Ethics | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics


Showing 121 - 150 of 387 results

Kary Moss on Detroit water shutoffs

Oct 22, 2014
Kary Moss speaks on the Detroit water shutoffs in Henry Gass’s “Do Detroit's water shutoffs violate international law? UN to investigate,” posted in the Christian Science Monitor on October 17. The United Nations visited Detroit last weekend to...

Law enforcement increasingly intolerant of dissent

Aug 29, 2014
"It's very clear that when people get this gear they tend to want to use it," says Joy Rohde in the August 28 Policy Points video, "When the police look like soldiers." Rohde argues that militarized police departments lead to violent confrontations...

Carl Simon talks Ebola and the power of quarantine

Aug 26, 2014
In an August 26 Policy Points video, Carl Simon argues that quarantine is the key to containing and eliminating the recent outbreak of the Ebola virus—the most deadly to date. “The first Ebola outbreak was noted about 40 years ago in small...

Stevenson speaks at White House Summit on Working Families

Jun 23, 2014
Betsey Stevenson, a member of President Obama's Council of Economic Advisers, will offer a plenary speech during the June 23 White House Summit on Working Families in Washington, DC. Her topic: A 21st century economy that works for businesses and...

Easing credit for parents seeking educational loans?

May 28, 2014
In a May 27 article for Bloomberg, Janet Lorin describes, "Alarm Raised by Plan to Ease Credit Norms on U.S. Parent Loans." The new plan to extend loans to a greater pool of parent applicants is drawing criticism from consumer advocates who say...

John Chamberlin quoted in USA Today on caucus payments

Jul 21, 2013
USA Today reports that none of the early voting states—Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, or Nevada—have laws or ethics rules on whether legislators and other elected officials can receive payments from campaigns. That's a problem that prompts...

Latest issue of MJPA now online

May 28, 2013
The spring 2013 issue of the Michigan Journal of Public Affairs (MJPA) is now online. This issue includes articles on using decision science for prison reform; the ethics of harm reduction policy regarding female circumcision; a study on the factors...
State & Hill

John Chamberlin retires, talks making a living, and making a life

Apr 22, 2013
This Saturday, John Chamberlin will board a plane for Paris. He's gearing up for new adventures in retirement. Over the past four decades, he's taught more core courses than any other faculty member at the school, served as interim and associate...
State & Hill

An engaged citizen

Apr 22, 2013
Barry Rabe on the future of CLOSUP A six-inch bobblehead of Ron Swanson, director of a fictitious Midwestern parks department in the NBC sitcom Parks and Recreation, dominates the meeting table in Barry Rabe's office. The bobblehead is something...
State & Hill

Gerrymandering, then and now

Apr 26, 2012
It was the summer of 1971 when the first mandated round of redistricting was taking place across the nation. A series of Supreme Court decisions in the '60s had directed states to create new legislative districts every ten years to reflect...

Chamberlin: "I don't think ethics is the problem"

Apr 12, 2012
The Center for Public Integrity (CPI) ranked Michigan's state ethics laws 43rd in a recent nationwide study. But John Chamberlin, professor of political science and public policy at the Ford School, did not sound too distressed in an interview with...