Policy Topics

Science and technology

Showing 541 - 570 of 643 results
PUBPOL 720/SI 621

PUBPOL 720/SI 621: Ethics, Values & Information Dilemmas

The information revolution and the expanding use of information technology within all organizations, profit and non-profit, public and private, has created an environment in which access to massive quantities of information, at startling speeds,...
PubPol 658

PubPol 658: Innovation Policy

This course will examine the policy processes that 1) promote scientific research and innovation and 2) facilitate the movement of innovations out of the laboratory into private industry and the...
PubPol 658

PubPol 658: Innovation Policy

This course will examine the policy processes that 1) promote scientific research and innovation and 2) facilitate the movement of innovations out of the laboratory into private industry and the...
PubPol 656

PubPol 656: Technology and Development Policy

Looking at international development, as well as domestic urban and rural development, this course examines the role of technology in development and the implications for public...
PUBPOL 720/SI 621

PUBPOL 720/SI 621: Ethics, Values & Information Dilemmas

The information revolution and the expanding use of information technology within all organizations, profit and non-profit, public and private, has created an environment in which access to massive quantities of information, at startling speeds,...