This course covers descriptive statistics, probability theory, probability distributions (normal, binomial, chi-squared, F), sampling distributions, confidence intervals, and hypothesis...
This course covers descriptive statistics, probability theory, probability distributions ( normal, binomial, chi-squared, F), sampling distributions, confidence intervals, and hypothesis...
This course surveys what we do and don't know about economic growth and poverty alleviation in developing countries. We begin by discussing alternative perspectives on the goals of...
This course examines the policy issues of international trade, including trade in both goods and services and also international flows of direct investment and...
This course is an introduction to programming and working in STATA, a core statistical program in the social sciences. In a variety of fields, STATA remains the baseline program for analysis, data management, and...
This course is an introduction to programming in the R statistical language. R is a flexible, open-source statistics platform which has gained broad adoption in a variety of...
This course seeks to make students sensitive to and articulate about the ways in which moral and political values come into play in the American policy process, particularly as they affect non-elected public officials who work in a world shaped...
Location: 1010 Dow Engineering Building (North Campus).
Co-taught with Dr. Carl Landwehr, Lead Research Scientist, Cyber Security Policy & Research Institute, George Washington...
Location: 1010 Dow Engineering Building (North Campus).
Co-taught with Dr. Carl Landwehr, Lead Research Scientist, Cyber Security Policy & Research Institute, George Washington...
Instructor: Thomas Lyon, Dow Professor of Sustainable Science, Technology and Commerce ([email protected])
This course meets during the second half of the semester (10/28/19 -...