This course concentrates on the foreign policy aspects of U.S. National Security. We will study the Cold War preface to current policy as well as broad issues of substance and process affecting national security...
This course concentrates on the foreign policy aspects of U.S. National Security. We will study the Cold War preface to current policy as well as broad issues of substance and process affecting national security...
Foreign Policy and the Management of International Relations This course examines alternative institutions and strategies through which nations articulate, either cooperatively or competitively, their foreign policy...
This course will explore the global issues of illegal drugs, crime and terrorism. Course content emphasizes policy options, formulation and implementation, and the tools and skills needed to produce effective recommendations for decision...
This course will explore the global issues of illegal drugs, crime and terrorism. Course content emphasizes policy options, formulation and implementation, and the tools and skills needed to produce effective recommendations for decision...
Foreign Policy and the Management of International Relations This course examines alternative institutions and strategies through which nations articulate, either cooperatively or competitively, their foreign policy...
This course examines alternative institutions and strategies through which nations articulate, either cooperatively or competitively, their foreign policy...
This course examines the many ways in which international affairs is intertwined with science and technology, both in theory and in practice. The course proceeds in three...
This course concentrates on the foreign policy aspects of U.S. National Security. We will study the Cold War preface to current policy as well as broad issues of substance and process affecting national security...
This course will explore the global issues of illegal drugs, crime and terrorism. Course content emphasizes policy options, formulation and implementation, and the tools and skills needed to produce effective recommendations for decision...
This course examines the many ways in which international affairs is intertwined with science and technology, both in theory and in practice. The course proceeds in three...
Pubpol 655: Energy in World Politics Instructor: Dan Plafcan, [email protected] M/W 1:00-2:30, 1210 Weill Hall This seminar course explores the development, use, and governance of energy systems throughout...
This course concentrates on the foreign policy aspects of U.S. National Security. We will study the Cold War preface to current policy as well as broad issues of substance and process affecting national security...
Foreign Policy and the Management of International Relations This course examines alternative institutions and strategies through which nations articulate, either cooperatively or competitively, their foreign policy...
This course will explore the global issues of illegal drugs, crime and terrorism. Course content emphasizes policy options, formulation and implementation, and the tools and skills needed to produce effective recommendations for decision...