Leaders from North America and Europe will explore approaches to industrial heartland economic renewal in order to address one of the root causes of the polarizing politics undermining Western democracies and the transatlantic alliance.
Dr. Ivette Perfecto, Professor of Environmental Justice at the U-M School for Environment And Sustainability (SEAS), presents as part of the Real World Perspectives on Poverty Solutions Speaker Series.
Louise Seamster, Assistant Professor in Sociology and Criminology and African American Studies at the University of Iowapresent as part of the Real World Perspectives on Poverty Solutions Speaker Series.
Michael S. Barr, who took office as the Federal Reserve Board’s vice chair for supervision on July 19, will speak about making the financial system safer and fairer, hosted by the Hutchins Center on Fiscal and Monetary Policy at Brookings.
Do you want to learn about engaged learning and research opportunities with the Program for Practical Policy Engagement (P3E)? Join P3E Director Elisabeth Gerber and Community Engagement Manager DeAndré J. Calvert for an information session.
Join the Ford School for a two-day virtual symposium on June 16-17 on the future of our unemployment insurance (UI) system. Chaired by the Honorable Sandy Levin in partnership with Poverty Solutions Director Luke Shaefer, the symposium will consist of four panels featuring some of our nation's leading experts on UI.
The U-M Center for the Education of Women+, Institute for Research on Women and Gender, and the Ford School are partnering to host a panel on the potential implications of a possible Roe v. Wade overturn featuring 4 faculty experts.
The Community Tech Workers project will pair three local residents with three U-M students to provide free one-on-one technology training and assistance to small business owners in Detroit's East Jefferson corridor.
The Brookings Institution's Hutchins Center on Fiscal & Monetary Policy will host a virtual event to explore questions around the future of the U.S. dollar with experts Kathryn Dominguez (University of Michigan), Barry Eichengreen (UC Berkeley), Don Kohn (Brookings), Zach Pandl (Goldman Sachs), and Eswar Prasad (Brookings).
Stream the hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, as they consider the nomination of Michael S. Barr to become a member and vice chairman for supervision of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
With sovereign debt soaring, the issues of "how much debt is too much debt" and "what to do about it'' are likely to move once again from the technocratic realm of "quiet politics" into the electoral realm of "loud politics." Join Charlotte Cavaille, Assistant Professor at Ford School of Public Policy, as we discuss implications for future research, including the need to shift to elite-centric research designs.
Dr. William Lopez, Kat Stafford, and Charles E. Williams II with moderator Dr. Mara Ostfeld will discuss the local impact of safety nets on communities of color during the COVID-19 pandemic. Opening Remarks by Provost Susan M. Collins.
Peter Adriaens discusses "The Transformational Role of Data for Democratized Digital Project Delivery" and how it relates to smart infrastructure finance.
Adrienne A. Harris was sworn in January 25, 2022 as superintendent of the New York Department of Financial Services (DFS). New York is a key U.S. and global financial center; DFS regulates and supervises thousands of banks, insurance companies, mortgage originators, and many foreign bank branches and agencies.
U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren and Dean Barr will discuss Senator Warren's distinguished career as a public servant, perspectives on poverty and inequality in the United States, and her work to create a more just and equitable economic system.
Policy for the People invites you to a lunch talk with Dr. José Caraballo-Cueto. Caraballo-Cueto will discuss the limitations to trade and commerce as a result of Puerto Rico's colonial relationship with the United States, reviewing legislation affecting Puerto Rico's economic transactions and assessing the impact of trade limitations on the island’s economy.
Policy Talks @ the Ford School,
Conversations Across Differences
Inflation and labor market fluctuations are threatening the fragile economic recovery. Increasingly, Americans are worried about their financial future. Join Ford School economists for a discussion of these crucial issues.
Join us for an important discussion between University of Michigan Ford School Dean Michael Barr with Deputy Secretary of Commerce Don Graves, to discuss his work to revive the economy while combating the racist systems embedded within it.
Professor Nadya Malenko discusses her research regarding venture capital backed firms, which face neither the regulatory requirements nor a major separation of ownership and control of their public peers.
Public Policy and Institutional Discrimination Series,
Policy Talks @ the Ford School,
Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation Lecture Series
The series is designed to foster dialogue on important issues of U.S. public policy. Faculty discussant Bill Bynum will focus on the role of policy to advance economic opportunity for disenfranchised populations.
The Gulf region, Saudi-Iranian relations, and Iranian American talks are in a transition. 2021 has witnessed de-escalation between Gulf states and a clear intent to commit to dialogue rather than threats.
H. Luke Shaefer and other panelists — to be announced — will discuss the implications of the expanded child tax credit and the potential for the U.S. to adopt a permanent child allowance.
Professor James R. Hines Jr. will discuss the most sensible way to pay for the federal government, noting that the answer lies largely in higher tax rates, not in the many popularly-discussed alternatives.
Terri Friedline will discuss her book, Banking on a Revolution: Why Financial Technology Won’t Save a Broken System, which takes a critical look at advancements in financial technology (“fintech”) in the banking and financial industries.