Ford School News | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Showing 5131 - 5160 of 5855 results

NSAPOCC reveals belief in global warming is on the rise

Feb 29, 2012
The National Survey of American Public Opinion on Climate Change (NSAPOCC), co-authored by Barry Rabe, has been published in the February 2012 edition of "Issues in Governance Studies" by The Brookings Institution.The latest installment in the...

Jacob discusses MEAP results on "The Craig Fahle Show"

Feb 16, 2012
WDET talk show host Craig Fahle interviewed Ford School professor of education policy Brian A. Jacob about the recent Michigan Education Assessment Program results and their implications for Michigan.Higher standards for the MEAP this year resulted...

Greetings from the Dean

Jan 24, 2012
Dear Alumni and Friends:Later this week we'll bring over thirty MPP students toWashington DC for our annual careers trip. Many of you have volunteered to serve on career panels or to host a panel in your offices. Your commitment to supporting the...

Ford students "exercise" to open 2012 with policy simulation

Jan 23, 2012
The Ford School's MPA and MPP cohorts quickly turned their attention at the start of 2012 from "NYE" to "IPE."The Integrated Policy Exercise is an intensive, three-day simulation in which students work en masse on a number of policymaking scenarios...