ADMIN: Pages | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Susan Dynarski was quoted in a Detroit Free Press article, "More aid and debt relief set for cash-strapped college students" Story
Susan Dynarski was featured in the New York Times Magazine's "8th Annual Year in Ideas" for research presented in her paper, "The Lengthening of Childhood" Story
Kristin S. Seefeldt was interviewed for a France 24 article, "Americans have bought too many foreign cars" Story
Kristin S. Seefeldt was quoted in a New York Times article, "Working Poor and Young Hit Hard in Downturn" Story
New book, The Fifth Freedom: Jobs, Politics, and Civil Rights in the United States, 1941-1972, by Anthony S. Chen receives 2008 President's Book Award Story
Dean of Libraries and Ford School professor Paul Courant involved with legal settlement between major universities, Google Story
New research from Brian Jacob investigates the relationship between gun shows and gun-related deaths Story
Brian Jacob earns prestigious David N. Kershaw Award and Prize Story
James House has been appointed a Distinguished University Professor, the U-M's highest faculty honor Story
Scientific journal Nature names Robert Axelrod's "The Evolution of Cooperation" one of 6 science books the next U.S. president should read first Story
Mel Levitsky published an op-ed piece in the Detroit News about the Columbia-U.S. trade agreement, "Free trade pact would help fight drug abuse" Story
"Bush Signs Loan Package For Troubled Automakers" Story
Fulfilling the commitment: Recommendations for reforming federal student aid Story
Dean Yang works to increase the economic benefits of migrant earnings for their families in El Salvador Story
John R. Chamberlin was quoted in two New York Times articles Story
Recent Paper by Susan Dynarski Explores the Increased Trend of "Academic Redshirting" Story
Sheldon Danziger testifies at a hearing held by the Subcommittee on Income Security and Family Support, U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means, "Establishing a Modern Poverty Measure" Story
Matthew Davis was quoted in a USA Today article, "Child health care varies widely among states" Story
Susan Waltz receives Human Rights Fellowship Story
Barry Rabe was interviewed by The Washington Times for the article "'Green' promises from Hill fall flat with activists" Story
Rebecca Blank interviewed by the Economic Research Initiative on the Uninsured (ERIU) Story
Leaders and best: Seven U-M faculty including Sheldon Danziger named Guggenheim Fellows Story
John Chamberlin named founding director of new Center for Ethics in Public Life Story
New report by Barry Rabe shows that Michigan residents are willing to pay extra for renewable energy production Story
Sheldon Danziger's new co-edited volume featured in a Washington Post article, "Bringing Up Babies, And Defying the Norm" Story
"Behind the Curve: Governments versus Criminal Networks" Story
Parents want teachers who make children happy Story
Matt Davis published an op-ed piece in the Detroit News about the SCHIP debate, "Expanding kids care won't socialize medicine" Story
The Seattle Times interviewed Shobita Parthasarathy for "Protesters demand new cancer drugs" Story
Jan Svejnar was interviewed by the Detroit News, "Manufacturing job losses put at 170,000" Story
Sheldon Danziger was interviewed by ABC World News for a story about the 2007 poverty report Story
Sheldon Danziger was cited in an AP story about the 2007 poverty rate Story
Tensions in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute could be eased if peace deals involve compromise and symbolic concessions, such as an apology, according to new research by Scott Atran and Bob Axelrod Story
USA Today article features research by Barry Rabe, "More states harness power of renewable energy" Story
Rebecca Blank was quoted in a Salt Lake Tribune article, "Utahns give mixed review to welfare reforms, question if they truly help the poor" Story
Sheldon Danziger and Bob Schoeni were featured in a U-M video about the Census Bureau's annual poverty report Story
Matthew Davis's research was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and featured in Forbes and USA Today, "System Leaves Some Children Unvaccinated" Story
The Urban Institute hosted a panel discussion last week about Ford School professor Ned Gramlich's new book, "Subprime Lending: America's Latest Boom and Bust" Story
Rick Hall cited in Washington Post column on legislative lobbying, "Campaign Contributions Change Priorities, Not Beliefs" Story
A new report from CLOSUP's Tom Ivacko warns that the state's negative self-image may be doing more harm than its very real economic challenges Story