Ruth Browne (MPP/MPH '83) just did the happy dance. She's celebrating a gift to the Arthur Ashe Institute for Urban Health, an institute she's directed since its founding in 1992 by the legendary African American tennis star and humanitarian. This...
The Ford School seeks proposals from alumni to develop Summer 2015 internship partnerships in the areas of science, technology, or health policy. Proposals must be for internships within public and non-profit organizations otherwise unable to fund...
Being ladylike does not require silence
There are photos and movies of Betty Ford in her family home from the 1960s. They show a caring homemaker and mother, busy looking after her husband and four young children in their suburban Virginia home....
Shobita Parthasarathy's book on the development and implications of gene testing and patenting has been re-released in paperback by The MIT Press.The book, Building Genetic Medicine: Breast Cancer, Technology and the Comparative Politics of Health...
When we thoughtfully apply scientific analysis to policy challenges, we discover new and sometimes surprising relationships. If our analysis is sound, sound policies can emerge from these discoveries. The Ford School faculty members featured in...
Kahn Auditorium
Biomedical Science Research Building
The 35th Annual Health Science MLK Lecture, hosted by the University of Michigan School of Medicine / Michigan Medicine, will focus on the exploration of interdisciplinary approaches to achieve health equity. After the lecture, Ford School Dean Celeste Watkins-Hayes will participate in a panel discussion on health equity.
Real World Perspectives on Poverty Solutions introduces key issues regarding the causes and consequences of poverty through an in-person lecture series featuring experts in policy and practice from across the nation.
Real World Perspectives on Poverty Solutions introduces key issues regarding the causes and consequences of poverty through an in-person lecture series featuring experts in policy and practice from across the nation.
Real World Perspectives on Poverty Solutions introduces key issues regarding the causes and consequences of poverty through an in-person lecture series featuring experts in policy and practice from across the nation.
Watch live from this page
Gilbert S. Omenn and Martha A. Darling Health Policy Fund
Joan and Sanford Weill Hall, Annenberg Auditorium (Room 1120)
Join Deputy Under Secretary for Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Ford School alumna, Stacy Dean, as she discusses her career and the challenges to improve nutrition for all Americans.
Trotter Multicultural Center, Multipurpose Rooms 1-3
Join us for Black Maternal Rights: Voices & Visions, a compelling panel event focusing on the multifaceted issue of Black maternal reproductive rights.
Racism is a multifaceted, interconnected, and fundamental cause of racialized health inequities. As such, racism impacts who gets sick, who dies, and who is able to live healthy. In this talk Dr. Pirtle will overview interventions of her empirical research, informed by critical race theory, that utilizes multidimensional measures of race and structural measures of racism to explore health outcomes for Black, Latinx, and other populations of color.
Policy Talks @ the Ford School,
Gilbert S. Omenn and Martha A. Darling Health Policy Fund
Pregnancy Justice president Lourdes Rivera delivers the 2023 Omenn-Darling Health Policy keynote address alongside Professor Paula Lantz on the landscape of reproductive rights in the U.S., both legally and through a racial and social justice lens.
On Thursday, March 30 at 4pm, the Center for Racial Justice invites you to attend our CRJ Visiting Fellows Spring Showcase featuring the work of our inaugural cohort of visiting fellows: sociologist and legal scholar, Dr. Atinuke (Tinu) Adediran; freelance journalist, Makeda Easter; and writer and filmmaker, Julian Brave NoiseCat. Fellows will present their racial justice catalyst projects to the U-M community, followed by remarks from U-M community members: Vikramaditya S. Khanna (U-M Law), Srimoyee Mitra (U-M Stamps), and Forrest Cox (BA '13 and U-M Ross). A post-event reception will be held in the Rebecca M. Blank Great Hall. Please register here!
Join us as we welcome Dr. Ruha Benjamin to campus to discuss her newest book, Viral Justice: How We Grow the World We Want. In this talk, Dr. Benjamin draws on the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic and introduces a micro-vision of change—a way of looking at the everyday ways people are working to combat unjust systems and build alternatives to the oppressive status quo.
Join Dr. Abdul El-Sayed - physician, epidemiologist, and newly appointed Director of the Wayne County Health, Human & Veterans Services Department, and a Ford School Towsley Policymaker in Residence - for a conversation with policymakers at the intersection of social justice and environmental concerns. Dr. El-Sayed will be joined by Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib and Michigan Senator Stephanie Chang (MPP/MSW '14) to reflect on their work to address environmental injustice in Michigan and beyond, and the challenges and opportunities ahead.
In collaboration with the IEDP board, IPSA will host a film screening of My Imaginary Country, a documentary that covers the protests that exploded onto the streets of Chile's capital of Santiago in 2019 as the population demanded more democracy and social equality around education, healthcare and job opportunities.
The Center for Racial Justice proudly welcomes Angela Harrelson to the Ford School and the University of Michigan for the Masterclass in Activism. Angela Harrelson is the aunt of George Floyd, as well as the author of Lift Your Voice.
University of Michigan Martin Luther King, Jr. Symposium
Wallace House presents educator and writer for The New York Times Magazine, Linda Villarosa, as she examines racial health disparities in America and the toll racism takes on individuals and the health of our nation.
Policy Talks @ the Ford School,
Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation Lecture Series
Ford School Towsley Policymaker in Residence Dr. Abdul El-Sayed discusses reproductive and birth justice with Co-founder of Birth Detroit and Birth Center Equity, and former Deputy Director of the Detroit Health Department, Leseliey Welch.
Louise Seamster, Assistant Professor in Sociology and Criminology and African American Studies at the University of Iowapresent as part of the Real World Perspectives on Poverty Solutions Speaker Series.
Celeste Watkins-Hayes and Paula Lantz discuss the devastating structural inequities exposed by the COVID pandemic—and why all policymakers must now be equipped with a toolkit for navigating pandemics.
Do you want to learn about engaged learning and research opportunities with the Program for Practical Policy Engagement (P3E)? Join P3E Director Elisabeth Gerber and Community Engagement Manager DeAndré J. Calvert for an information session.