ADMIN: Pages | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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We remember colleague and friend Katherine Terrell Story
Matt Davis interviewed on NPR's Tell Me More about Native Americans, H1N1 virus Story
Ford School congratulates its Winter 2009 graduates Story
Paul N. Courant and Alexandra A. Killewald (PhD candidate) examine "grade inflation" using sociology, economics Story
Barry Rabe quoted in article about American perspectives on global warming policy Story
New York Times publishes Scott Atran op-ed about strategies to beat Al Qaeda Story
Ford School student Rebecca Lopez Kriss (MPP ’11), co-founder of YP Underground, profiled in Story
Yang, Maccini featured in New York Times Magazine’s "9th Annual Year in Ideas" Story
Susan Dynarski gave keynote address at University College Dublin conference Story
Susan M. Collins discusses the importance of exports in the recovery of the U.S. job market with U-M News Service Story
Susan M. Collins quoted in Detroit News article about White House jobs summit Story
Rachel White (BA '10) earns fall Academic All-Big Ten honors Story
Susan M. Collins to attend presidential forum on jobs, economic growth Story
Sheldon Danziger spoke with Michigan Radio about the "Measuring Poverty in America Act of 2009" Story
Marina Whitman quoted in Detroit Free Press article about GM's new corporate focus Story
Barry Rabe quoted in USA Today article about President Obama’s ambitious December agenda Story
Ford School friends honored with U-M's David B. Hermelin Award for Fundraising Volunteer Leadership Story
Barry Rabe: Commentary on the Cape Wind panel Video
Immigration, public policy, and the skills debate panel Video
Barry Rabe interviewed by American Public Media in "States develop cap and trade programs" Story
Ford School alum Shevaun Culmer (MPP ’09) named to Organization of American States anti-terrorism post Story
Barry Rabe and John Ciorciari interviewed on WEMU's "The Lynn Rivers Show" Story
University Record article details potential benefits of the Ford School’s new video library Story
New research by Brian Jacob shows results are mixed for impact of No Child Left Behind Act Story
C.J. Lee (MPP ’10) interviewed by about his internship with Michigan gubernatorial candidate Rick Snyder Story
Sheldon Danziger quoted in Pioneer Press article, "Who's poor? Proposal aims for better measurement" Story
Ford School, Weill Hall join U-M Planet Blue energy conservation efforts Story
Ford School earns "Silver Level" Green IT Achievement Story
The Ford School student-run Michigan Journal of Public Affairs issues call for paper submissions Story
Ford School student Daniel M. Katz (PhD candidate) appears in New York Times blog about the House health care reform bill Story
Paul Courant authors Economists' Voice article, "The Stakes in the Google Book Search Settlement" Story
Marina Whitman quoted in Washington Post article, "German government, unions angry at GM" Story
Matt Davis interviewed on NPR's Tell Me More about parents' reactions to the H1N1 vaccine. Story
CLOSUP publishes brief on Michigan’s transportation funding Story
Sheldon Danziger quoted in New York Times blog, "Redefining Financial Adulthood (Again)" Story
Crystal Borgman featured in University Record spotlight article, "Drums dominate free time for Ford School IT worker" Story
Recent CLOSUP survey of local government leaders attracts local and regional media Story
John Chamberlin quoted in a Detroit News article, "Detroit council candidates face foreclosures, debts" Story
Center for Public Policy in Diverse Societies Story
CLOSUP statewide survey: Local governments to cut services, want financing for economic development Story