This course will deal primarily with the Legislative Branch of Government at both the State and Federal levels. Legislative strategies and the possible outcomes of those strategies will be...
As it exposes students to the landscape of science and technology policymaking in the US and abroad, this course introduces theories and methodologies for science and technology policy analysis, with literature drawn from a range of disciplines,...
In the first part of the course you will be introduced to some of the analytic frameworks and conceptual theories used to study American public policy making and you will learn how these models were applied to a classic public policy...
How are the inherent and intersecting relations of power including inherent structures of dominance related to the experience of violence, oppression and resistance textured into the context of politics and policy...
This course seeks to make students sensitive to and articulate about the ways in which moral and political values come into play in the American policy process, particularly as they affect non-elected public officials who work in a world shaped...
As it exposes students to the landscape of science and technology policymaking in the US and abroad, this course introduces theories and methodologies for science and technology policy analysis, with literature drawn from a range of disciplines,...
Is Congress too partisan? Can Congress fulfill its legislative and oversight functions? Do the executive and judicial branches effectively control public policy formulation? Have the State Legislatures become the true "laboratories of...
Policy analysis is a profession that brings systematic thinking and social scientific evidence to bear on substantive problems, but policymakers seldom defer to expert...
This course will explore the global issues of illegal drugs, crime and terrorism. Course content emphasizes policy options, formulation and implementation, and the tools and skills needed to produce effective recommendations for decision...
This course seeks to make students sensitive to and articulate about the ways in which moral and political values come into play in the American policy process, particularly as they affect non-elected public officials who work in a world shaped...
Race, gender, religion, sexuality and other social identities permeate the development and administration of American public policy. These identities are just as powerful of a tool in efforts to reduce social and economic disparities...
“Utopia” in Greek means both “good place” and “no place”—a paradise existing only in our imaginations. But no matter how theoretical or fanciful utopias may be, people still try to implement them, often with tragic...
As it exposes students to the landscape of science and technology policymaking in the US and abroad, this course introduces theories and methodologies for science and technology policy analysis, with literature drawn from a range of disciplines,...
This course developed from an initiative of the International Policy Students Association (IPSA) at the Ford School of Public Policy. It will be in two...
This course will deal primarily with the Legislative Branch of Government at both the State and Federal levels. Legislative strategies and the possible outcomes of those strategies will be...
International trade policy can influence a country´s economic performance. Many countries have entered agreements, legally binding and more enforceable than other international law, by which they reciprocally commit their trade policies…and...
Students will explore the global issues of illegal drugs and drug trafficking, international crime and terrorism. Course content emphasizes the study of organizations and networks, policy formulation and implementation, national and...
As Chief of the New York City Police Department, William Bratton was fond of saying that the crime rate has the same meaning for a police department as profits have for a business--that the crime rate is the bottom line of...
This course explores various approaches to civil rights policy, including efforts to prevent discrimination, to "level the playing field," to create equality, and to provide...
Democracy and Education --- When Americans write about democracy and education, they typically write about the constructive effects that education can have for democracy by improving future citizens' knowledge, political judgment, capacity for...
What goes on in city government is in many ways more important to our lives than what happens in Washington. This course goes beyond the structure and theory of municipal government to look at how things really happen at the local...