fracking | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy


Showing 1 - 30 of 42 results
Core faculty

Barry Rabe

J. Ira and Nicki Harris Family Professor of Public Policy
Rabe examines the political feasibility and durability of environmental and energy policy, with a particular emphasis on efforts to address climate change in the U.S. and other federal systems. His most recent books examine the politics of carbon pricing and the limitations of unilateral executive branch policy actions. Current research explores the politics of intensive but short-lived greenhouse gases, such as methane and HFCs. Recent policy engagement includes work with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Interior, the Department of Commerce, and the Oklahoma Corporation Commission.
In the Media

Rabe shares insights on Harris' fracking ban reversal

Sep 19, 2024 Politico
Environmental and energy policy professor at the Ford School, Barry Rabe has shared with Politico what may be vice-president Harris' motivation for retracting her support of a fracking ban from 2019. “You have to put Harris in the context of who...
In the Media

Hausman on why fracking is part of the net-zero energy transition

Aug 15, 2022 NPR Marketplace
Fracking provides a shorter timeline for production payoff that may lower the risk for gas and oil investors who are weighing their options in light of the recently passed Inflation Reduction Act. “That speaks to why, along with geopolitical...

Rabe cited in coverage of new EPA report on fracking

Jun 8, 2015
Barry Rabe, a Ford School professor and director of the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy (CLOSUP), was recently cited by both the Financial Times and the U.S. News & World Report in coverage surrounding the last week's release of findings...

How states should tax new fossil fuel boom

Nov 14, 2014
In “How Should States Tax New Fossil Fuel Boom,” Barry Rabe speaks with Michigan Radio’s Stateside with Cynthia Canty to discuss the taxation of fossil fuels, which has become a frontline political issue in many states due to the growth of fracking....

Local opposition to fracking gains momentum in Colorado

Jul 18, 2014
Municipal control over energy policy could make hydraulic fracturing a risky investment in Colorado, Ford School professor Barry Rabe tells the Christian Science Monitor in a July 17 article by Jared Gilmour, titled "In US energy boom, who decides...

New interstate pipeline proposed near old pipeline-rupture site

Jul 2, 2014
"The wild grass is only now beginning to hide the scar left by the giant ditch digger that gouged a trench though Ron Kardos' Oceola Township, Mich., pasture last year for an oil pipeline - but already Kardos is preparing for another onslaught of...

Fracking brings economic boost, but risks raise concerns

May 14, 2013
Most Michigan and Pennsylvania residents say fracking is good for the economy, but have concerns about chemicals used and other environmental risks, according to a University of Michigan survey.The results come from the National Surveys on Energy...
State & Hill

An engaged citizen

Apr 22, 2013
Barry Rabe on the future of CLOSUP A six-inch bobblehead of Ron Swanson, director of a fictitious Midwestern parks department in the NBC sitcom Parks and Recreation, dominates the meeting table in Barry Rabe's office. The bobblehead is something...

Michigan Chronicle interviews Rabe on fracking in Michigan

Jan 21, 2013
The Michigan Chronicle interviewed Barry Rabe for its story on hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking." Fracking is a process by which oil and gas companies inject chemical fluids or sand into underground shale rock formations in order to free deposits...
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Fracking in a Flyover State: The Politics of Oil in the Grassland Prairies

Mar 6, 2017, 11:30 am-1:00 pm EST
Weill Hall, Betty Ford Classroom (1110)
Development of the Bakken formation represents a multitude of trade-offs. The region is one of the great granaries of the world, but it is also the site of a recent oil and gas boom made possible by hydraulic fracturing. Overlapping with these natural resources is also a grasslands biome - one of the largest areas of grasslands in Canada and the US, which contains breeding grounds for millions of birds. How local residents understand the landscape is crucial to making fair and adequate policy to protect the ecosystem and the economy. This talk examines how landowners grapple with economic, environmental, and social trade-offs when making decisions about land-use.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

A vote of 'No Confidence'?

Jan 13, 2014, 12:00-1:00 pm EST
Weill Hall
Free and open to the public. Lunch provided. Speaker: Susan Christopherson, Professor, Department of City and Regional Planning, Cornell University See the presentation from the event: A Distinctive US Approach to Shale Gas Development? Abstract: Vertical drilling for natural gas, using at times another form of hydraulic fracturing, is permitted and has occurred for many years in the Marcellus Shale states.
Ford School


Sep 24, 2013, 6:00-7:00 pm EDT
Weill Hall
Energy use, fracking, stem cell research, vaccination and prescription drug regulations, intellectual property issues and support for biotech research --these are some of the science related issues that policymakers face. The Science, Technology, and Public Policy (STPP) Graduate Certificate program will help you develop and gain methods and tools for science and technology policy analysis.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Shale Gas and Fracking: Issues for State and Local Governance

Dec 3, 2012, 10:00-11:30 am EST
Weill Hall
Free and Open to the Public Panelists: Christopher Borick, Director, Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion Jacquelyn Pless, Energy Policy Associate, National Conference of State Legislatures Erich Schwartzel, Editor of Pipeline, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Moderator: Barry Rabe, Director, Center for Local, State and Urban Policy (CLOSUP) See the presentations from the event: by Christopher Borick  
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

25% by 2025: Michigan's renewable energy ballot proposition

Oct 17, 2012, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
Weill Hall
Free and Open to the Public Panelists: Eric Lupher, Director of Local Affairs, Citizens Research Council of Michigan Sanya Carley, Assistant Professor, School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University Thomas P. Lyon, Professor, Ross School of Business and School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan Abstract Michigan and twenty-eight other states have enacted legislation that mandates increases in the amount of electricity that they use from renewable sources.
Ford School
CLOSUP Lecture Series

Using information disclosure to achieve policy goals: How experience with the Toxics Release Inventory can inform action on shale gas fracking

Dec 4, 2013, 10:00-11:30 am EST
Weill Hall
****Watch the video**** Free and open to the public. Abstract The federal Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is the premier national example of a non-regulatory environmental policy, and it illustrates well both the potential and limitations of using information disclosure to achieve policy goals. The TRI was adopted in 1986 as an amendment to the federal Superfund law, and since 1988 we have had annual reports on the release of over 650 toxic chemicals by some 20,000 industrial facilities around the nation.
Ford School