Human rights | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Policy Topics

Human rights

Showing 151 - 180 of 541 results

ACLU's Kary Moss renews call for civil asset forfeiture reform

Jun 29, 2015
Kary Moss has long advocated for reform to the state’s civil asset forfeiture laws. After years of lobbying and advocacy, she and other supporters may finally see changes to the controversial laws.The Senate is set to consider an eight-bill package,...
State & Hill

What good is history, anyway?

Dec 18, 2014
With public service in our DNA, what we’d really like to do is to peer into the future, to see and shape what’s coming around the bend. So we asked ourselves, ‘Can a deeper understanding of the past help to shape and inform the future?’ The myth...

Kary Moss on Detroit water shutoffs

Oct 22, 2014
Kary Moss speaks on the Detroit water shutoffs in Henry Gass’s “Do Detroit's water shutoffs violate international law? UN to investigate,” posted in the Christian Science Monitor on October 17. The United Nations visited Detroit last weekend to...

Khmer Rouge Tribunal begins new phase with wider scope

Aug 28, 2014
The Khmer Rouge tribunal's ongoing proceedings against the former Khmer Rouge leaders Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan are entering their second and final phase with broader attention to the regime's crimes, reports Sok Khemara in a Voice of America...

Internship Field Report: Michele Majors @ UNHCR, Geneva

Jun 30, 2014
An email interview with Michele Majors, interning with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees in Geneva, Switzerland.Review more internship field reports from Ford School students serving organizations around the world. Q. What do you love...

Alum announces new UN strategy for fuel, energy

Jun 30, 2014
On May 13, Steven T. Corliss (MPP/JD '88) formally announced the UN Refugee Agency's Safe Access to Fuel and Energy (SAFE) strategy, a global initiative that will help meet the energy needs of refugees living in camps in Africa, Asia, and the Middle...

"No legitimate, fact-based reason" to deny gay marriage

Jun 18, 2014
On June 17, both MLive and the Detroit Free Press reported on amicus briefs filed with the 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals (covering appeals from Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee) in Michigan's landmark gay marriage case.Amicus briefs were...
State & Hill

Hybrid Justice and Armed With Expertise

May 6, 2014
Two new books from Ford School faculty members John D. Ciorciari and Joy Rohde deepen our understanding of international criminal justice systems and the role social scientists have played, for better or for worse, in American national...

New book by Ciorciari offers critique of Khmer Rouge Tribunal

Jan 23, 2014
"Hybrid Justice: The Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia," a forthcoming book by John Ciorciari and Anne Heindel, a legal advisor at the Documentation Center of Cambodia, contends that the unique legal and institutional features of the...

Close to the heart

Aug 19, 2013
The statistics are sobering: nearly half of every 100 children born in Uttar Pradesh, the most populous state in India, will be underweight; six will die before their first birthday. More than 80 percent of all children report repeated physical...

Arms Trade Treaty an important milestone, says Susan Waltz

Aug 1, 2013
The Arms Trade Treaty, which would staunch the worldwide flow of military-grade weapons, passed easily at the UN General Assembly in April, by a vote of 154-3 with 23 abstentions. Opened for ratification on June 3, the treaty will go into effect...

Creating change

Jul 3, 2013
"I don't have day-to-day contact with the victims, but the most gratifying thing about the work I do is that it's affecting the lives of trafficking victims around the world," says Jennifer K. Hong (MPP '11). Hong is reports and political affairs...