Eastern Europe | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Eastern Europe

Showing 1 - 4 of 4 results
State & Hill

The Ford School: On the map

May 3, 2023
Here are just a few of the international learning opportunities that Ford School undergraduate and graduate students have undertaken since 2020—travel courses, research projects, internships, externships, and simulations—all preparing students for...

We remember colleague and friend Katherine Terrell

Dec 31, 2009
Updated January 5, 2010A memorial fund has been established in Kathy's honor. Learn more about the fund and how to make a contribution here.Kathy's Business School colleagues have set up a permanant web page to which people can post their memories,...

Determinants of Giving and Taking Bribes in Eastern Europe: Norms, Personal Affluence, and Security of Corrupt Transactions

Feb 17, 2020, 11:30 am-12:50 pm EST
3240 Weill Hall
Curbing corruption in Armenia was one of the main goals of the new Armenian government before the velvet revolution in 2018. According to Transparency International, Armenian Corruption Perception Index has increased by 7 points and the rank has improved by 28 positions in 2019 compared to 2018. What were the social and economic factors keeping the high level of corruption in the country? Recent empirical studies have predominantly looked at antecedents of corruption from a macro level. Based on the analysis of three datasets comprising of individual-level surveys taken over a three-year period in Armenia, the study argues that social norms, personal wealth, and the high reliability of corrupt transactions impact an individual’s decision to be involved in corruption.
Ford School