Policy Topics


Learn more about the Ford School Leadership Initiative

Showing 571 - 600 of 932 results

About the Diversity Center

The hallmark of the Center for Public Policy in Diverse Societies is the recognition that public policy initiatives must be understood within the context of growing societal diversity.  The center builds on intellectual resources from around the University as well as those already present at the Ford School to address relevant programs and interests.

Leadership coaches

The Ford School has cultivated a diverse bench of over 20 International Coaching Federation-certified coaches who have experience in the public sector and are located in the U.S. or abroad. Coaches assist students in approaching workplace challenges...

PUBPOL 740: Leadership Assessment and Reflection

Paula Lantz
The Ford School defines leadership as the behavioral process of having a positive influence on others, organizations and communications.  This short course will meet 4 times, during which students will have the opportunity to take 1 or 2...