Supreme Court | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Supreme Court

Showing 31 - 44 of 44 results

"No legitimate, fact-based reason" to deny gay marriage

Jun 18, 2014
On June 17, both MLive and the Detroit Free Press reported on amicus briefs filed with the 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals (covering appeals from Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee) in Michigan's landmark gay marriage case.Amicus briefs were...
State & Hill

Gerrymandering, then and now

Apr 26, 2012
It was the summer of 1971 when the first mandated round of redistricting was taking place across the nation. A series of Supreme Court decisions in the '60s had directed states to create new legislative districts every ten years to reflect...
PubPol 750.009

PubPol 750.009: Topics: Supreme Court

Law and legal institutions have a growing impact on our society. Courts play an important role in shaping dozens of national and local policy...

Supreme Court DACA Ruling: Ann Lin Explains

Jun 19, 2020 0:01:08

Ann Lin, associate professor at the University of Michigan's Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, explains what the Supreme Court's DACA ruling means for the young people affected by the program.