Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Departments and Research Centers

Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy

The Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP) conducts, supports and fosters applied academic research to inform local, state, and urban policy issues.

Showing 61 - 90 of 657 results
In the Media

Fair elections on the ballot - Ivacko

Oct 31, 2022 CBC
CBC: Tom Ivacko at the University of Michigan says the fair administration of elections is absolutely an election issue this fall. Yet it's unclear how many Americans care: Ivacko noted polls indicating that 70 per cent view democracy as under...

Ivacko discusses voter priorities in 2022 election

Oct 30, 2022
Ahead of the midterm election, Tom Ivacko, executive director of the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy, joined WXYZ Detroit to discuss what's on voters' minds. "This is a very interesting election cycle. Typically, the economy is one of...
In the Media

Ivacko breaks down Michigan Public Policy Survey for MLive

Oct 27, 2022 MLive
Tom Ivacko, MLive: "We released a report recently that found over half of Michigan local governments reporting their personnel have been harassed or abused by the public in the last few years, and much of what passes for public discourse on national...

Big Ten mayors convene to address shared challenges

Sep 21, 2022
Staying close to constituents and at the same time forging regional partnerships are the keys to solving many of the problems confronting American cities. That message emerged in an hour-long discussion that convened mayors from Detroit, Chicago,...
In the Media

Macomb County government turmoil reflects statewide trend: Ivacko

Aug 30, 2022 The Detroit News
A conflict between Macomb County's executive and prosecuting attorney, from different political parties, reflects statewide trends in the deterioration of relationships between elected officials and their own confidence in Michigan's democracy,...
In the Media

Leiser comments on state disinvestment in local government

May 9, 2022 Michigan Radio
Michigan Radio reports that disinvestment in Michigan's local governments has had a direct effect on the deterioration of basic infrastructure, especially water and sewage systems. Stephanie Leiser, who leads the Michigan Local Government Fiscal...
In the Media

Michigan Radio amplifies CLOSUP report on recycling

May 2, 2022 Michigan Radio
A recent CLOSUP report shows growing enthuiasm for and access to recycling services among Michigan's local governments. Michigan Radio interviewed Debra Horner, one of the report's authors, about the findings: "It’s not so much that there’s a...
In the Media

How we should think about the government's budget - Leiser

Mar 14, 2022 WXYZ
Many Americans use the analogy of a pie to think about the government budget. But, Sarah Leiser, lecturer of public policy and leader of the Michigan Local Government Fiscal Health Project at CLOSUP, says there's another way to think about...