Term + Year (Administrative)

Winter 2024

Winter 2024

Showing 31 - 60 of 75 results
PubPol 750

PubPol 750.010 Topics: Healthcare Reform

Jonathan Cohn
The Politics and History of Health Care Reform: This class will focus on answering the question of what it takes to pass a major piece of legislation -- and what that answer says about the structure of American government and nature of...
PubPol 750

PubPol 750.014 Topics: Supreme Court

Valenta Kabo
How do the judges on the Supreme Court make their decisions? What were the real issues in cases such as Roe v. Wade, and is it possible that the Court would overturn this decision? How do judges in different eras decided cases...
PubPol 475

PubPol 475.011 Topics: Climate Change

Devin Judge-Lord
In the past century—the blink of an eye in ecological time—a small portion of humans concentrated in wealthier and more industrialized countries began to radically transform the ecology of our planet at an unprecedented...