McDonough talks transforming labor markets and the new economy, as well as leading interagency coordination and crisis responses in the White House. February, 2020.
>> MICHAEL BARR: Good afternoon, everybody.
Reak pleasure to welcome you here to
the Ford School of public
Policy. I'm Michael Barr, I'm the
Joan and Sandy Weill Dean of public
policy here. It is
A great pleasure to welcome all of
You to this Policy Talk, a Weiser
Diplomacy Center event with
Denis McDonough, former
White house chief of staff for
President Barack Obama. Denis is
Going to be in conversation with
John Ciorciari, associate professor
of the Ford School and director Of
the Weiser Diplomacy Center.
They're going to be discussing
New frontiers, labor,
Immigration and foreign policy,
But feel free to ask them
Questions about anything that is
Of interest you. Before I say
More about Denis and his
Distinguished career I want to
Recognize the special role of
The Weiser Diplomacy Center. The
Role of the center is to provide
Practical training to students
Interested in international
Affairs. To inform research on
Topics related to diplomacy, and
To serve as a hub for the
University of michigan's
Engagement with a foreign policy
Community. Since its launch just
Last semester, the weiser
Diplomacy center has hosted an
Amazing array of visitors here.
Including two former secretaries
Of state, two former ambassadors
To the united nations, two
Former national security
Advisors and a u.S. Special
Representative to north korea
Who is now the current deputy
Secretary of state. All that in
Addition to our wonderful guest
Today. For making all this of
Possible I want to offer my
Deepest gratitude to ambassador
And regent ron weiser, his wife
Irene and the entire family for
Their generous gift that
Established the weiser diplomacy
Today we are deeply honored to
Host Denis McDonough. Denis has
Devoted his career to public
Selves. Having worked not only
As chief of staff for president
Barack obama but also in the
U.S. House of representatives,
The U.S. Senate, the national
Security council. Denis began
His career in the leshthive
Branch working as a professional
Staffer on the international
Relations committee in the u.S.
House of representatives. Later
In the u.S. Senate for majority
Leader tom daschle of south
Dakota then working with both
Senate ken salazar of colorado
And then senator barack obama of
Illinois. Dennis serveds as a
Senior former policy advisor on
President obama's 2008
Campaigned, working during the
Transition. Then after president
Obama took office Denis became
Deputy national security
Advisor. Four years later
Starting in 2013 he served as
President obama's chief of staff
For the whole second term of the
Administration. Denis managed
The white house staff as well as
Cabinet secretaries, agency
Leaders. He advised the
President on domestic and
International policy, management
Issues facing the federal
Government, devised and enforced
Plans for accountability and
Transparency in government.
Anybody who knows anything about
Washington knows that this is
Both the worst job and the best
Job in washington. It is the
Best job because you have a
Chance to work with someone like
President obama and to have
Reach across the federal
Government. It's really the
Most important position next to
The president of the united
States in terms of its reach
Across the government. It is the
Worst job in the country because
It's an impossible job to do.
So, anybody who occupies that
Job gets the gray hair that
Denis has earned. And I'm sure
He is going to talk to you about
It during his discussion. Let me
Just say what president obama
Said on appointing Denis as his
Chief of staff. Denis is
Respected by leaders across our
Government. He always holds
Himself accountable first and
Foremost. And it's no easy task
But through it all Denis does it
With class and integrity and
Thoughtfulness for other
People's points of view. He is
The consummate public servant.
He plays it straight. And that's
The kind of teamwork that I want
In the white house. That's
President obama. Since 2017
Denis has been at the markle
Foundation where he's currently
A senior advisor working to
Create a skills based market
That will allow all americans to
Succeed in a digital economy.
He's also an executive fellow at
A school called notre dame at
The keough school of global
Affairs where he teaches a
Global policy seminar. He is
Also our first and only speaker
To have been portrayed by the
Actor john hamm in a movie. I
Believe this achievement will
Not be repeated. Or at least any
Time soon. Finally, before I
Turn things over to john and to
Denis, let me just say a little
Word on format. Those who have
Been here before know how we
Work. Towards the end of the
Event today we're going have
Time for questions and answers
From all of you. Professor along
With two Ford School students
Will sift through the question
Cards that will be handed out
During the course of the event
And they will pose them on
Behalf of the audience to our
Speakers. For those who are
Watching online we usually have
Quite an active online audience,
Please tweet your questions
Using the hashtag #policytalks.
Without further ado it is my
Pleasure to welcome Denis
>> JOHN CIORCIARI: thank you so
Much everybody for joining us
And thank you for visit fog the
Ford school. I am delighted to
Have this chance to speak with
You. For this opening segment
I'd like to focus on two as
Penalties of your -- aspects of
Your background. One the work
You have done as deputy national
Security advisor and chief of
Staff to deal with complex
Organizations and interagencies
Processes. Another is to
Confront complex, multi-faceted,
Cross-border policy challenges.
I'd like to start with a few
Questions pertain to your
Current projects on labor
Markets in the new economy then
Shift over to complex crisis
Responses that are relevant in
Today's context with
Coronavirus. On the first topic,
I'd like you to speak about your
Work with marco and the rework
America traask force. Maybe we can
Start with what keeps you and
Your colleagues up at night with
Regard to the changing economy,
What are some of the main
Challenges that we need to
Consider in in an era of
Artificial intelligence and
Online gigs and the like.
>> DENIS MCDONOUGH: thank you so
Much. And michael thanks for the
Overly generous introduction.
And to the ambassador and your
Wife thanks so much for this
Institution. I will say that I
Love working for uncle sam. It's
Hugely rewarding, hugely
Challenging. And, as I've said
To every student I've run into
Since I've worked for the
Government, uncle sam needs you.
Uncle sam needs level headed
Reason-based logical policy
Makers like your own betsy
Stevenson who is like an
Unbelievable colleague to work
With in the u.S. Government.
Creative, reason-based,
Experience-based and just
Exceedingly decent person. And
Then many other university of
Michigan graduates. From
Broderick johnson to cecilia
Munoz, to valerie jared, these
Are all -- I call them
University of michigan
Nationalists because they're so
Strident. No one nor strident
Than my good friend who is now
The deputy secretary of state
Steve beacon who I've worked in
A variety of capacity. There's
Little that steve and I agree on
Politically other than the
Greatness of this country and
The people and institutions like
The university of michigan as a
Real manifestation of that
American power and american
Strength and greatness. So,
Thanks for all that you do and
Thanks for having me. You know,
I got involved in this issue and
I just said this to a group of
Folks associated with the ford
School and others upstairs which
Is not an overstatement. I got
Involved because of the work
That betsy and several of her
Colleagues on the council of
Economic advisors did with
President obama. I still
Remember president obama coming
Home from a trip to the west
Coast and we used to take a walk
At the end of every day. We took
A walk from 6-6:30. Rain or
Shine. Even a day like today he
Would have prided himself -- he
Pretends like he is a chicagoan
But he is more hawaiian. So, he
Is not big on the cold. We'd go
Out rain or shine, snow or
Otherwise. I remember this walk
Where he talked about a visit to
San francisco and he had met a
Young entrepreneur who was
Working on a new radiology
Algorithm. Which, as I think we
All understand now, allows
Better accuracy for cheaper by
Accessing instab tan usely, you
Know, millions and millions and
Millions of x-rays against which
To judge whether there's
Deviations in existing x-ray.
So, you are much more able to
Make a decision about an
Individual x-ray by running it
As a against millions of other
X-rays rather than putting it up
On the screen with your glasses
And you are looking at, you
Know, how it goes. And so he
Talked about it a little bit and
I got excited as want to do. But
He didn't as he want to do. He
Is a very rational man. But he
Was quite down about it. I said
What are you bummed out about.
Sounds like an amazing thing. He
Said radiology is a good
Middle-class job, you know, even
Upper middle-class. How many
Radiologists are going to be out
Of work because of this
Technology. And I said upstairs
And I believe that one of his
Great attributes is his ability
To see around corners and to see
Impact of decision. And it's one
Of the things that at the ford
School is so good at teaching
Students. Let's think not only
About the policy but think about
The people behind the policy and
What are the impact of the
People on the people of those
Policies. And this was an
Ongoing theme. We used to
Discuss it either in the monthly
Job updates when betsy and jason
Would bring the president the
Jobs data the first friday of
Every month. Or just an ongoing
Conversation where he asks, you
Know, what's happening to work,
The dignity that comes with
Work, the meaning that comes
From work. And whose job is it
To worry about dislocation from
Work. And whose job is it to
Think about that before the
Dislocation happens rather than
Picking up the pieces of
Dislocation ex-post facto. And
So when I left the government,
John, as the long line to your
Question I really thought I want
To spend my time on two issues.
One is the dislocation of people
As a result of climate and
Conflict. And that's refugees.
So, I spent a lot of time my on
That. Then the other question
Which I spend a lot of time on
At marco which is what about the
Nature of work and the changing
Technological underpinnings of
Our economy; can we anticipate
In terms of dislocation and
Problems and how can we get in
Front of that. And how can we
Make sure that our government
Policies are both informed by
What works and what needs to
Happen for the economy but
Informed by what people need to
Have access to dignified work.
Meaningful work, well paying
Work. So, that's what we're
Trying to do at the marko
Foundation. By aggregating
Experience from governors, by
Business leaders, labor leaders,
To extrapolate from what works
And what doesn't to inform
Federal policy making questions.
>> JOHN CIORCIARI: give us a
Sense of some of the approaches
You have identified that appear
To be effective or potentially
Effective in managing some of
These challenges.
Take -- one thing we spent a lot
Of time on in colorado through
What we call skillful is
Focusing on a question of
Non-college educated workers.
So, these are workers with some
College or no college. And how
Are they finding access to
Meaningful new training
Opportunities to new jobs. We
Did some partnership with
Linkedin, for example, on trying
To aggregate training
Opportunities by geography.
Trying to connect those training
Opportunities to jobs, open jobs
That needed the skills available
In those training opportunities.
And one of the things that we
Found is that the person most
Successful if finding new
Training opportunities, getting
Through and completing those
Training opportunities then
Getting into a new job, one of
The things that defines success
In a relatively small population
Set was access to human coach.
So not just access to technology
But actually access to a human
Coach. And something that
Allowed a person to understand
That allowed us to understand
That that person can't stop his
Or her life to go to a training
Program that's only available in
Work hours, for example, if that
Person still has to make money
To pay the bills for her family.
That interaction with a coach
Allows that person to somehow
Personalize the training
Opportunities so that they can
Take into account their own
Life, their own needs, and that
It's not some kind of single
Cookie cutter situation that
Doesn't recognize that it's the
People who are in needing of
Training and skills,
Opportunities are moms and dads.
They have oftentimes one, two,
Three existing jobs. But to get
To that next level of
Opportunity, to get to better
Pay, more meaningful and
Dignified work they need a more
Nuanced opportunity to get new
Skills and training.
>> JOHN CIORCIARI: are there
Good models that exist about the
Division of labor or the
Complementary of federal
Government agencies, state and
Local agencies, private
Companies that might be the
Employers for these workers?
>> DENIS MCDONOUGH: well, you
Know, so there's like big trend
That's are troubling. One big
Trend, for example, is the
Relatively smaller amount of
Capital that companies
Themselves are investing in
Training. This is a problem.
Companies are getting out of the
Business of investing in their
Workers. I think that's not a
Good long-term trend. But it
Does point out a public policy
Problem for the government who
Says then who is responsible for
Skilling and who pays. So, one
Of the things we're spending a
Lot of time on as we look at
Policy innovations how are we
Thinking about who pays for
Training opportunities, for
Workers who are not owning a
Bachelor of arts or a masters.
And so there are examples of
Private institutions like
Goodwill interacting with local
Employers or local community
College s. Some of it funded by
Available federal funding that
Connects that training
Opportunity to an actual open
Job and does it in a much more
Affordable way than to just put
It on the worker herself to both
Make her schedule work for an
Existing program and pay for
That out-of-pocket. But we'll
See. We're continuing to work
With 27 governors across the
Country, republicans and
Democrats. We're trying to
Aggregate data from existing
Programs and trying to identify
Best practices of what works and
What works well.
>> JOHN CIORCIARI: in addition
To the governors forum, are
There other channels where you
Think we need to invest to
Generate ideas for policy
Innovation? It can be
Universities. It can be other
Kinds of public/private
There's a lot of really
Interesting institutions
Existing. And one of the things
Is you ask somebody -- one of
The big challenges we find is
For people looking for training
They're captive to a closed
Network. So, I talked a little
Bit at lunch today with several
Of the business school students
And the Ford School students
About their colleagues. It is an
Amazing network that you have as
University of michigan
Students. That network will
Travel with you forever. And
You'll add new people to that
Network and that will be very
Kind of flexible and growing
Network. A lot of workers in our
Economy who are captive by
Geography or by experience to a
Much smaller network. And you
Talk to some of these workers
And say who are you talking to
About training opportunities. Or
Who are you talking to about new
Job opportunities. Often-times
The answer is, well, my brother,
My sister and my dad, my pastor.
And the question is, how do we
Then plug into those existing
Networks to broaden them, to
Make them more vibrant. And can
That be something as kind of as
Informal as working through the
Local goodwill. And how do we
Pay for that. So those are some
Of the questions that we're
Looking at. Again, needn't be
Some big structural question.
People are operating in and out
Of existing networks all the
Time and so especially with the
Amount of data that we have and
The amount of technology that is
Available we should be able to
Grow those and make them much
More vibrant than they have
>> JOHN CIORCIARI: one set of
Challenges of course is how to
Make the workforce as a whole
More dynamic, adaptive,
Responsive, retaining and so
Forth. Another is to think like
Many of the individuals in the
Audience who are training now at
The university of michigan to go
Out into the workforce. I wonder
If you could comment, you've had
A lot of different kinds of jobs
Or jobs that have required a
Diverse set of skills. How does
An individual who is here at the
Ford school or at the university
Prepare him or herself to be
Adaptive and to have a skill set
That can thrive in this new
>> DENIS MCDONOUGH: first of all
Use your judgment. If someone
Comes to you with a big
Difficult job with a lot of
Stress that will turn your hair
White as michael said, you know,
Exercise your judgment. Say no.
No, look, we talked about this
At lunch, john, and I think this
Is the secret right. Which is, I
Saids and I say if I could hire
Hungry, I'd hire hungry every
Time. The question then is what
Are the attributes for hunger.
You know. And how do you know
That when you are hiring
Somebody you are not hiring
Somebody because you know she
Has all the answers. You are
Hiring her because she knows
Where to go to find the answers.
She knows how to lead a team to
Develop the answers. She has the
Confidence to ask the question
Of the expert to get to the
Answer. And, you know, I don't
Know what the full suite of
Skills on a resume are that says
Hunger but I think I know some
Of them, right. Which is
Languages, travel, work,
Experience. You know, going to
School and putting yourself
Through school, that speaks to
Me about discipline. That speaks
To me about hunger. Team sports,
Working on tein teams. The ability
To delay your gratification for
A better outcome for the team.
So those are things I'm looking
For. The last thing is hunger is
Just like curiosity. You know,
What's great about being
President of the united states?
You get to work with people like
Betsy and ask them any question
You want to ask them. Then you
Get the answer
Obama used to say all the time I
Love that I get to work with all
These smart people and ask them
These questions. Imagine if you
Are that kind of curious person
What kind of opportunity you are
Presented with. So how you
Demonstrate your curiosity. What
Are you reading? Who are you
Going to meet? And are you
Really just talking to people
Who share the same views as you
Do? The same politics. How
Boring. Are we really going to
Let algorithms on our news
Aggregators feed us up what to
Feed? Or are we going to go find
What we want to read or we know
We need to read. Are we going to
Let our biases be confirmed
About what we learned before but
You have to say I need to learn
More about x. And let me find x.
I'm not going to wait for x to
Come to me. That is at the heart
Of the university of michigan.
That's at the heart of the ford
School. I said to michael at
Lunch, my brother used to --
Every day he would start with
The sports page. I would say
What are you doing. He said look
If president ford can start
Every day with the sports page I
Can start with the sports page.
I said but you start and end
With the sports page
The question is where are you
Going to get additional new
Thinking. And, you know, don't
Be the master of your own
Opinions. Be the master of
Finding new thinking and
Associating with new people. And
Boy you are out of the gates on
That strong right now.
>> JOHN CIORCIARI: and new
Thinking gets you nicely to the
Next segment of this
Conversation which is to talk
About complex multi-faceted
Policy challenges. All of us are
Reading in the newspaper about
Coronavirus and thinking about
Whether our institutions are in
A position to be able to respond
Effectively to it here at home
Or internationally. I wonder if
We could start by going back in
Time several years and learning
From your experience in the
Response to the ebola crisis
Several years ago. Widely fer
Sieveed has -- perceived has
Having been a successful
Response despite the obvious
Limitations to any response in
Those scenarios. I wonder if you
Can tell us what you think
Worked well and what elements
Could be replicated here.
>> DENIS MCDONOUGH: sure let me
Start with something that didn't
Work well. Which is for -- so
President obama thought -- I was
Obviously bias but I think he
Was a great leader. One of the
Things he did really well is he
Relied on experts. Could make a
Team work together and sing
Well. But then he circled back
With thank yous to the team.
Which I think is a really
Important thing. So, you may
Recall that we had a bunch of
Doctors that deployed overseas.
Some of them u.S. Government
Doctors, some of them private
Doctors. But he met with many of
Them in the oval to say thanks.
And everybody had on the way in
Had to get their temperature
Taken. We wanted to make sure
They didn't have -- we stopped
By the med unit. And I thought
That was good. That's a good
Safety check. So that meeting
Happens and as soon as
Everybody's gone I get a call.
This wasn't the president's, you
Know, scheduler, this was the
President. He doesn't pick up
The phone and call a lot. He is
Like can you come down here. I
Said well of course I can and I
Will. He said why did that last
Doctor give me the elbow? I said
What are you talking about. He
Said the last doctor in the line
Didn't shake my hand. He gave me
The elbow. And remember that,
People would not shake hands.
They didn't want to share any
Germs. I said I think maybe it
Was a joke. He said it was not a
Joke. I'm not going home to
Supper with the first lady and
The girls until I know why that
Guy gave me that eh elbow. So,
I said okay I'll get you an
Answer calmly and I walked down
The hall thinking to myself oh
My god did I just give the
President of the united states
[ laughter ]
So, I called up ron and I
Said hey can you get that doctor
On the phone I want to find out
Why he gave the president the
Elbow. And so he tracked him
Down and, of course, it was a
Joke. I was able to tell the
President. But I'll tell you
What, it did not work because I
Thought holy mackerel I'm going
To go down to the chief of staff
Who gave the president of the
United states ebola. But here's
What works. Right. Science
Works. Best available data
Works. So, you recall that one
Of the things at the time was,
Look why don't we stop all
Travel from west africa to the
United states. And on one level
That logic seems sound. But the
Best science says that stopping
Travel encourages people to
Withhold data. Withholding data
Means you are going to get an
Incomplete picture about the
Nature of the spread of the
Virus. And so if you incent
People to hide what they're
Experiencing, they will. Because
If somebody wants or needs to
Travel they're going to withhold
Important information to help us
Get a more complete picture of
How the virus was being
Transmitted. The political
Answer was to say, yep, we can
Turn off travel and access to
The united states including by
The way several were saying at
The time, private american
Doctors who had traveled to west
Africa to help with the virus.
We should just say you made that
Decision you got to stay out.
This was an active debate in the
Country. But the data, best
Practice and science all
Dictates that's not the way to
Run an operation. And it also
Then requires you to go defend
The scientific based -- science
Based reaction to the crisis.
And that may be political
Uncomfortable. But at the end of
The day, if you know what the
Right outcome is, you have to
Make a stand for that right
Outcome. So that's one thing.
Which is make your decision
Based on best available science
Not on bias, not on prejudice,
Not on what even might be in
Your best political interest,
But rather on science. One. And
Then two is use all the
Instruments of your power to
Confront this. And I think a
Real unsung hero of that time
Was chairman dempsey. The
Chairman of the joints chiefs of
Staff who under orders from the
President arranged for the
Deployment of many mobile
Medical units staffed by u.S.
Military personnel into west
Africa that ended up serving,
Putting our troops in the front
Lines of this complex medical
Challenge, crisis. Drawing on
Their considerable skill and
Training but also then
Generating a host of goodwill
For the united states because of
The treatment and the support
That we gave, you know,
Thousands and thousands of
Families in west africa. So,
Science using all the elements
Of american power and then also
Just recognizing that honesty's
The best policy. Right. If we've
Got a crisis, call it a crisis.
You don't wish it weren't a
Crisis. Right. You don't pub
Publish, don't worry we've got
It all under control if you
Don't. Because at the end of the
Day, all you have, as a general
Matter, but all you have in the
Midst of a crisis is your word.
And the confidence of the
American people that they can
Take to the bank what you say.
And the minute you lose that is
Going to be the minute that you
Can't contain a crisis. So those
Are my kind of first three,
John. By the way, in each of
Those places there's like
Critically important person. Ron
Who coordinated u.S. Government
Policy kind of across agencies
As the president's in effect a
Czar for this. Dempsey the
Chairman of the joint chiefs
Really mobilized the military
Presence in west africa. The
President himself of course. But
Then those multiple doctors. We
Use to send the doctors out to
The podiums all the time to
Update the american people on
What way eh knew and what we
Didn't know. And these are all
Things that I think the american
People have come to expect from
The government and I think
They're wright to expect it.
>> JOHN CIORCIARI: what do you
Think are the similarities and
Differences diplomatically
Between the ebola response and
Now coronavirus. In 2014 you had
U.S. And britain had long
Leadership roles and close
Relationships. Here you've got a
Large power with whom we have a
More difficult relationship,
More inclined to assert
Sovereign control and management
Over the problem, perhaps. In
What way would this change the
Response that you would
Recommend diplomatically to this
Coronavirus outbreak?
It's -- I think the first and
Most obvious difference is the
One you cite which is, you know,
The current covid 19 broke out
In the heart of china. In a
Province which is like kind of
The functional equivalent of
Chicago. It's about four times
The size of chicago but it's
Like a second city. Which all
The chicago people in here just
Gasped at. High wife just gasped
As well. What do you mean second
City? Anyway, you get the
Picture. So, its major place --
And the chinese are not going to
Throw their doors open to the
U.S. Or others to come in and
Dig into the bottom of this.
Whereas I think our west african
Friends did. They invited in
International support from day
One of the threat. So that's
One big difference. The second
Big difference is -- and I saw
Ron said this publicly the last
Couple days is we know far less
Today about the nature of this
Virus, the coronavirus, than we
Did at the start of the ebola
Crisis. Which is something
Because we didn't know much at
The start of the ebola crisis.
So, there's a lot to learn.
Which underscores the importance
Of maintaining open dialogue and
Opportunities for open and
Honest sharing that I referenced
A minute ago. So that we can be
Learning from each other's
Epidemiology and each other's
Experience. Really all we know
About this virus is what we're
Learning in the main from the
Chinese but now south korean,
Iranian and italian experiences,
And japanese experiences. Our
Ability to get up the curve of
Understanding what's happening
Is enhanced by our ability to
Share across these countries.
Chinese have not been great
About this. I think people have
Been pretty public about our
Concern that maybe the chinese
Are not fully sharing what they
Know. And that's a challenge.
But that's a challenge the u.S.
Should be able to get our hands
Around by increasing our
Interaction with the chinese.
>> JOHN CIORCIARI: there's a
Debate in the papers of course
Which many of you have read
About whether an authoritarian
System is better positioned or
Less well positioned than
Democracy to be able to deal
With something like coronavirus
When it enters a population. I
Wonder if you could walk us
Through your sense of where the
United states would be better
Prepared or where it would have
Challenges that may not exist in
China if indeed coronavirus
Becomes prevalent in this
>> DENIS MCDONOUGH: I think at
Some point it would be really
Great to be on the other side of
This crisis and be able to look
Back and have this debate. So,
I guess my first reaction is
Let's make sure that we handle
This right. And then look back.
But some of the attributes -- my
Wife and I have been discussing
This at considerable a length.
Because I think like a lot of
Families people are worried. But
What do I think are the positive
Attributes of our system. One is
That really since 9/11 we've
Both at the state level then
Coordinating fed -- through
Federal to state level, we've
Gotten good at sharing
Information from the feds to
State and local authorities and
State and local medical
Institutions, hospitals. We've
Gotten good at making sure we're
Prepared for big crisis. That
We're sharing necessary
Equipment. Making sure that the
Federal government is helping
Subsidize and fund that
Equipment to state and local.
So, I feel good about that. And
Then we're also good at
Exercising these capabilities.
One of the things that was
Really remarkable watching how
We treated, for example,
Infected doctors who came home
With ebola was, you know, those
Facilities in houston and
Atlanta were expert at managing
That particular virus. And
That's just a function of
Intense training and then
Exercising those training
Skills. So those are three
Things that I feel quite good
About. The thing that I am
Worried about is that we not
Somehow think that we can
Explain away the nature of the
Crisis. Just have to be very
Candid about what we know. Very
Candid about what we don't know.
Then be very candid and regular
In our communication with the
American people to bring them up
To speed on how we're learning.
So, I think it was a very choppy
Start yesterday where there seem
To be different messages coming
From the federal government
About whether this is going to
Be a pandemic, whether it's
Currently in control, what to
Expect. And then fairly
Nondescript guidance to families
To say everybody should be
Prepared for this. I remember
Reading through the stories
Thinking okay that's great but
So what does that mean. So, I'm
Worried about the relatively
Choppy nature of the
Communication so far. And so
Those are all resolvable things
And I think the american people
Have a right to expect answers
On those questions.
>> JOHN CIORCIARI: in just a
Moment I'm going to open up to
Questions from the audience that
Vivian, jacob and professor len
Will pose. But one more on this.
Back to the level of
International organizations. I
Read a statistic the other day
That says the world health
Organization's annual budget is
Around the same as a mid-sized
American hospital. And making
The case for more investment in
That global organization as a
Way to coordinate and transfer
Knowledge. What's your sense of
How reliant we are on effective
Multi-national organizations to
Respond to crisis like this as
Opposed to networked bilateral
We're -- I think we are reliant
On it. I don't think overly
Reliant on it. And I think, you
Know, so I saw something in the
News this morning in the
Newspaper on the way out flying
In to detroit that I think
Harvard and yale were to
Announce a project where they're
Cooperating on some epidemiology
Around this virus with ex
Existing -- institutions in
China with whom they have
Existing relationships. I think
That's a really good thing. I
Think that we have bilateral
Cooperation with the chinese.
Certain international global
Health issues. For example, out
Of ebola the chinese were very
Supportive of the effort in west
Africa on ebola in 2014/15. That
Cooperation was I think as much
Profound set of cooperative
Efforts between the united
States and china and the
International system as we've
Ever had. I think that's a
Positive thing. So those are all
Positive things. But at the end
Of the day, I think what you
Need the w.H.O. For is and you
Want to make sure its there when
You need it. So, you can't spin
This up occasionally. It's got
To be an available capability,
Reliable capability, is the
Ability to share data about
Existing challenges. So, w.H.O.
Team just has come out over the
Course of the last day I gather
From woulu hann. They're able to
Come out with data which will
Help inform us about decision
Making about this virus. If we
Didn't have that data we'd been
Even further behind trying to
Understand what's happening in
As much as I said. I think the
Chinese have not shown us all
Their cards yet. And the w.H.O.
Gives us an opportunity of
Something to get smarter much
More quickly than we would have
Without it. So, I think the
Answer to your question is that
Yeah I think we could rely on --
I think we could invest more on
The w.H.O. But it doesn't have
To be massive, right. What it
Does, it does well. What it does
Is it shares data and
Information about what's
Happening. But that is not
Enough. We have to continue with
These bilateral cooperative
Efforts at both the government
And non-governmental level.
>> JOHN CIORCIARI: let's turn to
Some questions from the
Audience. I realize that we've
Got other issues that would have
Come up in conversation that
You've done work on including
Migration, cybersecurity, and a
Whole host of other issues and
I'm sure we'll get to some of
Those now.
thank you for coming. My name
Is jacob. I am a senior in the
B. A. Program here folk if us on
Middle east policy and
International development. First
Question is: your pre-chief of
Staff background is heavily
Grounded in foreign policy and
International relations.
>> DENIS MCDONOUGH: so why did
He hire me to do the other job?
when you are chief of
Staff and oversee a massive
Portfolio. In what ways did your
Foreign policy experience inform
Your analysis of domestic
Remember talking to the
President about the job. And I
Said, look, here's what I know,
Mr. President. I can't be like a
Domestic policy advisor like
Rahm or j-- ron or jack. Probably
Because I'm so much taller than
Ron and so much better looking
Than jack
I said look that's just not
Might thing, right -- my thing.
Right. The good news though is
That there are people around you
Like betsy and like jeff and see
Celia munoz and broderick
Johnson who are expert in their
Area. And so if you put me in
This job, I'm not going to be
Your policy advisor, because I
Can't be that person. By the
Way, you have a national
Security advisor in tom and
Susan rice who are world class.
So my job is not to be your
Advisor. My job is to make sure
That this team works and gets
You sound advice that the
Decisions that come to you are
Square, that the options have
Been developed transparency, and
So that you won't be surprised
That somehow you make a decision
Then you learn ex-post facto
About the decision that well,
You know, three or four agencies
In the government oppose the
Decision. Every decision he
Makes, look, do you reserve the
Hardest decisions for the
President right. That's their
Job. And the thing the chief of
Staff has to do to be a good
Chief of staff is to tee those
Decisions up square. Not be the
Person who is on a walk saying,
You know, well, you know, let's
Really delve into mr. President
The difference between medicare
And medicaid. I am here to tell
You that thank god I never did
That because I don't know
Anything about that. All right.
But we have people like kathleen
Sebelius and sylvia and gene who
Did. So my job was to make sure
They had an opportunity to
Present those options to the
President. And my commitment to
Him was that those decisions
Will be presented squarely, the
Team will feel part of the
Decision. Because at the end of
The day, the decision is just
The start. Because the decision
The president makes sets off
Execution. And white houses get
In trouble when they forget that
The hard part comes after the
Decision on the execution.
good evening. Vivian. A first
Year mpp student here at the
Ford school with interests in
International policy. This next
Question pertains to the labor
Discussion we had earlier.
Specifically what are your
Thoughts on a universal basic
Income or guaranteed income for
Lower income individuals as a
Tool to combat the rise of
Automation and skill-based
Interesting I mean I've seen a
Couple of interesting papers on,
For example, how alaska managed
And has managed proceeds from
The alaska oil pipeline and how,
You know, that has arguably
Functioned similar to kind of a
Ubi-like policy tool for alaska.
And there's a lot to commend to
That and some problems that have
Come from that. So, I don't
Rule it out, but I'm very clear
Eyed about it because at the
Moment kind of the fundamental
Attributes that we have to a
System that supports people in
Transition or people suffering
From dislocation in our system
Are just the basic pieces that
We have today are currently
Under attack. Right the
Affordable care act, work
Requirements around medicaid,
The efforts to reduce access
Associated with the affordable
Care act. Work requirements, for
Example, around medicaid which I
Think have been proven to not
Show any discernible uptick in
Work but have proven to show
Discernible down tick in access
To medicare and healthcare
Treatment or access to
Healthcare generally. I'd like
To staff those and solidify the
Pieces of our existing safety
Net that have proven themselves
Quite well over time. And then
I'd also like to make sure that
We're focused on making sure
That there are dignified
Training options for people who
Want them cognizant of the
Individual circumstances of
Those people who are looking for
Those training options so they
Have access to dignified work. I
Think there's currently enough
Dignified work to be done. The
Question is how are we
Disintermediating between the
People who can do it and the
Work. And one of the big pieces
Of it I think is how we
Advertise open work. In
Colorado, 75 percent of open
Construction manager jobs
Require a bachelor of arts. 23
Percent of current construction
Managers have a bachelor of
Arts. So, why is that? I think
That the market itself is
Insufficiently transparent, so
Opaque, and leaves out a lot of
People who may have the skills
But are not able to advertise
Those skills because we
Advertise the job for a
Credential, a b. A., that
Two-thirds of the country does
Not have. So, we're just
Leaving too much of our massive
Talent off the field..
audience member: this is a
Job training question. How does
Job retraining and the tools
That might be successful change
When looking at a whole industry
Is built on an industry such as
Coal mining. How do you get that
Job training.
>> DENIS MCDONOUGH: this is the
Hard case, right. And I think
That we -- well the short answer
Is I don't know yet. But I think
If you go back to honesty is the
Best policy, part of this is
That promising a return of jobs
That are not going to come
Because of changing technology
Or changing requirements is not
The best way to do that. And so
I don't -- I don't want to over
Promise this. I think we don't
Know yet. The data is out on
This. I think the interesting
Part is that we have a lot of
Governors who are trying a range
Of options. And our goal at the
Re-org america task force is to
Try to extrapolate from those
Experiences to see if there's
Something the federal government
Can co differently. Audience e
Eps --.
audience member: what
Changes do you believe need to
Be made to the education system
To promote a more fair labor
Market that addresses the
Strength of the individual?
>> DENIS MCDONOUGH: well, this
Is both in response to the
Question and response to my
Current situation since I have
Kids who are 18, 15 and 12. I'd
Like to see higher education get
More affordable
Two is also it would be good to
Figure out a way for us to have
A more nimble training and
Education opportunity over the
Course of an individual's
Lifetime. Recognizing that you
Don't stop upscaling when you
Are 22, 23 or 25 or 26. So the
Question is how do we make the
Rest of the training
Infrastructure more accessible,
More flexible and agile to
Respond to people's lives rather
Than making people drop their
Lives to try to get into the
Training system so that you can
Continue to add skills in those
Years, say, 25-55. And, you
Know, so I think some of the
Attributes of those to an
Education system that does that
Would mean people are more able
To carry with them in some kind
Of reasonable cost-effective way
A record of the skills they'ving
A regated over time. Right now
If you want to go get your -- so
I've got a b. A. And an m.S.
When I want to get my
Transcripts I have to pay 25
Bucks. All right. It's not a
Major deal for me but what's the
Deal? Why do I have to pay 25
Bucks for that. I thought I got
That when I went to college
Right. So, I say that mostly in
Jest but think if you're a
Military spouse and you've taken
Courses at a variety of
Institutions across the country
As you've gone from different
Bases to different bases as your
Spouse has been active duty. And
You have to aggregate those
Skills or the transcripts and
You are paying 25 bucks a pop.
Why is that? Shouldn't we be
Much more able to allow somebody
To carry that lifelong learning
Transcript with them. So they
Cab call on it. All right. With
Technology being what it is
Today, that should be more
Doable. So, there's things from
Big structural things to
Relatively smaller technology
Fixes -- technical fixes that I
Think what actually empower
Workers themselves to demand a
Better wage in the market. But
Right now too much of the market
Is really tilted towards opassty
And away from the interest of
The worker..
audience member: so given
Your experience on security
Issues, what do you see as the
Role of drone strikes right now
And how would you evaluate that
Policy based on your time at the
White house?
So I commence to you a speech
That president obama gave in may
Or june 2013 at the national
Defense university where he gave
A speech about how he saw the
Limits on his power to carry out
And to use this new technology
Of drones. And I think the
Speech itself largely holds up.
The principals at the heart of
The speech which is that the
President maybe even especially
Because of the new technology
Wanted to make sure that the
American people had confidence
That he in exercising this great
Power afforded to him by that
Technology is still ultimately
Accountable to the american
People as their elected
Representative. So that he owed
Them answers about the
Circumstances under which he
Used that technology, the impact
Of that technology. Say, for
Example, on civil an casualties.
The legal basis for him to use
That power. And as a result of
All that he felt a great
Opportunity to make transparent
And public as much of that
Information as he could. Partly
Because of the nature of our
System, which is it is a
Democratic system, he has the
Ability to exercise that power
Because of the votes of the
American people so he owes them
Transparency. But also because
This fick is going to pro --
Technology is going to
Proliferate. And if we are not
As transparent as accountable as
We can be in our system, how
Will more closed systems, like
Russia, less accountable systems
Like iran or china, use that
Technology. So, he felt a great
Responsibility to kind of put
Out those principals in such a
Way as to try to raise the bar
On other governments. I think
The extent to which those
Practices that he laid out in
That speech and that we've
Subsequently followed until 2017
Have been changed. I think
That's ultimately detrimental to
The american national interests.
For two reasons. Which is it
Reduces accountability to the
American people as I suggested a
Minute ago. Two is it gives
Greater cart blanche to other
Actors in the international
System to operate less beholden
To the kinds of principals that
We have come to expect from our
audience member: what was
The most challenging event or
Situation you encountered while
In the white house and how did
You handle it?
>> DENIS MCDONOUGH: that's an
Excellent question.
So I will say one thing first
Just about the structure of the
White house. So the west wing
Is kind of the business end of
The white house. The east wing
Is the first lady's business end
Of the white house. Then the
Residence is right in the
Middle. That's where the first
Family lives. In the west wing
The chief of staff's office is
On the corner, kind of the
Southwest corner of that
Building. Then about, I don't
Know, 40 yards east of there is
The oval office. So it's pretty
Closs. 120 feet, 150 feet. And
Here's two things. Maxims. In
Four years as chief of staff
Never once did I beat good news
To the oval office
Never once. Mr. President, I
Just wanted to come down and let
You know we just got the
Decision from the supreme court
On the affordable care act. Oh I
Know. Just got a call from eric
Holder we're all set.
Mr. President I just want to let
You know I just heard from
Negotiators, we've got a deal on
The paris accords. Oh I know. I
Was just on the phone with john.
Okay so 0 for 4 years on good
News. Here is the flip side of
That maxim. Never once did bad
News beat me to the oval office
Every single time, hey did you
Mention that to the president, I
Haven't had a chance
In fact, josh bolten who was
President bush's last chief of
Staff said well you have to have
A chief of staff because if you
Didn't the president would never
Get any bad news
[ laughter ]
So, as premise -- with that
Premise, here's my worst day in
The white house. About
October 8, 2013. And I remember
Walking down the hallway from
The chief of staff's office to
The oval office and I was about
To tell the president that it
Wasn't an access of demand for
Healthcare that was stopping
People from being able to get
Through healthcare.Gov. It was
That healthcare.Gov itself was
Broken. That we rolled out a
Broken piece of technology for
Him. And I knew I was going down
There to tell him that after
Literally every week since I
Became chief of staff the
President literally said this to
Me. He said, Denis, you know
That healthcare.Gov and the new
Marketplace only works if the
Website works, right. I said
Absolutely, mr. President. We're
All over that. So, I told him
That. So, I started the first
Week of february and this is now
The first week of october. So
What's that, 32 times I told
Him, got it all under control,
Mr. President. Everything's
Fine. And I remember telling
Him. And it's one of those
Things like we've all had it.
You anger your parents and you
Really hope they just yell at
You. But they're so disappointed
They don't even raise their
You are just like this is
Terrible. Please yell at me or
Fire me. I don't know. So, I
Did tender my resignation and he
Was having none of that. But I
Think he knew that we are in an
Open enrollment period. So that
Is to say a period during which
People could enroll in the
Market place. And we had a set
Period. For the first year it
Was three months. So, 12 weeks.
And we needed every day of those
To the risk pool as we could
Get. Not just sick people who
Knew they needed healthcare
Insurance but healthy people so
That we could smooth out the
Risk. And he knew that if he
Fired me we'd be slower than
Getting the system back up and
Running and getting people
Enrolled. So, I was saved by my
Own incompetence. But that was
By far the worst day. I still
Have plenty of times when I lay
In bed at night and close my
Eyes and I still see that little
Hour glass on the screen of my
Computer that no matter how many
Times I press the button on my
Keyboard, nothing happened. So
That was a terrible day..
audience member: how do
You balance your own beliefs and
Working in the white house? And
What is your best advice to
Students hoping to serve in
Public life?
>> DENIS MCDONOUGH: that's a
Great question.
So I -- I am going to answer
This in two ways. I had a mentor
In graduate school named seth
Tillman, a terrific man. In
Fact the first person I told I
Had been offered the chief of
Staff's job by president obama.
And he is a fascinating guy. He
Was senator fulbright's speech
Writer. And so you think about
All the great books that senator
Fulbright wrote. Legislator as
Educator, power and principal,
Arrogance of power. And you
Think about the role that he
Played as chairman of the
Foreign relations committee in
Ending the vietnam war and think
To yourself that must have been
An interesting guy to work for.
And seth was a fascinating guy.
And he talked to me about
Something he called the staffer
Ethos. Staffer ethos he says
Is -- by the way he worked for
The same foreign relations
Committee when there was not a
Republican and democratic staff
There was just one staff. So,
He worked for eh republicans and
Democrats. He said his job was
To be best prepared on his
Position for the private
Discussion with the senator and
Argue his position as stre
Strenuously as he could until
The senator made the decision.
At that time that was now his
Position. And it would forever
Be his position. If I have sim
Pa this I for president trump on
One thing, it's this. Staff
Walking out of a meeting with
Him and saying he decided x but
It was for y. What gives you the
Right to do that? That strikes
Me as chicken. You make your
Arguments in private and then
The president makes his
Decision, her decision, and
That's your position. Now, this
Is not easy with senator
Fulbright. Democratic senator
From arkansas who finally lost
Re-election in 1972. Because
When he wasn't stopping the war
In vietnam you know what he was
Doing? Filibustering the voting
Rights act. Filibustering the
Civil rights act. So, I asked
Seth about that. I said gees
That's like a little hard on the
Whole staffer ethos thing,
Right. You are working for a
Segregationist. Seth points up
The challenge of the question.
Right. Which brings me to the
Second way I often get this
Question which is: I have ten
Brothers and sisters. Myoldest
Brother is a catholic priest. My
Second oldest brother is a
Former catholic priest. So the
Question often comes as a good
Catholic how can you work for a
Democrat. You know. So, I
Usually try to moderate my anger
But then the answer is this.
Which is if I want to be the
Decider I should be the
President. Or the member of
Congress or the senator. But as
A staff guy you're asked to
Be -- hired to be in those jobs
To make your positions known.
And in that regard I feel like
Oftentimes president obama
Sought me out particularly
Because of my view. And
Oftentimes because he knew it
Was different than his. So my
Expectation isn't that I win
Every argument. Who gets to work
In a job where you win every
Argument? And if you do, you are
Probably working in the wrong
Place. Right. The challenge is
Do you get the opportunity to
Make your argument. Or is
Somebody trying to force you to
Trim your argument to coincide
With a generally popular view.
Or can you speak your mind
Because you've trained your
Mind, you've through hunger
Developed your mind. Through
Association with these great
Professors learned all sorts of
New things. The president that I
Know best wanted a staff person
Who did that not who gave him an
Answer that he warranted to
Hear. Or that he was predisposed
To believe in the first
Instance. Those he was most
Suspicious of. Isn't that right?
If he knew you were building the
Lily boy that's it. So, in
Response to the question, what
Do I -- I forget precisely the
Question but what's my advice.
My advice is to be the smartest
Youen can be and be as
Passionate as you can be. And
Don't put your light under the
Bushel. Put your light on top of
The bushel and make your
Arguments. But recognize you
Don't win every one. By the way,
As I said, if you are winning
Every argument, you are probably
In the wrong place..
audience member: how does
The recent polarization between
Majority conservative and
Majority liberal communities
Make it increasingly difficult
For the american people to
Collectively respond to crises?
>> DENIS MCDONOUGH: that's a
Good question. I mean, I
Think -- I don't think there's
Anything about polarization per
Se that makes response to crisis
Harder. Provided that our
Leadership is relying on some of
Those tenants we talked about
Earlier. Which is letting
Science dictate decisions. Now
Being afraid to take the hard
Right position, that is to say
The hard difficult position
Rather than the easy, more
Politically attractive decision.
And relying on people because of
Their expertise. If you are
Willing to stick to those
Principals I think you can
Manage any crisis. Our
Institutions have seen
Everything. I said this at lunch
But think about the white house
Itself. 45 presidents, actually
President trump is 45. Every
President's had a piece of that
White house. Washington didn't
Live in it. He negotiated the
Purchase of the south lawn.
Adams lived it but just for a
Couple months. Long enough to
Write like the most beautiful
Letter to his wife. I wish I
Could write the way these guys
Write. My wife might actually
Like me better
Madison decided to move out.
Everybody else moved back in
Until truman. He had to move
Back out but they realized how
Badly we rebuilt the building
After the brits and canadiens --
I repeat what I said before and
I won't use a swear word that I
Used at lunch -- burned it down.
But every president's had a
Piece of that building. Which is
To say everything this country
Has gone through, saying a big
Part of our population is three
Fifths of a person, slavery,
Civil war, world war, civil
Rights movement, 9/11. How
Arrogant to think that any
Individual moment you have in
That building is so unique that
You should just invent a new way
To deal with a problem. So, our
Institutions are up to the
Challenges that we face. And
That's because our institutions
Of made up of all these people.
This is why I so badly want more
Of these university of michigan
Nationalists to move to
Washington and go to work for
Uncle sam. Because you are the
Institutions. And we're up to
These challenges. There's no
Question in my mind. Absolutely
No question in my mind. Any time
A leader tells you we're not, we
Got the wrong leader. It's time
To change him..
audience member: I think
This might be the last yes we
Have time for you. What advice
Can you give young voters when
Trying to vote for in the
Primaries and what bolsies
Should we prioritize and how
Much does a candidate's past
Affect how much we should trust
Most important advice I can give
You is vote. President obama
Used to come back from these,
Like, trips to see students. I
Mentioned this earlier today. He
Was always so excited. Students
Are so all truistic, so
Creative, entrepreneurial. But
Sounds like they're so busy
Doing those things they don't
Vote. Mrs. Obama has a saying.
She says raise your hand if you
Are listening to the play list
That your grandmother made for
You. No list. No hands. Raise
Your hand if you are wearing an
Outfit that your grandfather
Picked out for you. No hands go
Up. Says well as long as you
Keep not voting you're by virtue
Of the data letting your
Grandmother and grandfather
Decide who will lead you. So,
Vote. That's the thing I just
Cannot tell you enough of. Vote.
And in terms of the person's
History. You know, I forget
What axlerod calls the
Primaries. He calls them
Something like gut check or
Something like that. You can't
Get through this without the
American people knowing you.
You know, I think you know after
Seeing everything that's come
And gone in primaries, I think
You know the people at the end
Of the day. I am not one of
Those who is very cynical about
These people. I think as a
General matter, most of these
People are in this for the right
Reason. And in any case they're
Showing you all their cards. And
So I actually don't really care
Who you vote for. I just really,
Really, really, really, really,
Really want you to vote. And if
That happens there is nothing
More than we hope for. So,
Please vote.
>> JOHN CIORCIARI: Thank you. A
Very good sort of call to
Concrete action to take away
From the conversation. We
Appreciate your insights on a
Broad array of issues. Let's
Please continue the conversation
Outside where we have a
Reception and please everyone
Stay involved. We've got a great
Stream of events continuing
Through the winter and spring.
Please join me in thanking Denis
Very much.