Debbie Dingell and Fred Upton consider the opportunities for and obstacles to bipartisan cooperation, while also tackling in thoughtful dialogue some of the most pressing issues currently dividing the two parties, such as immigration policy, the government shutdown, and health care. February, 2019.
good afternoon everyone good afternoon
everyone welcome to the Ford school
I'm Michael Barr I'm the Joan and
Sanford Weill Dean of the Gerald R Ford
School of Public Policy it's my delight
and pleasure to welcome you here this
afternoon for this very special policy
talks at the Ford school event voices
from across the aisle and a welcome to
of Michigan's own representatives Debbie
Dingell and fred Upton we have brought
them together as part of our new
initiative conversations across
difference in a dialogue today moderated
by Ford Professor Brendan Nyhan I won't
read their extensive and impressive BIOS
which you have in your program as you
well know these are extremely
challenging times for our nation with
fractious political discourse gridlock
and partisanship in our nation's capital
and an increasing lack of trust in
institutions everywhere the relationship
between representative Dingell and Upton
is the antithesis of the partisan
politics operative today in Washington
this depth of the relationship has been
perhaps most pointedly displayed in the
last week with the passing of Debbie's
husband John Dingell Debbie we are so
sorry for your loss and in the course of
last week's event we heard wonderful
remarks from fred Upton a eulogy for
John that was really very very powerful
I'm John will be sorely missed by by
many of us here at the Ford school and
in our country our two guests today have
worked on numerous bipartisan efforts
together most recently during the
shutdown introducing emergency
legislation to allow states to make
unemployment benefits available to
unpaid federal workers congresswoman
Dingell and congressman Upton however do
represent different parties and
different constituencies parties and
people's with sometimes different
ideologies and different policy
positions this session will look at the
manner by which such divergence can help
or sometimes hinder the democratic
and how we can work better together I
think it's an especially appropriate way
for us to spend this afternoon of
President's Day let me just say a small
word on format' we'll have some time
towards the end for questions from the
audience please write your question on
the cards provided by our staff and our
staff will collect them joining me to
present the questions and really
presenting the questions themselves
rather than me our students Kate Weston
and Brett is as laughs key the new
co-presidents of we listen a wonderful
University of Michigan student group
that fosters dialogue across difference
here on campus for those of you who are
watching online please tweet your
questions using the hashtag policytalks
again welcome to all of you Brendan I'm
going to turn things over to you and
thank you very much all right thanks so
much everyone for being here congressman
up there I wanted to start by saying a
few words of the relationship between
the Fords and the Dingell so maybe I'll
turn the floor over to him
well it really is apropos I mean
President Ford really was known for
working across the aisle and great
tribute urge all of you to go to his
Presidential Library in Grand Rapids and
see some some of the things that he did
but it's interesting we did it we did a
tribute on the House floor earlier this
week seems like a month ago to john
dingo a mentor to me but obviously the
the dean of the house with just credible
credentials and we're so fortunate to
have as debbie now serve in that seat
and a Dingell representing southeast
Michigan for 86 years but I want to
share this with you because it's from
the Ford family Mike Ford actually sent
an email to Debbie Wednesday afternoon
and Jim and she shared it with me and
it's just a couple paragraphs I just
thought I'd read it because it's a good
intro for this afternoon Debbie since
learning of John's recent passing my
thoughts and prayers have been
consistent with you and your extended
family through my reading of the many
branches of attributes to John I have
been deeply moved and blessed to revisit
his remarkable legacy of leadership and
service to the people of Michigan into
all of our nation John and my father
though identified from competing
political parties holds so much in
common as men of wisdom integrity
compassion and selfless service for all
of humanity and their friendship was
true and enduring through a shared
lifetime calling of public service John
Dingell and Jerry Ford represent what is
good honorable and decent in our country
may you know of God's abiding comfort
but it's appropriate for where we really
want to see the country move we work
together to solve the nation's problems
Jerry Ford did that certainly John
Dingell did that Debbie and I try our
best to follow that path John and joy
Ford for friends for decades and they
did a lot of stuff together they really
did so I thought we could say that's a
beautiful way to start this this event
and really consistent with the kinds of
issues we'd like to talk about I
wondered if we could talk first about
bipartisanship and practice which is
something that you to practice in your
relationship as legislators and
something that people often hunger for
in this country we talk about a lot but
I actually think people don't hear about
it very much a lot of the bipartisan
work in Congress is is somewhat under
the radar the conflict gets more media
attention and more coverage so I wonder
if you could talk about an issue or two
where you've worked closely together in
your offices and collaborated so
shouldn't things that are relevant to us
here in southeast Michigan like pee fast
or opioids I'm and you know Congress
cars well maybe you could start and talk
about that you know first of all I want
to say I don't look at somebody and say
oh you're a Republican you know you're a
Democrat I look at somebody as an
individual who's coming from someplace
from I'm looking at rusty Hills who I've
known for decades maybe longer than Fred
I don't know which one up no longer I
don't look at rusty and say he's a
Republican he's someone I've worked with
for and I hope you're teaching the kids
well too
but you know you start you can't if you
want to pass something if you want to
get something done that's gonna be good
and right for this country you don't do
working for just one side you build a
coalition you find the common ground you
find the way that you can get something
done so for us I mean fred has been one
of my dearest friends he's always he'll
always be older than I am Mikami ground
and for the Michigan delegation the
common ground is Michigan we love this
state we want to do what's right for it
so the Great Lakes the auto industry
PFS so many issues that really matter to
people in this state that we talk with
each other how do you build that
coalition that will get done what's got
to get done to do what's right for the
state that we represent you know things
flip when I was first elected so I work
for President Reagan a lot of years ago
and he had a wonderful relationship with
the Congress you know Republican
president Democrat Congress but he got a
lot done in the country loved him when
he ran for re-election he won 49 states
I mean that's the real test you know and
he lost only Minnesota in one California
New York as a Republican but when I came
I never thought the Republicans would
ever be in the majority because they
hadn't been for my lifetime they really
hadn't and so I was I sat down with our
leadership and they brought in all the
Republican freshmen together and they
said you know a if you have a good idea
two things are gonna happen it's either
gonna get stolen or to be defeated
you're really you know you don't have a
lot of Republican votes here I said no
that's not gonna happen to me so I made
the decision that virtually every issue
that I've ever worked on has been
I'll reach across the aisle I got a lot
of Debbie four I got a lot of friends
like Debbie on the other side of the
aisle and a lot of Republicans on my
side that want to work together
and somehow I got to be end up chairman
of the Energy and Commerce Committee
through arguably the most important
committee in the Congress because we
have more jurisdiction than anybody else
and guess who taught me John Dingell who
was a great chairman for me and I like
to think I was a great chairman for him
because he was on the committee later on
and the proof in the pudding is that you
know we had a Democratic president
President Obama was president all my
tenure as chairman and guess what he's
something more than 200 bills that we
moved through our committee all on a
bipartisan basis you know one of those
that impacts everyone here a big time
and Debbie did a wonderful we had a
couple of roundtables here in Ann Arbor
called 21st century cures where we speed
up the approvals of drugs and devices we
added forty five billion dollars to
health research over ten years span and
NIH money is so important for all of our
educational institutions but if we're
going to find the cure for cancer and
Parkinson's and Alzheimer's it will be
because of the work that we did on this
bill Debbie had a great group here of
the different disease groups talking
about the need to make sure that we can
find the answers to these and it was
overwhelming powerful and at the end of
the day that bill took three years to
get done we passed it 390 to 226 on the
House floor in 92 to 8 in the Senate and
we went and it literally took the very
last day of the Congress to get it done
I mean you know we had to get cloture we
had all these different things in the
Senate to run things through but you
know it was bipartisan and it will
impact everybody's life on the planet so
let me let me also give a plea for the
value and of partisanship and
polarization sometimes the parties do
disagree and that's an important part of
our democracy too we should need to make
sure not to lose sight of that right
political scientists think parties are
essential to democracy parties help you
know contesting the issues of our day is
an important feature of our political
system too so I wondered if you could
talk about it
when you decide to move forward with a
policy issue on a partisan basis you
mentioned health care that's certainly
an issue where the parties have moved in
different directions not on that bill
right but on the core issue of the ACA
and whether it repeal it or not right
the parties have taken really different
paths so I wonder if you could talk
about the congresswoman the challenge of
policymaking on these issues where the
parties fundamentally disagree and what
can be done about her whether you should
just go on your own I don't think it was
good and I got in trouble with the Young
Turks because I said that I wish that
there had been Republican support and
actually portrait watch that soldier I
hit a tree skiing so I just had a little
surgery over here but I have great
friends on both sides of yeah so last
week there was a I love that Republicans
he's a Republican someone I know you can
tell how Fred feels that Louie come here
from Texas is I mean he and I did some
good look I know everybody thinks he's
crazy I love him but he is writing an
op-ed for Nolan Finley right now Fred
can't believe this and he is making the
point that if John Dingell had been and
I'm I don't want to get political this
is but he's making the point that if
John Diggle had been chair of the
committee the Affordable Care Act would
have been written with Democratic
Republican support and that it would
have Democrats would have had the
previous what he was telling Nolan on
Friday Democrats would have had the
problem they had in 2010 I think I built
when you are passing a bill of some
significant policy that if it is
partisan half the country's not going to
accept it
I'll tell you right now I don't know if
I'm gonna make somebody mad I don't know
if we if the time comes for impeachment
impeachment should never be done on a
partisan basis it's going to tear the
country apart
you need to have everybody there
understanding what that wrongdoing was
and you need to we're not Republicans or
Democrats we're Americans first
so I you
some I horrify everybody by saying some
days why do we need the two-party system
or there shouldn't we have independent
candidates so I'm not gonna go I mean I
do think that the parties provide us and
I I mean well I mean I don't know how
many people here know I was a Republican
when I'm married I knew that militant
Republican and Bill Milliken was more
liberal than John Diggle on some
subjects so I think it's important for
somebody who gets elected to know what
their values are and to know what you
stand for and to always stand for that
values and never never never not know
what you believe so let me just say two
things first of all I concur with what
Debbie said about John Dingell been
chairman of the Energy and Commerce
Committee if I didn't say it Louie did
all right Louis said all right I'm gonna
remind him next week when I see he it
would have been bipartisan I think that
there's some things that they could have
done to have done that and you know I
can remember when President Obama first
came into office and we did this big
stimulus package member was like 750
billion dollars and I went to Rahm
Emanuel and some others and said you
know I care about jobs we were going
through a terrible recession then a lot
of people you know we're really hurting
bad and there were some things as it
related to the auto industry that had
they done it I think looking back you
can ask her when you talk to her
tomorrow Candice Miller she was one of
my colleagues great great friend and
colleague no longer in the Congress but
she and I were both on the Auto caucus
and they done something on autos I think
we would have been there and I think we
did a motion recommit which is a little
inside baseball but it had that been as
an amendment on the bill you would have
got us on board you know the tax bill
that we did yes I believe strongly that
it really helped the economy could have
been better the coordinator could have
been better
no it could have been better I could and
I wish that that we had had some
Democratic votes for it then you should
have written a better bill well hide it
yeah time out wait a minute it wasn't
our committee in ways it means they have
this special right when they bring a
bill to the House floor
there's no amendments but they should
have had I worked with some of the folks
on the committee trying to get get it to
be where I think they would have had
some democratics Democrat votes but they
it was tragic that they didn't you know
I get some of those provisions included
so what do you think are the forces that
are the reason right so a lot of this
there are good people right there good
people we have good people on this stage
right but there there's an institutional
process right that's generating the
bills that people vote on right so how
do you think a lot of the bills that we
pass oh you read you know yet the 24/7
news and everybody watches one network
or the other depending but where their
mindset might be but at the end when you
really look so we just came through a
terrible shutdown the last five weeks
okay but look how it finished up 300
people voted for it Debbie and I two of
the 300 that voted for it it could have
happened five weeks ago it should have
happened five weeks ago that there was
actually a better deal that maybe would
have even had more votes at the end we
went through this terrible dilemma the
last five weeks that nobody was happy
with everybody was a loser and it was
really unfortunate but at the end it was
bipartisan to get us out of that hole
that we were in and the Senate did the
same thing I was with Gary Peters this
morning over in Holland and you know he
was one of those with debbie Stabenow
both our senators voted for it but it
passed three to one over there now you
know that wasn't what we saw Friday when
the president cited in the law but it
really was a bipartisan effort getting
putting Humpty Dumpty back together
again and all of us pretty disappointed
with what happened the previous five
weeks do you think that's gonna set a
precedent so I mean so let's let's talk
about the consequences of polarization
so something people worry about it it's
not just that the parties disagree it's
when government can't function because
of polarization right so the shutdown
has made that quite dramatic
right and there's definitely a
temptation right to take these more
extreme steps right there's a lot
waise as you both know to shut
government don't control things so you
got the hard right and the hard left but
most of us are in the in the main lane
there and if you allow so one of the
things that Debbie and I did a couple
years ago we joined this thing called
the problem solvers caucus and we had a
real win beginning last month January
when the rules of the house actually
were changed forced to change as frankly
I don't as an outsider
I don't think Nancy Pelosi would have
been speaker had she not agreed to those
changes to the rules changes but now
there is going to be a much greater
emphasis I think on bipartisanship on
forcing amendments that are bipartisan
to be allowed and debated on the House
floor where they were denied before and
we've been working together for the last
couple years now on a number of issues
but now with these rules changes we're
going to be in a better spot but because
if you can show it's bipartisan
the Rules Committee which is not
something you learn about in ninth grade
civics or even poli-sci when I went here
graduated from Michigan but that Rules
Committee dictates what amendments can
be allowed on the House floor after the
committee is done with them and if you
can promote bipartisan amendments that
may change that the whole thrust of that
bill whether it be a tax bill whether it
be a healthy or whatever all of a sudden
you put more emphasis in the middle
where if you can get agreement that's
gonna happen and and we're gonna push
that we got a couple of really good
ideas that we're going to be pursuing
whether it's on you know health policy
or some other things
congresswoman what do you think I think
we're at a precipice and I think you
know we're most focused and a lot of
people's lives were hurt by the most
recent shutdown there were people have
no idea you know really good I mean if
you just look at the Coast Guard the
custom and Border Patrol the TSA the FBI
Secret Service
we're all working and not being paid
they were if you meant I was trying to
meet with them almost every day or talk
to them and they were scared to death
you know all of those branches are if
you get a bad credit rating and you
could lose your job but they couldn't
afford to drive to work
they couldn't I had a woman from this
district that had been deemed essential
she couldn't afford to pay for her
daycare she was gonna lose her daycare
spot for her child she wasn't allowed to
take time off to take care of her child
even though she was not being paid
because her first status she would have
lost her job so she took the midnight
shift at Denny's to pay for her job and
I think there was more but remembered
that a year ago we had two shutdowns
almost back to back and I think all of
us have to look at what's happening in
our country it's not a way to govern I
think each of us Democrats and
Republicans have to look ourselves in
the eye I think this is a a this isn't
Republicans or Democrats we Democrats
have had these but we cannot let the far
right and the far left dictate what is
happening there I mean Fred I love you
but too many members of your party are
afraid to stand up when the president is
doing something wrong
because they're afraid what the impact
will be I I'm worried about what is
happening in the future of this country
and I think every Americans got a
responsibility to stand up to elect
people that are gonna do what's right
and we need to worry about this
democracy I think we live in the
greatest land in the world united we
stand divided we fall do you think there
are things we can do to pull the parties
back from that kind of those kinds of
extreme measures or is it just something
where you have to feel the political
caustics you both describe the human
costs and the political costs of the
shutdown but imagine a world where now
the Democrats have the opportunity
exploit the debt ceiling the way we
saw in the past right if the next time
the debt ceiling has to be increased
right that threatens financial chaos
right and you can stick something on
that use it to exploit your you you know
you exploit your levers to pursue some
policy priority right so the concern is
right that under those circumstances
right there are a lot of pressure points
that people can apply if they're more
extreme so is that something if for
folks who just both to kind of describe
ourselves being the main Lane of your
parties how do you keep both parties
from - from using those kinds of tactics
well def sealing is a is a tough vote
for anyone to vote for you know or a
Democrat is right but it has to be done
I mean we're we're on the tracks that
you know you're not gonna get a balanced
budget this year hey you know it's not
gonna happen under any under any
scenario and you know it's unfortunate
that there was actually a budget reform
effort at the end of last year there was
bipartisan but they had to get a
supermajority to get the votes to get it
done I was asked a little bit earlier
this morning you know we have this
one-year budget issue it ought to be a
two-year budget we're dealing with
trillions of dollars and you know the
budget is supposed to by law supposed to
be done by April 15th when I work for
President Reagan it came up to Capitol
Hill on the first week in January I
worked at the Office of Management and
Budget and we sent the Reagan budget up
in an ambulance because we were told it
was dead on arrival and so we wanted a
sort of a clever idea that we did and it
got a lot of attention and it was dead
on arrival urgent but it sort of sets
the stage well here we are now it's
already mid-february and because of the
shutdown we're not gonna see the
President's budget even released until
for another month how in the world are
we gonna you know live to the law that
it's got to be enacted by April 15th
ain't gonna happen so changing that
process which would include the debt
ceiling and that was
the ideas that they were looking at I
think we just have to realize that times
have changed from where we were before
and in it has to go up because otherwise
we default and if you default
that means interest rates are even gonna
be higher than they otherwise would have
been which only adds to the deficit I
mean it's just a it's it's a bad
snowball that goes down the mountain you
know you keep saying party system sort
of implying that the two-party system I
would actually argue with you that I
mean who is the Democratic Party we know
who is the Republican Party but it's
also the demo it's actually the
socialist democratic Justice Party which
is not I mean is a different party that
is that defeated Joe Crowley and AOC who
I love actually and and talk to a lot
it's people you know inside the
Democratic Party such as the same inside
the Republican Party that is terrifying
so each party has its own so I don't in
it too even when you talk about the
two-party system it's Ralph Nader that
kept Al Gore from being elected when you
look at the populist vote Ross Perot
Ross Perot so it's not it's clean if you
want to make it and there are a lot of
dynamics you got it absolutely well so
let me let me ask about one so let me
get so the parties are quite diverse
internally and that's one of the things
that creates opportunities for
bipartisanship in some cases so I want
to ask congressman up then about joining
the climate solutions caucus that's
that's an area where people are though
the parties may differ on how to address
climate change but the underlying
science and coming to agree on it yeah
and starting to find a path forward on
addressing it seems like an important
issues does anyone here not believe in
climate change and it's happening right
there may be one
Yoshio college is not in my district you
know I'm just me tell the truth yep yeah
I'm proud to be on that climate caucus
it's happening we all want I mean I grew
up on the shores of Lake Michigan well I
care about the environment
air and water and everything else and if
we can have a cleaner environment we are
all better off for it I was one that
publicly scolded the president for
pulling on a Paris let's have these
goals let's see if we can work together
and yeah I wasn't really happy that
China and India weren't part of that and
they get to go you know increasing their
missions dramatically over the next
couple of decades before they they come
to magic moment with Jesus on this but
at the end of the day we all got to work
on on the environment you know we're
gonna have a hearing it was canceled
this week but our first hitting is the
top Republican on the energy
subcommittee is gonna be on energy
efficiencies I'm glad you know I got a
new Jeep this year or I guess it was
last year I'm delighted that against 10
or 15 miles better per gallon I had two
miles per gallon and then my old Ford
and this one has four-wheel drive it I
needed it this morning
that's a terrible accidents but you know
we ought to be investing in that type of
energy efficiency so that we can reduce
emissions not only here but shall show
the way for the rest of the world yeah
this is a bipartisan caucus the climate
change group and I'm delighted to be
part of it and and it shows that you
know we do need to work together just
another issue of where we can get some
bipartisanship on an issue that most
Americans would agree is it really is
happening so congresswoman are you are
you optimistic so I was just on the hill
and I heard kind of two stories one that
the green new deal was potentially
polarizing Republicans and another that
this was maybe a moment where the
parties could find some common ground so
do you think climb is an area where
their progress can be made it is
okay question the green new deal maybe a
little bit too heavy the Republicans are
gonna try to force them both at
everything they can inside the Green
Deal let's be honest there's gonna be a
vote on it I even read in the Senate but
I do you know look we come from Michigan
so I I went to ALC Alexandra she's
actually become a good friend he would
like and he's a lot of people are trying
to figure out how we become good friends
with me being from an out of state but I
said to her I want you I want to work
with you on something I if part of the
Green Deal is to go to a carbonless
Society which means we got to keep
improving automobiles which means you
need electric vehicles but people aren't
buying electric vehicles because they
don't have confidence in the battery
they don't we have no infrastructure
system we have nothing so they don't
trust the range we've got to build an
infrastructure system to support it so
instead of Italy instead of everybody
you know the end of the world is here at
the end of the world is here let's work
together to do what we've got to do to
keep us put it in positive way and then
actually Rashida was with me on another
day and I said Rashida I'm inviting it
she's another colleague for those of you
I'm sorry I think everybody knows the
names of three Democrats we don't know
my side of the state but you know not me
I don't do that he doesn't but she's
gonna come to Detroit and we're gonna so
you know I get I don't mean by the way I
don't look at her and say she's a dimmer
and I don't I talked to people I find
where that common ground is because by
the way we do need to do something about
but I want to protect jobs and I want to
build the infrastructure so I don't
instead of looking at people oh that's
Republican or Democrat I look at
somebody where can we find their common
ground and actually find something
I think that's now this I think is the
difference between a man and a woman I
think women are problem solvers I think
we're used to balancing multiple balls
in the air
and we try to figure out and that's why
we need more women in politics and
that's why we need more women and
government cuz we look at things and we
don't look and say oh he's our view near
that we look at and say how do we solve
the problem and that's what I think we
need to do more of period alright well
that was good that was good so well
let's talk about in a hard issue to get
people together to solve problems on
which is immigration we just had a
government shutdown over it the
president has declared a national
emergency it's going to go to the courts
right there's a lot happening and one
thing I think that's important to think
about is is you know when the president
when any person gets involved in issue
it can sometimes actually make it harder
to find compromise so I wonder how you
think about this issue right where
Democrats actually are counter polarized
on immigration as Trump has come has
come out so strongly on it right you're
seeing more Democrats who are taking
more liberal positions on that issue
than they have in the past I wonder how
you think about how the the house is
going to be able to handle this issue
and what the right as a policy matter
what you think the right path forward is
well I hope that we can get this done
actually it's it was the first issue
that really brought the problem-solvers
caucus together on an issue it was newly
formed we were in a shutdown in December
of 1617 December 17 we're supposed to be
we're supposed to be home in our
districts doing something else
and we weren't getting out of session
and a bunch of us got together at
tijuana coat would Tijuana where does
that restaurant it wasn't Tijuana its
tortilla Coast yeah tortilla Coast he'd
out I know down in the basement
and then I drank your water remember I
started choking on my anyway all right
but we started working together there
are about thirty members of Congress
that literally filled up this space we
had two tables and we started you know
what is it that we have to do on
immigration reform to really open up the
process so we can have some votes
because it's broken it's going on way
too long
not only for employers but you know the
the dreamers and the daca kids and all
these different issues that just it
breaks your heart and I worked with
Debbie on a couple of cases individuals
in her district to try and help her so
they could stay I've got a couple people
on my side of the state as well that it
just just breaks your heart and we made
a difference I mean we we forced it but
then at the end we didn't have the votes
to get it done in the house or the
Senate and the Senate they actually got
couple different versions again and
their bipartisan groups that came
together and our group problem solvers
met with the president President Trump a
couple weeks ago during the shutdown
I didn't yeah you were supposed to go
but you didn't you anyway was by it
really had about you know 15 members or
so down in the Situation Room we talked
about immigration and you know the
president I know he'd like to see us
move this is on the overt not the wall
part but yeah he does want to go there
but I mean on the other issue of
dreamers and others he spoke to the
American Farm Bureau National Conference
in New Orleans a couple weeks ago and in
his speech he talked about solving the
issue for the AG workers yeah that's
that's gonna be hard to do but it's got
to happen and as I told the president I
complimented on that but I said we
there's some low-hanging fruit here a
lot of us thought that this whole
shutdown issue if you go back look at
The Wall Street Journal or now you look
at the Chamber of Commerce and some
other people some proposals they really
thought there was a
and deal that we could do that he could
do both border security and you could
combine a number of elements on the
immigration side that would make some
sense to get a package to get it done
legal status for folks that have been
here I mean a whole number of different
things and at the end that part didn't
make it in the equation it has to though
we've gone too long and I know that just
this week in fact I was sitting behind
Steny Hoyer at the funeral and for Jonna
I'm Thursday and I you know I was doing
business you know and before it started
I was talking to - Steny who's the
majority leader number two position in
the house and there's been there was a
public effort this week to talk about
some legislation with dreamers that'll
be bipartisan so I want to say hundreds
of businesses have signed on to some
letters of support to try and get things
done and I leaned over to study and said
we've got to make sure that this is
bipartisan because we got a lot of
Republicans they want to work on this to
try and get it done and I'd like to
think that we can it's it's a major
issue for me particularly as I know so
many of these folks and their individual
stories and some of the bad things that
are happening to them because we don't
have status for them that that's really
got to get it so I'm I'm hopeful I'm a
Cubs fan I'll confess a you know I root
for the Tigers as well but so I'm an
optimist and I'm encouraged that we can
get something done on this and I know
that our problem solvers group has been
very involved in this really from the
first moment of its inception do you
have anything you wanna add in Congress
one we need comprehensive immigration
reform we need to get some balls and get
it done it's been we've needed to get it
done for 20 years the daca kids they are
Americans in every single way these kids
I mean they're your classmates they go
to school with you they just they they
they're paying taxes they're fighting
and defending in this country and
they've become a political football so
that's where we got to find that in
getting businesses
we got to build the coalition that's
just gonna get this done once and for
all and that's that's what business has
become much more involved in it I mean
we did the hospitality and entertainment
industry the construction industry the
agriculture industry they all have
economic issues here so we got to build
the coalition that's gonna bring people
from both sides and say and that's
enough let's get this done the country
needs to get us done and let us stop and
stand up to the people trying to divide
this country with fear and hatred and we
need to do that on both sides of the
stand up to it call bigotry for what it
is and stop letting people divide us
with fear and hatred so what we have
what let's take up that point I mean so
when people worry about our political
system it's not just that the parties
disagree right it's the way they view
the other side so I wonder if we could
talk about that a little more like what
do you see of the forces that make it so
hard for these compromises to be found
and and to what extent you think what
are the factors that are making your
colleagues in some cases appeal to the
worst in people or be more competitive
and uncivil than we'd like to see
because we do see it in public opinion
right we see people see the other party
in more negative terms than they have in
the past right so people are getting
this kind of message about the other
side I wonder how you know why you think
that is about what we can do about it
they see all politics from a negative
perspective yeah so you want me to go
you got it you got to reach out and find
people on the other side of the aisle
that you can work with and I got it you
know this is early in the Congress for
this Congress you know we went through
this you know terrible thing the last
five weeks things now I think get back
to normal when we come back into session
next week but I think it's it's the
caucuses it's your state delegations
it's the votes that you have that you
really do you know I've not met a OC yet
I know she is you know seen her but I've
not been anywhere close to say hello but
you got you got to build those
relationships and see people look at you
in in Reverse side of having respect for
you know willing to stand up you know
when you need to honor any particular
issue and and to build that relationship
of trust that hopefully can try to get
things done I would also say that the
Congress needs to remember that they're
an equal branch of government to the
executive branch and the Congress needs
to stand up and do its job
I guess I'd I'm would encourage you all
to read something that was in The
Washington Post last week okay you
finish well Big John on his name day
wrote a really wonderful piece that
really reflected on his career and where
the country needed to go and we should
have actually made copies and had him
here but you can you can google it and
it was more than just the Washington
Post it was the national news broadcast
news it's it's everywhere you can find
it real easy but he you know he he will
he was involved in every issue though
since I've been live I mean he was
voting on those issues Steny Hoyer made
the point at the funeral earlier this
week that John had already been in
Congress 25 years before he was elected
and then they served 38 years together
so he saw these debates and he really
offered pearls of wisdom for where we
have to go and it's very much along what
this place for policy school really
cares about working together having
ideas go first put policy have it
politics and let the chips fall where
they may
don't worry about your next election but
really worked I don't know you name the
issue to get things done was it was a
wonderful piece and if you read his book
and you know he gave me a copy that I
finished a couple weeks ago you know I
I've saved the article that was in the
post and that'll be taped only inside of
the book jacket
but talks about this point yeah I wonder
if you could maybe speak to the
especially the young folks in the room
the students and the people are thinking
about their lives like both in terms of
you know what you would say about the
importance of public service which is
something that's really come through and
both of what you've said but also how
they can how they can be involved in the
political system what are the ways that
you know they can make their voice heard
in Congress like you know about how
members of Congress think about what
their constituents are feeling so you
know what are the best ways for them to
kind of communicate that to be heard in
our democracy
you know I first of all everybody needs
to become involved your voice matters
you know I got public service what the
only decent thing the only good thing
that came out of this most recent
government shutdown is maybe people
thought about public service and thought
about you know we all love to take take
potshots at government officials and
they began to realize the functions they
serve and that they're there for the
common good to make all of our lives
better and to make our community strong
I got involved in politics when I was
your age my roommate got very sick with
a heart condition and she was a woman
and in I found out there was no
information you know the Heart Study and
aspirin a day keeps your keeps the
doctor away it's still the most
significant cardiac heart study that's
been done in the history of this country
Framingham Heart Study is what it is
and there are to this day there are no
women in it think about that so I
started the National Women's Health
Resource Center because the federal
government would not allow women to be
included in any research program because
we had hormones where more than 50% of
the population but we had hormones
whoops so that's what got me involved
and it got me very and I met people and
I started to become
gage and I tell I know you're gonna now
they're gonna hate me when I say this I
tell young people don't get a political
science degree care about something I
know but Kara but the Ford school is not
public but you guys get into she had too
much of this care about is it poverty is
it a housing I was talking to some of
the kids before this kid understand what
your passion is and go learn about that
and then go into the public policy arena
and fight for the change you want to see
I guess the other piece of it I said
this earlier just I think to somebody
social media is a great tool it's one
great thing that's happened it's also
the worst thing that's happened in the
forget the United States of America the
world people are not civil you feel like
you've got a blanket you know to say
whatever you want that's awful and
terrible you take it as a substitute for
involvement I think I would you know and
actually this was another message that
John did go ahead last week which is
just to take a second and try to be a
little gentler to try to think about the
way that you say things and I would also
say that as you look at public service
how do you connect with somebody else
John Diggle would always say this you've
got two ears and one mouth for a reason
use those ears to listen to understand
other people's perspective to grow I
don't believe in the same things today
that I pay I'm a Democrat now not a
Republican I got Merton
but I guess that's one of the things
that I would say I'd say real quick
start it's real easy to be involved I
gotta say that when I graduated from
Michigan with a journalism degree my
goal was to go right for the the Cubs or
somebody else and I met a young guy that
was running for Congress who I had never
met before
and I volunteered to help him I got six
cents a mile and later I and he won and
my dad said I cannot believe I remember
him sitting down as if read
you graduated from such a wonderful
school you had a great start you know
and we had we were challenging an
incumbent incumbents don't lose so
you're working for a loser yeah I don't
know where this is gonna take you
because six months from now you're not
gonna have a job at all and guess what
we want and I had never been to
Washington and I went and you know I was
in charge of special projects and you
know working with local leaders it was a
wonderful job and four years later I was
ready for another challenge and you know
ended up at the White House I did that
for four years and then people called
that would you run for Congress and I
said I'm happily married I got two black
labs I salute the the marine guard in
the West Wing of the White House every
day going in no I'm not interested I
never thought about running for you know
I'm about even a precinct captain let
have run for Congress and so then they
convinced me to change my mind and we
won and it's real easy you know you know
I look you know easy well nobody know
you didn't let me finish
it's real easy to get involved it didn't
let me say finish
I'll cut me off like that but but you
know I look at you know we couldn't do
the job that we did without our staff
without our spouse couldn't ever do it
and I'm just so fortunate to have you
know we have a terrific interns but you
know the the people that work for me
they're just as dedicated they worked
just as hard
they care just about those same issues
so it's easy it's easy get involved
start okay well I'm gonna turn over to
the questions huh
thank you my name's Brett zovsky along
with Kate West uh and SD bar was saying
we're the new co-presidents if we listen
our first question is coming from
Facebook which is in a spirit of
bipartisanship what major bipartisan
legislative milestones or policy areas
can you anticipate progress on this
coming session I'm hoping for a lot of
issues but I think I'll give you one
that I think is very important health
care prescription drugs I don't think
there's a Republican or Democrat that
doesn't have constituents a diabetic
patient whose insulin costs have gone up
monthly by two hundred three hundred
four hundred dollars we all know we've
got to do something to make drugs more
affordable for working men and women I
think that's an area we will reach don't
you I think there's some real
possibility there I will just say I've
driven across the state twice now back
and forth in the last six days
infrastructure five calls and I look at
our roads and you know we've had the
worst winter ever and they're really bad
but you know we were all up together up
at the Soo Locks
two years ago as a delegation with
Governor Snyder that lock hasn't been
was built 60 years ago the Pollock peoe
and if that locks somehow went out you
would double the net and the nation's
unemployment rate almost overnight
none of that iron ore would get down
into the steel plants so whether it's
the autos or you name the industry that
needs steel we're done it's going to
cost a billion dollars to replace that
lock and we're starting now to see that
happen that will be I hope part of that
infrastructure project that will be
bipartisan that we need to get done
you're also seeing on clean water P fast
your I think there's you will see very
hearings and legislation to the health
begin to hold EPA more accountable than
they were under certainly the
administrator as you touched on the
media promotes partisan controversy for
ratings and advertising over the types
of relationships that you guys have what
can we as Americans do to incentivize
bipartisan action well I you know I yeah
you need to look people need to look at
the whole picture they pick out one you
know this year will cast 600 volts some
people will just focus on a handful of
those votes and think you're evil or an
old girl or whatever I think that you
know part of the reason we're here today
is to talk about you know what really is
happening where is some bipartisan
success and for us to get encouragement
for a you from you that we're on the
right track because we're not ideologues
and you know way on one side or the
other and so you know it's it part of it
is an education experience on both sides
I think American people have to start to
hold people accountable they need to say
to their elected representative shutting
down government not okay I think the
American people have to I mean too many
people don't think their vote matters
and they stay home and they don't engage
and I think that people need to start to
really become more engaged in the
electoral process and they need to go to
town hall meetings get your elected
representatives to whole town hall
meetings and to really ultimately you
know if you look at when in the last
year you saw people suddenly when they
realize children were being ripped away
from their parents this country's
conscience thank God woke up and the
president backed off you saw something
we need more of that we need more people
saying this isn't what we are in America
it's not okay our next question is also
from the audience the question is when
you see conflicts in the interests of
your constituencies versus the interests
of your parties in Washington do you
ever see such conflicts first off and
second off if so how do you reconcile
that how do you how does that sort of
manifest itself in the in the day-to-day
well I mean you have to look at the
background that you have the people that
you trust you know I I'm I consider
myself a governing Republican I want to
work you know keep the government open a
whole number of different things and I'm
trying to think of where an issue might
be purely partisan I mean you know you
look at the association of groups that
you're with so you got all these
caucuses they don't need all that often
but you'd get a lot of information
particularly for the staff you look at
the groups that you're involved in you
know problem solvers caucus meets almost
every week there's 30 members that are
there we bring in you know secretary
minuchin from the Treasury Department or
they had a you know the White House
congressional Affairs office she was she
was there the other day I mean they hear
from lawsuits it's got to be a two-way
I started the Tuesday group which is the
moderate Republican group in the house
back in in the 90s we meet every week we
talk about every issue that's there you
find a group of folks no one likes to be
the only person voting yes or no longer
so and and you build relationships
something on the other side I mean you
don't like to see a political position
you know work on the daily functions of
the house of things that we have to do
we have to pass all 12 appropriations
spending bills we have to you know deal
with immigration we have to you know we
have to deal with the defense
authorization bill there's a lot of
things that routinely come we have to
reauthorize the clean water bill we
to reauthorize a highway bill first time
in five years this year we have to do in
an Ag bill which we did last year which
happens five years you get into these
cycles and you got to know the issues
and work with people on both sides to
get them done knowing that we have a now
Republican Senate that doesn't have 60
votes and I don't think Senate ever will
have 60 votes again for one side or the
other in a house that's pretty narrowly
divided not a big margin for for Pelosi
not like what she had 10 years ago when
she was speaker and he got a Republican
White House that's you know sometimes
four bills that they end up being
against so I mean it's you know it's
it's a whole new dynamic that's out
there you know I'll give you an example
and I'll tell you where I probably won't
be with Fred but I'll be with President
Trump trait went out before I ever got
sworn in I was on CNN and they thought
you did a gotcha question about
supporting President Trump on TPP P TPP
and I said let me be clear I will not
support the president I was opposed to
TBD I know well that's not what I'm
talking about I'm talking about the one
we have to do what I called me after 2.0
maybe you'll be with me I don't know but
I said I was elected to represent the
men and women of my district in my state
and I am NOT going to support
legislation that is going to cost people
jobs and I it was never it was I was one
of the leaders of the anti TPP Ford
Motor Company Chrysler of the UAW that
supply there was this state knew that
that bill was bad for him and I'm gonna
do what's right for the people that
elected me now
NAFTA I do not agree with President
Trump on his trade policy in the way
that it's been chaotic not consistent
what he says at 10:00 a.m. may not be
the same thing at 3:00 p.m.
trying to understand the but NAFTA you
see all those shuttered factories in
this state it happened because NAFTA was
a bill that cost us millions of jobs in
this country we no longer had a level
field you cannot compete when you've got
Mexico paying a dollar fifty to three
dollars the most that people are making
in a General Motors plant right now is
three dollars and fifty cents an hour
that's not a living wage you need a
level playing field now Neff does not
and I call it NAFTA 2.0 because I don't
want anyone to forget what laughter 1.0
did to this country but if the talk to
flight Howser regularly I've talked to
it and if we get some of the things
fixed if it trade Rob he's a trade rep
thank you
if we I don't want to see General Motors
put one more you know work just
shuttered for plants here and a plant in
Canada and General Motors announced its
building Blazers in Mexico and by the
way every one of those Blazers is coming
back into this country that to me is not
good policy my job is to protect jobs
for working men and women in this
country so that I'll work with whoever
will do what's right for the people I
was elected to represent I think he does
do it what do you tell the president you
might be the key well I want to see what
he's doing on tariffs what do you see as
the main values of your respective
parties and have the parties moved
farther from the center in recent years
if so why do you think this is how it is
you know these questions are all a
little bit sort of the same to a degree
but it's I just think the American
people want us to deal with the issues
that are before us and their patience
isn't real long these days we got to
look for areas that where we or we can
agree and we knowing that so many of
these different issues have to be
reauthorized and you know a two point
always a good thing and NAFTA needs to
be improved we'll see what the elements
are of it in our bill of 21st century
cures we're working already on another
version that's good
add to what we did over those 10 years
learn looking back and learning from
what's happened the last three and
what's frustrating is that at least on
the big picture so the MSNBC's and the
fox you see you know their guess not
debby are often the folks that are on
the fringes because they're the ones
that are screaming at each other and
they're the ones that maybe get higher
ratings versus someone that may be
trying to put some of the things
together Debbie is actually quite good
on TV and she's not in that that same
group that I would put louis gomer in a
republican friend but I think that's
that's part of the problem that we have
is that the 24/7 news cycle often gets
the the folks on the far end and and the
other side or the middle just turns it
off yeah I think again I keep getting
struck but if it's a hypothetical when
you talk about the two-party system but
nobody's monolithic and either of these
parties so you know we've got a brand
new freshman class in this new Congress
and I bet every one of you could give me
the name of three who who are great and
they're all friends of mine but they
don't represent this isn't a monolithic
class the fact of the matter is is that
there's a group of veterans women
veterans who are really much more and
they all have one in what we call red to
blue districts which are now frontline
that are they're not going to support
the the new Green Deal has very
important principles in it some we're
going to have to really study it and and
look at we all agree that we've got to
do something about global climate change
and we've got about a dozen years left
and you can see what's happening how you
get there and what the goal is you know
where the difference should be so
this class had I mean just look at the
Michigan delegation by the way and they
kind of represent the diversity of this
freshman class you have Rashida who's
I'm sure one of the names that everybody
here does no EMF kind of helped make her
popular but Alyssa slacking is one of
the veterans that get one Mike Bishop
she is a someone who's very dedicated to
bipartisanship working across the aisle
I by the way I'll give you an example of
something that I won't do
I will not campaign against an incumbent
member in Michigan I just I won't give
money and I think our Michigan
delegation needs to be a delegation
that's got to work together and that's
just it's and Alyssa said to me when she
I'm gonna do the same thing when I get
elected in Hass and she's gone in I
don't know if she's she's tried to meet
with that Republican and is trying to I
mean were there the other day for about
an hour and a half yeah you know one of
the things
so our delegation really is pretty close
we have regular meetings sort of know
well they're regularly there are
lobbyists for a for regular meetings
Fred you know but the delegation is we
look at issues where we can you walked
into that yeah I know I did it on
purpose but I'm always making friends
but you know whether it's Great Lakes
whether it's autos you know you know the
auto rescue plan saved Michigan what was
that it was our delegation working
together and we work together and that
was the time of the election with McCain
running against Obama and we got both of
the candidates on board and President
Bush to finish up the job as it as it
wasn't getting started but it was almost
off the tracks and Speaker Boehner was
the speaker and Dave camp and I was from
Midland we went in to see him and said
you can't let this get off the tracks we
have to have this vote to get it done
and we passed it with an overwhelming
margin which helped carry it through the
Senate without that bill Michigan would
be dead as for the country yeah it would
have been so again it was our deli
working together shoulders shoulder that
that really got it done this next
question from the audience is on more of
a policy note the question is how does
Congress plan to address the opioid
country or do excuse me there would a
crisis it is sweeping our country in a
bipartisan manner and maybe if you could
outline the progress that is made so far
couple things this this hits everybody
every community every family we all know
somebody last year probably don't know
this but we passed about sixty bills you
know in the Congress and the President
signed every one of them there might
have been altogether in those sixty
bills maybe twelve people that voted
against him and we moved them all
individually Debbie had a good number of
bills I was co-sponsor her she was
co-sponsor of mine more education more
funding one of the things I'm going back
to 21st century cures so Obama signed
that in December of 16 we put two
billion dollars into that for opioids I
bet a lot of people back then couldn't
even spell it but we knew it was a real
problem we're now seeing that money come
down to the locals to try and help when
we one of the things that we did over in
my district just the last two months
there I'll tell you the story we had a
young man that I knew that played
basketball for Lake Shore High School
and he got into heroin and he didn't
make it I think he might even go into
jail a little bit but he tried treatment
and it was my boss's nephew Dave
stopping was my first boss he died Sammy
so we have now started a Center in st.
Joe that's been funded tens of thousands
of dollars to help families deal with
this crisis don't know what to wear
where to turn to try to get the Surgeon
come and do a form there this fall
before school starts we've done those we
all know people families what can we do
to help you know thank God so and so
they didn't go to jail or what ever see
the movie Ben is back you know there's
no answers this stuff is so addictive
this fentanyl is so bad I mean we found
that there was one postal inspector for
all of West Michigan I can't use dogs at
the State of the Union address there was
an officer and he policemen from Ohio
and pulled somebody over I don't know
the whole story but just the loose
fentanyl he he was overdosed almost died
he talked to your law enforcement folks
and they're using not calm you know what
sometimes multiple times
no individual officers and sometimes the
same people over three or four days
stretch so we need to do a lot more
money is part of this and we're just
starting now to scratch the surface but
it's just it's so scary to see the stuff
that's so addictive and it comes in and
it's so cheap you know there was a raid
last week and they figured that there
was enough fentanyl to to impact every
American in the United States okay
that's all it takes the President on his
interview on Meet the Press or whatever
was two Sundays ago said that he raised
it with the Chinese about trying to get
it stopped but at the same time I mean
one of the bills that I got done that
the President signed into law was more
research to try and find out if we can
find some non addictive painkillers no
pain is an awful thing I mean people are
willing to do anything that they have a
you know that whatever that medical
issue might be
you need the painkillers for it but
maybe we can develop some that are non
addictive that are not gonna be like
some of the others that are out there
and we're just starting and again it was
hugely bipartisan and something that we
move through our committee and Debbie
was a big part of that
in terms of getting it done it's a very
personal issue to me
and I can't talk about today because I'm
I get near tears several times today so
we'll talk about it another day but I
will say this that we're not doing
enough we made we did a beginning we
started we've only said that we needed
mental health we need to remove the
stigma from mental health many of you
will remember about a year ago a Central
Michigan University student ended up
killing his parents this was a very
educational experience for me because he
knew he had a drug problem he went to
the emergency room seeking health
there was no provider and no bed
available to him I met around the same
time the grandparents of that we're now
taking care of their two grandchildren
because their daughter was an opiate
addict their grandson was already
drawing pictures that showed her and he
could not get an appointment with a
mental health provider for they could
not 8 months and I said well what is it
you know I was trying to understand was
there a money problem it wasn't a money
it was simply and it's true here at the
University of Michigan I've got since
then I've gone I've met with the doctors
at U of M I've been to the emergency
room and they know they've got a problem
that night of that horrible incident at
Central I was with many of the hospital
administrators and they told me that not
one person had gone into inpatient
psychiatry residency that year we kind
of think we've got to incentivize more
people going into there are many things
every time FDA or NIH comes up it
appears before the committee I asked the
same question which friend was just
talking about when are we gonna get a
non-addictive pain treatment drug I mean
that's an Frances or says it's coming
it's coming
well it's got to do more than it's
coming it's got to get here so we got to
work together and do a lot of things
this is going to be the last question do
you think Veterans Affairs is headed in
the right direction and does Congress
have any plans to address veterans
issues well Congress will continue need
to the men and women who served this
country and defend us need to be taken
care of period it is one of my
number-one priorities but I do believe
that the easiest vote that we cast is to
take care of them there are issues there
have been management issues well I mean
even there been issues here at the Ann
Arbor VA hospital Tim Walberg has gone
with Tim and Ike I don't think we should
ever politicize taking care of a veteran
ever and when there been issues I always
make sure that Fred or Tim are with me
it both the John Dingell VA hospital in
the in our or birth and we just have a
moral responsibility to take care of
those so it's not where it needs to be
but all of us I've got it are terrific
students for organizing questions just a
a great event please join me outside
along with our guests and our moderator
for a reception in the Great Hall and
thanks very much for being here at the
Ford school