Free and open to the public. Join in the conversation on Twitter #eddispartiites About the roundtable: This seminar will feature speakers from sociology, psychology and economics giving their perspectives on the causes, consequences and potential solutions to the problem of educational disparities in the United States. Each speaker will discuss their own work as it relates to educational disparities in the United States, also drawing on existing work from the field that has bearing on this topic.
Energy use, fracking, stem cell research, vaccination and prescription drug regulations, intellectual property issues and support for biotech research --these are some of the science related issues that policymakers face. The Science, Technology, and Public Policy (STPP) Graduate Certificate program will help you develop and gain methods and tools for science and technology policy analysis.
Open to the Public Dr. Henry Pollack, Professor Emeritus of Geophysics at the University of Michigan, and Tom Clynes, contributing editor at Popular Science, will deliver the keynote speech for the Fourth Annual U.S.-Canada Policy Conference, hosted by the Domestic Policy Corps and the International Policy Students Association. The 2013 conference, entitled "Planning for 2050: North American Policy for the Future of the Arctic," will focus on U.S. and Canadian Arctic policy, including issues related to the environment, national security, energy, and commerce.
The financial crisis lay bare how the financial system failed the nation but left hidden the many ways in which that system still fails the most vulnerable Americans. In No Slack, Michael S. Barr explores how low- and moderate-income households cope with financial stress, use financial services to make ends meet, and often come up short. Many households were overleveraged or paid high costs for financial services, while others lacked access to useful financial products that can cushion against economic instability.
With Gary Burtless, Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution and the Ford School's Susan M. Dynarski, Associate Professor of Public Policy and Education. Schedule: 6:00-7:00 p.m. lecture 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Ross School of Business - 6th Floor Colloquium Room
Are decisions that attempt to balance people, planet and profits made rationally? Can they be? Our economic models are built on the ideal that people are maximizers of utility and that we have access to all the information and thus can make necessary choices on a rational basis. Rationality is everything, or is it?How can the decision making of individuals and organizations be influenced and improved?
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
3rd Floor Seminar Room
Presenter: Slesh Shrestha, Economics CIERS Mission:The objective of the Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS) is to engage students and faculty from across the university in conversations around education research using quantitative research methods.This seminar provides a space for doctoral students and faculty from the School of Education, Ford School of Public Policy, and the Departments of Economics, Sociology, Statistics, and Political Science to discuss current research and receive feedback on works-in-progress.
In 2004, Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm charged the Lieutenant Governor's Commission on Higher Education and Economic Growth with identifying strategies to improve postsecondary attainment and completion in Michigan.
OverviewThe goal of this conference is to provide school district leaders and EPIresearchers an opportunity to exchange ideas and to brainstorm about potential collaborations. Researchers will present case studies of academic studies that have been conducted in collaboration with school districts, with a special focus on the research process.
Adam SegalMaurice R. Greenberg Senior Fellow for China Studies, Council on Foreign Relations Commentary by Kenneth Lieberthal, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Political Science, William Davidson Professor of Business Administration, University of Michigan Co-sponsored by the University of Michigan Center for Chinese Studies and the Department of Political Science 4:00-5:30pm in the Betty Ford Classroom (1110 Weill Hall) at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy.
Betty Ford Classroom (1110 Weill Hall) at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Abstract: New investments in 'green' power are essential for mitigating the impacts of global climate change. While wind power is now considered both technologically mature and economically feasible, it faces bitter opposition from local communities on the grounds that wind turbines amount to visual pollution. This presentation will examine the role that visual imagery is playing in policy debates about the siting of new wind farms.
Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York University
A symposium designed to explore the latest thinking from microfinance practitioners and academics on improving microfinance programs. Jonathan Morduch, Associate Professor of Public Policy and Economics, Wagner Graduate School of Public Service, New York University presented the keynote address. The conference focused on designing microfinance to address education and health goals and addressing behavioral issues in microfinance. This symposium was funded through the generosity of the Hudak family. James B.
'Perspectives on the WTO Doha Development Agenda Multilateral Trade Negotiations,' conference was hosted by the International Policy Center of the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, together with the Department of Economics and the Law School. The purpose of the conference was to provide a forum to discuss the most important issues to be addressed during the December 2005 Ministerial Meeting of the WTO in Hong Kong. Robert M.