Rebecca Blank, William G. Gale, Peter Tufano, Jane Dokko, Ron Haskins and moderator Belle Sawhill join in a panel at the Brookings "Insufficient Funds: Savings, Assets, Credit and Banking Among Low-Income Households" book discussion.
William Gale talks about policy and research at the Brookings Institution discussion on how the recommendations of the book, "Insufficient Funds: Savings, Assets, Credit and Banking Among Low-Income Households" might be implemented. May, 2009.
Peter Tufano talk, "Financial Innovations to Support Savers" presented at the Brookings "Insufficient Funds: Savings, Assets, Credit and Banking Among Low-Income Households" book discussion. May, 2009.
Jane Dokko talks about how individuals engage with formal and informal financial institutions presented at the Brookings "Insufficient Funds: Savings, Assets, Credit and Banking Among Low-Income Households" book discussion. May, 2009.
Rebecca Blank presents an overview of the Brookings Institution discussion on how the recommendations of the book, "Insufficient Funds: Savings, Assets, Credit and Banking Among Low-Income Households" might be implemented. May, 2009.
Ron Haskins welcomes everyone to the Brookings Institution discussion on how the recommendations of the book, "Insufficient Funds: Savings, Assets, Credit and Banking Among Low-Income Households" might be implemented. May, 2009.
Patricia L. Caruso, Robert Brown & Dennis Schrantz discuss changes in Michigan crime & corrections policies at "Rightsizing Michigan's Prison Population: Policy-driven Expansion and Reduction in an Era of Mass Incarceration" panel.
William Julius Wilson discusses his forthcoming book entitled, "More than Just Race: Being Black and Poor in the Inner City" during the keynote speech of the Interdisciplinary Group on Poverty and Inequality conference. March, 2009.
Marina v.N. Whitman discusses how policymakers could face long-term challenges with the country's financial stability as the new stimulus plan provides short-term solutions to the economic collapse. February, 2009.
Allan Stam, U-M Professor of Political Science and Faculty Associate at the Center for Political Studies, discusses the genocide, civil war, vendetta killings and random violence that took place in Rwanda in 1994. February, 2009.
Panelists John C. Austin, Charles L. Ballard, Kim Hill, Christopher Hayter, with moderator Paul Courant discuss the current and future state of the Michigan economy. February 2009. Hosted by the Center for Local, State, and Urban Policy.
Marian Wright Edelman speaks from her new book, "The Sea Is So Wide and My Boat Is So Small: Charting a Course for the Next Generation," which she wrote as a call to action for all Americans to address the urgent needs of our youth.
Robert Pianta discusses how to improve school and classroom experiences through teachers' professional development in his talk titled "Improving Impacts of Classrooms: Professional Development and Classroom Observation." November, 2008.
Alberto Trejos discusses the evolution of Costa Rica's decision to join the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and shares his insight on how political strategy & drama influenced Costa Rica's adoption into CAFTA. November, 2008.
Mark Brewer, Joe Schwarz, Charles L. Ballard, Ted Parson, Carl Simon, and moderator Jack Lessenberry discuss how the policies of the presidential candidates will impact Michigan. November, 2008. Sponsored by Michigan Radio and CLOSUP.
David Marash discusses the ever-expanding world of global communication and how new players like the Internet and mobile phone links for the transmission of text, voice and pictures is guiding the still dominant "mainstream media." September, 2008
Panelists Michael Flanagan, Frederick Hess, JD Hoye, Sanford I. Weill, Deborah Loewenberg Ball and moderator Brian Jacob discuss the role that the private sector can play in public education. March, 2008.
Marc Spitzer, Federal Energy Regulatory Commissioner, discusses renewable energy and competition. His lecture is followed by a panel to further the discussion consisting Rob Gramlich, Barry Rabe and Meredith Fowlie. March, 2008.
Barry Rabe talks about the report he co-authored with Christopher Borick, a professor of political science at Muhlenberg College, titled "Survey of Michigan Residents on the Issue of Global Warming and Climate Policy Options." February, 2008.
Martin Palouš discusses how international affairs seen differently by small and large democratic nations and uses the Czech Republic to show how small nations have their own heritages, experiences, and perspectives. February, 2008.
Katherine Newman talks about her book "The Missing Class: Portraits of the Near Poor in America" which discusses the 57 million Americans-including 21 percent of the nation's children-who are sandwiched between poor and middle class.
Panelists Mary Pattillo, Sandra S. Smith, David Harding and moderator Sheldon Danziger talk about jobs and housing and the trust, distrust, and social class in the black community. January, 2008.
Susan Collins, Joan and Sanford Weill Dean of Public Policy, Gerald R Ford School of Public Policy and Professor of Economics, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts talks about her research activities. December, 2007.
Dean Yang, Assistant Professor of Public Policy, Gerald R. Ford School & Assistant Professor of Economics, College of Literature, Science and the Arts talks about his current research projects in Central America. December, 2007.