Other sources of fellowship supportOver the years, many Ford School students have received fellowships from a number of government and professional organizations. These include resources for students from diverse backgrounds, traditionally...
Doctoral alumni: first and current jobs
The Ford School's PhD alumni go on to impressive careers in academia and public sector organizations including think tanks, federal government agencies, and foundations. Review our list of first and current...
Any student with a bachelor's degree who has been admitted to one of the University's science (natural or social), engineering, or professional graduate degree programs, or who is currently enrolled in one of these graduate programs, is eligible to...
Request a transcript
For information and to request a transcript, click here.
Please contact Patrick Lyall, the Ford School's registrar, at [email protected] or (734) 615-2026 for...
Our students' dissertation titles are recorded below. Full-text versions of all the dissertations are available via the University's Deep Blue service.
Public Policy & Economics
Student Name
Degree Requirements for the Public Policy & Economics PhD Program
** Note that some requirements may change after the time of publication. Similarly, it is likely that not all courses described below are offered each semester. It is the...
Degree Requirements for the Public Policy & Political Science PhD Program
** Note that some requirements may change after the time of publication. Similarly, it is likely that not all courses described below are offered each semester. It is the...
Degree Requirements for the Public Policy & Sociology PhD Program
** Note that some requirements may change after the time of publication. Similarly, it is likely that not all courses described below are offered each semester. It is the...
Job opportunities
Many Ford School students seek employment opportunities that use the skills they are developing while in graduate school. There are a number of graduate student assistantships and work-study positions available.
Student organizations are an integral part of the Ford School community—they recruit policymakers and scholars to speak at the school, provide a forum for students to discuss and take action on shared policy interests, raise money for deserving...
All BA, master's, and PhD students are encouraged to connect with staff on the Student and Academic Services team for support and academic planning. Advisors are equipped to help students navigate resources at the Ford School and across the...
Tuition and fees are established at the university level, and the tuition for Ford School bachelor's students is the same as the tuition charged for all upper-level undergraduate students in the College of Literature, Science and the...
Our minor in public policy is a competitive-admissions program designed to make the critical thinking and analytical skills taught at the Ford School available to more Michigan undergraduates.Students enrolled in the minor will learn to design and...
Year after year, our alumni confirm that policy writing is one of the most essential skills that they developed at the Ford School. It makes sense: no matter how much you know about a given policy problem, it does neither your colleagues nor your...
Funding resourcesFinancial resources are available to students who are interested in pursuing an advanced degree and professional career in public policy or public affairs.Many students are able to secure funding through fellowships, grants,...
Online applicationThe University of Michigan strongly encourages all applicants to apply online. The applications for the master's of public policy and the master's of public affairs are available through the Rackham Graduate School website. The...
Financial support for doctoral students
Graduate school is an expensive undertaking, requiring a significant investment of time and financial resources. The University of Michigan, through a combination of college, departmental, and graduate...
University of Michigan resources
Rackham Graduate School
The Rackham Graduate School administers a number of fellowship programs with various eligibility criteria. These fellowships often require a detailed application and have deadlines...
Learn more about our letter of recommendation requirement, how they are used in review of application, choosing recommenders (who can speak to abilities, skills, and success), how to ask for letters, giving recommenders enough time in advance, and
With a firm grounding in social science research and quantitative analysis, real-world policy issues are woven throughout our rigorous, hands-on curriculum. November, 2021.
Join Ford School Associate Dean Luke Shaefer November 8 at 6:30 EST to learn how a Ford School master’s degree can help you make an impact on the public good at this critical time. November, 2021.