Coming back to Ann Arbor for Homecoming? Plan to stop by the Ford School Alumni Open House! All Ford School alumni are invited to enjoy snacks and socialize in the Graduate Career Services and Alumni Relations suite on Friday, October 4, anytime between 1 and 4 p.m. We look forward to seeing you! If you plan to attend, please e-mail Elisabeth Johnston, alumni relations manager. Her contact information is listed below.
Energy use, fracking, stem cell research, vaccination and prescription drug regulations, intellectual property issues and support for biotech research --these are some of the science related issues that policymakers face. The Science, Technology, and Public Policy (STPP) Graduate Certificate program will help you develop and gain methods and tools for science and technology policy analysis.
Longtime advocate for social and political change, Sister Simone will speak about poverty in America, the effect on women and children, and the path for progressive change. Presented by the Institute for Research on Women & Gender and St. Mary Student Parish with cosponsorship from the Institute for Research on Women & Gender, Ford School of Public Policy, Ross School of Business, School of Social Work, and the Women's Studies Department.
Open to the Public Dr. Henry Pollack, Professor Emeritus of Geophysics at the University of Michigan, and Tom Clynes, contributing editor at Popular Science, will deliver the keynote speech for the Fourth Annual U.S.-Canada Policy Conference, hosted by the Domestic Policy Corps and the International Policy Students Association. The 2013 conference, entitled "Planning for 2050: North American Policy for the Future of the Arctic," will focus on U.S. and Canadian Arctic policy, including issues related to the environment, national security, energy, and commerce.
Free and open to the public. Race and gender discrimination play an enormous role in all of our institutions, including media. This lecture will provide concepts, tools, and stories that help us close gaps and generate unity. A leading figure in the racial justice movement, Rinku Sen has positioned the Applied Research Center as a national home for media, research and activism for social change.
Citi Foundation Lecture,
Policy Talks @ the Ford School
Please join us for a conversation with President and CEO of CARE USA Helene D. Gayle and Ford School faculty Marina Whitman and Sharon Maccini on current trends in international development aid, microfinance, and global health initiatives.
Panelists Include: Deborah Golden, J.D., a staff attorney with the DC Prisoners Project, focuses on litigation of constitutional claims on behalf of prisoners in federal and state courts. Among her current cases is a lawsuit against the Federal Bureau of Prisons for allegedly failing to diagnose and treat prisoners with mental illness.
Policy Talks @ the Ford School Free and open to the public. Lecture by Glenn Loury Merton P. Stoltz Professor of the Social Sciences and Professor of Economics at Brown University. From the speaker's bio: Glenn C. Loury is a distinguished academic economist who has contributed to a variety of areas in applied microeconomic theory. He has written over 200 essays and reviews on racial inequality and social policy that have appeared in dozens of influential journals of public affairs in the U.S. and abroad.
The financial crisis lay bare how the financial system failed the nation but left hidden the many ways in which that system still fails the most vulnerable Americans. In No Slack, Michael S. Barr explores how low- and moderate-income households cope with financial stress, use financial services to make ends meet, and often come up short. Many households were overleveraged or paid high costs for financial services, while others lacked access to useful financial products that can cushion against economic instability.
How big is the current cultural, economic, and social divide? How does it differ from the divide Michael Harrington brought to light 50 years ago in his book, The Other America? What is the role of government as inequality rises? What can be done to close the gap? Syndicated columnist, Clarence Page, will moderate this debate between Jared Bernstein and Charles Murray on the future of inequality in America. Presented by the National Poverty Center at the Gerald R.
President Ford waves to the crowd at the Farewell Ceremony for the Montreal-bound U.S. Olympic Team in July 1976.Don't miss out on the second annual Worldwide Ford School Spirit Day, coming this July to a city near you. In the spirit of this summer's Olympic Games, we encourage you to gather together and celebrate your Ford School pride, blue and gold style.
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
3rd Floor Seminar Room
CIERS: Causal inference in Education research seminar CIERS Mission: The objective of the Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS) is to engage students and faculty from across the university in conversations around education research using various research methodies. This seminar provides a space for doctoral students and faculty from the School of Education, Ford School of Public Policy, and the Departments of Economics, Sociology, Statistics, and Political Science to discuss current research and receive feedback on works-in-progress.
Free and open to the public. C. Vivian Stringer is the Head Women's Basketball Coach at Rutgers University. With over 40 years of coaching experience, Coach Stringer's unique insights on how the world of sports continues to evolve, she'll share her history as a child growing up in Edenborn, PA, as a basketball/field hockey player at Slippery Rock University and as head women's basketball coach at three different Division I Universities (Cheyney State, University of Iowa and Rutgers University).
Free and open to the public. Moderator: Paul N. Courant, University Librarian and Dean of Libraries; Harold T. Shapiro Collegiate Professor of Public Policy; Arthur F. Thurnau Professor; Professor of Economics; and Professor of Information Panelists: Sheldon H. Danziger, Henry J. Meyer Distinguished University Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R.
With Gary Burtless, Senior Fellow, The Brookings Institution and the Ford School's Susan M. Dynarski, Associate Professor of Public Policy and Education. Schedule: 6:00-7:00 p.m. lecture 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Admission is free; tickets are required. Register here for a ticket to attend all Summit events. Making Race Heard is a student-driven initiative at the University of Michigan School of Social Work that aims to bring race to the forefront of our experiences as professionals and future social workers. Despite primarily serving Detroit and surrounding areas, there was a general lack of acknowledgement around how race affects our work and so this monthly series was developed.
Admission is free; tickets are required. Register here for a ticket to attend all Summit events. Making Race Heard is a student-driven initiative at the University of Michigan School of Social Work that aims to bring race to the forefront of our experiences as professionals and future social workers. Despite primarily serving Detroit and surrounding areas, there was a general lack of acknowledgement around how race affects our work and so this monthly series was developed.
Free and open to the public. The panel examines current issues that confront women in the workplace. Consideration of workplace victimization, the integration of gendered and professional identities, and the effect of gender-hostile work environments on attributions of success will be addressed. This event is free and open to the public. This event is sponsored by the Institute for Research on Women & Gender.
Ross School of Business - 6th Floor Colloquium Room
Are decisions that attempt to balance people, planet and profits made rationally? Can they be? Our economic models are built on the ideal that people are maximizers of utility and that we have access to all the information and thus can make necessary choices on a rational basis. Rationality is everything, or is it?How can the decision making of individuals and organizations be influenced and improved?
Free and open to the public. Registration required. Refreshments provided. Mistinguette Smith of the Black/Land Project will spend the month of October at the University of Michigan's Center for the Education of Women (CEW). While in residence as the 2011 Twink Frey Visiting Social Activist, Smith will interview black women in Michigan -- a leading state in dealing with post-industrial land issues -- about their relationship to the land. Smith will participate in two public events on the UM–Ann Arbor campus as well as one at the Charles H.
Free and open to the public. Susan Ware, historian and author, is an acclaimed biographer of Amelia Earhart, Molly Dewson, Mary Margaret McBride and other significant figures in women's history.
Cheers, Ford School alumni and friends! You are invited to attend the inaugural Worldwide Ford School Spirit Day on July 14 at a festive establishment in a city near you. Just what is Worldwide Ford School Spirit Day?
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
3rd Floor Seminar Room
Presenter: Slesh Shrestha, Economics CIERS Mission:The objective of the Causal Inference in Education Research Seminar (CIERS) is to engage students and faculty from across the university in conversations around education research using quantitative research methods.This seminar provides a space for doctoral students and faculty from the School of Education, Ford School of Public Policy, and the Departments of Economics, Sociology, Statistics, and Political Science to discuss current research and receive feedback on works-in-progress.
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Betty Ford Classroom
Free and open to the public. Panelists: Christopher Borick Professor and Director, Muhlenberg Institute of Public Opinion, Muhlenberg College Erick Lachapelle Départment de science politique, Université de Montréal Barry Rabe Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R.
Sujatha Jesudason is the founder and Executive Director of Generations Ahead (http://www.generations-, an organization that seeks to advance a social justice perspective in the public policy debates on genetic technologies. She began working at the intersection of race, reproduction, and genetics at the Center for Genetics and Society in 2004, and has been active as an organizer, advocate, and researcher in communities of color and on women's liberation issues for over 19 years.
For-profit colleges are under fire. Critics point to students' low earnings and high debt loads as evidence that these schools do not provide a quality education. Defenders of the sector note that the schools serve a population of low-skilled, low-income students that traditional colleges ignore. Congress is now considering legislation that would bar from the federal aid programs any schools whose graduates' earnings fall below a minimum threshold.
Abstract: This paper shows that the mortgage credit boom has significantly affected urban and school racial segregation from 1995 to 2007. We develop a model of urban segregation with credit constraints that shows that easier credit can either increase or decrease segregation, depending on the race of the marginal consumer who benefits from the expansion of credit. We then use school demographics from 1995 to 2007, matched to a national comprehensive dataset of mortgage originations, to document the link between credit supply and schools' racial demographics.
David R. Harris is the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Services Policy at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. He leads the Office of Human Services Policy in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE). About the Lecture Harris shares reflections from his six months as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Human Services Policy.
Free and open to the public. Panelists: Moderator: Jeffrey D. Padden, President of Public Policy Associates, Inc. Patricia L. Caruso, Director of the Michigan Department of Corrections, 2003-present; Peter Luke, Lansing correspondent for Booth Newspapers; John Proos, State Representative (R-St.