Youth Policy Lab | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Departments and Research Centers

Youth Policy Lab

The Youth Policy Lab coordinates activities to provide information and analyses that social services organizations need to do their jobs most effectively.

Showing 61 - 90 of 172 results
In the Media

Amid border surge, Lin discusses immigration reform

Mar 22, 2021 Sinclair Broadcast Group
“It matters in the sense that members of Congress and the president will be worried about the public reaction to the surge might affect the willingness to support either of these bills,” said Ann Lin, as a surge of migrants — including unaccompanied...
In the Media

Youth Policy Lab finds metro Detroit is slipping in college readiness

Feb 3, 2021 Detroit Free Press
U-M's Youth Policy Lab (YPL) analyzed data for the Detroit Regional Chambers "2021 State of Education" report, finding "a sober assessment of education attainment in the Detroit region." "With many key enrollment and attainment indicators trending...

Students support local organizations to improve equity

Aug 28, 2020
One element of the struggle for economic equity in Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC) communities is the intentional denial of support networks that provide funding, customers, connections or other resources for businesses and...
State & Hill

Faculty Findings - Spring 2020

May 22, 2020
Robin Jacob on closing early childhood achievement gaps The first five years of a child’s life are considered the most critical for development. But for too many children from low-income households, learning opportunities...

Report finds gaps in access to career, technical ed programs

Feb 5, 2020
A new University of Michigan report detailing access to career and technical education programs in Michigan has found that while CTE courses are popular among high school students, there’s a gap in access to them.CTE courses prepare students to work...

Brian Jacob honored as a Rackham Distinguished Graduate Mentor

Apr 23, 2019
Brian Jacob, Walter H. Annenberg Professor of Education Policy at the Ford School, Co-Director of the Education Policy Initiative (EPI) and Youth Policy Lab (YPL), and faculty director of the Ford School’s joint-doctoral program, was named as a...