition deregulation on public high school graduates in Texas. The grant comes through the foundation's Education and Social...

Carbon tax might work, if revenue funds renewables

Jul 23, 2014
A July 21 report released by Barry Rabe, director of the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP), and collaborators at the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion, "Public Views on a Carbon Tax Depend on the Proposed Use of...

The Trehan Family Ford School Fund

Jul 21, 2014
The Trehans came to the University of Michigan from India in 1964 with about $1,000. Mrs. Adarsh Trehan, now a Ford School Committee member, received a master's degree in Political Science from the University of Michigan. Ranvir Trehan, who studied...

Worldwide Spirit Day marks Ford School centennial

Jul 21, 2014
Ford School students, alumni, faculty, staff and friends around the world celebrated the hundredth anniversary of the school's founding on July 10, 2014. Major celebrations took place in Ann Arbor, Washington D.C. and Chicago, and smaller Spirit...

Local opposition to fracking gains momentum in Colorado

Jul 18, 2014
Municipal control over energy policy could make hydraulic fracturing a risky investment in Colorado, Ford School professor Barry Rabe tells the Christian Science Monitor in a July 17 article by Jared Gilmour, titled "In US energy boom, who decides...

Parthasarathy elected to 4S Governing Council

Jul 17, 2014
Shobita Parthasarathy has been elected to the Governing Council of the Society for the Social Studies of Science. The decision was announced in the society's email newsletter, Technoscience Update, on July 15.The Society for the Social Studies of...

Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency rolls out new website

Jul 15, 2014
The new Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency, headed by Ford School alum Jeff Barnes (MPP '09), recently launched a clearing-house website for all Michigan veterans, as well as a toll-free number for veterans' services and needs. The agency, which seeks...

Business Insider echoes calls for 2-question aid application

Jul 10, 2014
"Student aid applications are a burdensome gauntlet, and complexity is most damaging to students with the least resources," writes Dennis Zeveloff in a July 9 article, "Why We Should Cut the Federal Financial Aid Form from 130 Questions to 2,"...

The Centennial Reunion

Jul 9, 2014
A major celebration of the Ford School's centennial held during University of Michigan Homecoming Weekend. Activities include featured panels, keynote speaker, reception, tailgate, football game and opportunities to network with alumni, faculty,...

Anti-globalization is "bad news for the U.S. auto industry"

Jul 8, 2014
"It looks as if U.S. auto manufacturers have finally gone global," Marina v.N. Whitman writes in "Globalization is, finally, working in Michigan's best interest," a June 27 op-ed in the Detroit Free Press. "In the first quarter of this year, General...

Washington Post, Times notes plunge in long-term unemployment

Jul 7, 2014
"The nation has not seen such hefty job gains since the late-1990s tech hiring boom," writes Patrice Hill in a July 3 article in the Washington Times, "Unemployment falls to 6.1 percent amid U.S. hiring surge." Hill cites the most recent Labor...