Leadership | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Showing 241 - 270 of 1006 results

Sanders works to create inclusive spaces for students of color

Jun 26, 2020
Ford School lecturer and diversity, equity, and inclusion officer Stephanie Sanders offers lessons about creating inclusive spaces in an essay published in Higher Education Today. As part of a project run by the National Center for Institutional...

A virtual warm welcome to the 2020 PPIA fellows!

Jun 23, 2020
The Ford School Public Policy and International Affairs (PPIA) Junior Summer Institute (JSI) normally takes place on campus in Ann Arbor for an intensive six-week program. In its 39th year, the University again welcomes 24 undergraduate students for...
State & Hill

Soundbites: Policy Talks @ the Ford School

May 22, 2020
The Ford School’s Weiser Diplomacy Center officially launched last fall with visits from an all-star lineup of leaders in foreign affairs. Each visitor also met with students, faculty, and alumni in a variety of settings while in Ann Arbor. How...

Letter from the Dean

May 22, 2020
In this edition of State & Hill, you’ll read stories of our growing strength in teaching diplomacy, international development, and international politics, and stories of how we’re tackling inequalities in the financial system, access to voting,...
State & Hill

The Last Word: Edie Goldenberg wants students to register and vote

May 22, 2020
Goldenberg's “Turn Up Turnout” efforts have spread from the Ann Arbor campus to Dearborn and Flint, to all Big 10 schools through the Big Ten Voting Challenge, and to 25 other institutions in the state through the annual Michigan Student Voting...
State & Hill

Spotlights – Spring 2020 State & Hill

May 22, 2020
All hands on deck Ford School faculty and research centers have been actively involved with the policy response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Luke Shaefer is advising the state on how to reduce the impact on low-income families. Michael Barr, Betsey...
State & Hill

Class Notes – Winter 2020

May 22, 2020
Bob Brown (MPA ’71) sold The Scottish Salmon Company and fully retired from active business life at age 73. John Reinemann (MPP ’90) will begin teaching in the Certified Public Manager (CPM) program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in fall...

Ambassador Susan Rice visits the Ford School on MLK Jr. Day

Jan 23, 2020
On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the Ford School hosted Ambassador Susan Rice, former United Nations Ambassador and former U.S. National Security Advisor, for a conversation with Dean Michael S. Barr on her new memoir Tough Love: My Story of the...

New BA minor opens policy education to more U-M students

Dec 10, 2019
Starting fall 2020, the Ford School will offer University of Michigan undergraduates a 16-credit minor in public policy.  The minor will have a competitive application process that will go live in April 2020. The school expects to enroll around...

Ford School faculty well represented at annual Awards Dinner

Oct 30, 2019
Five Ford School faculty are among the thirty-six University of Michigan faculty members who will be honored on October 30 at the annual Faculty Awards Dinner, which recognizes notable contributions in the areas of teaching, service and...

Weiser Diplomacy Center launch series makes a big splash

Oct 23, 2019
The Ford School’s new Weiser Diplomacy Center officially launched this fall with visits from an all-star lineup of leaders in foreign affairs. A lecture by Stephen Biegun, U.S. special representative for North Korea, kicked off the series. In a...

Two MPP alumni named 2019 Victory Empowerment Fellows

May 31, 2019
On May 23, 2019, Victory Institute announced this year’s Victory Empowerment Fellows, naming two Ford School alumni, Brenda Duverce (MPP ‘16) and Preston Parish (MPP ‘18). Victory Empowerment is a national organization that strives to promote openly...