Ford School News | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Showing 4471 - 4500 of 5936 results

Helping working families will help the economy, says Stevenson

Sep 26, 2014
In a Q&A session with the New Republic, Betsey Stevenson discusses the impact new policies to support working families—such as paid sick and maternity leave, and universal pre-kindergarten—could have, both on families and the economy.Stevenson, who...

Slow down, get college ratings right, Dynarski tells White House

Sep 22, 2014
“The Obama administration seems intent on putting [college] ratings in place in short order,” writes Dynarski in “Why Federal College Ratings Won’t Rein In Tuition,” published in the Sunday, September 21 edition of The New York Times. “Along with...

Nuclear energy competition enhances safety, profitability?

Sep 12, 2014
After the widespread deregulation of U.S. energy in the late 1990s, in which half of American nuclear plants entered wholesale electricity markets for the first time, there were public fears that the new profit-mentality would degrade safety...

Wolfers picked for IMF "25 Brightest Young Economists" list

Sep 10, 2014
What does Justin Wolfers have in common with Esther Duflo, Roland Fryer, and Thomas Piketty?All just made the International Monetary Fund’s “25 Brightest Young Economists” list, published in the August 27 issue of IMF’s Finance and Development...

What's new about our new site? Just about everything.

Sep 5, 2014
Welcome to the Ford School's all-new presence on the web.For the past ten months, we've been working to design, create, and implement a brand new website. From concept to functionality to content, our goal was to capture and convey our strengths and...

Robin Jacob quoted in New York Times story on early literacy

Sep 4, 2014
In an article focusing on how to improve early literacy, The Fix author Tina Rosenberg includes research conducted by Robin Jacob and others on the effectiveness of tutoring to improving early literacy.“If I were a principal, I’d spend my money on...

Proximity to Great Lakes a key factor in local officials' views

Sep 4, 2014
By Greta Guest ANN ARBOR—Nearly all of Michigan's local leaders see the Great Lakes as a valuable economic resource for the state, but some don't see it that way for their own jurisdictions, according to a survey by the University of Michigan's...

Mapping Ebola to combat its spread

Sep 3, 2014
On August 18, Dr. Dan Kelly published an op-ed in the San Francisco Gate. His friend and colleague, a medical doctor, had died in Sierra Leone after serving an Ebola patient without protective gear. It wasn’t negligence, wrote Kelly, an infectious...

Axelrod begins State Department fellowship

Sep 2, 2014
Robert Axelrod, the Walgreen Professor for the Study of Human Understanding, will begin a one-year Jefferson Science Fellowship at the U.S. Department of State this August.Axelrod will assist with Secretary of State John Kerry’s Shared Prosperity...

Welcome, and welcome back, to the Ford School

Sep 1, 2014
Members of the Ford School community—welcome, and welcome back! Summer tends to send us all around the globe—for family vacations, for research projects, for service engagements, for internships and jobs—but I love this time of year, when we...

Alums ensure student resumes are polished, accurate, and clear

Sep 1, 2014
On July 24, the Ford School piloted a worldwide Alumni Resume Review Program. In-person resume reviews, for Ford School students completing internships in Washington, DC, were hosted at the University of Michigan's DC-office. For students who...

Correlation still does not imply causation

Sep 1, 2014
In an August 6 article in “The Upshot,” The New York Times' curated blog on politics, policy, and economics, Susan Dynarski describes the perils of mistaking correlation for causation.In the article, Dynarski critiques a recent paper by Esther M....

Law enforcement increasingly intolerant of dissent

Aug 29, 2014
"It's very clear that when people get this gear they tend to want to use it," says Joy Rohde in the August 28 Policy Points video, "When the police look like soldiers." Rohde argues that militarized police departments lead to violent confrontations...

"Sacred values" can always be reinterpreted

Aug 29, 2014
"After spleens are vented…enough grudging accommodation can emerge to stop the killing even if dreams of triumph endure," argues Scott Atran in "U.S. Must Help Deal Directly With Hamas," an August 5 op-ed on The New York Times’ “Room for Debate”...

Khmer Rouge Tribunal begins new phase with wider scope

Aug 28, 2014
The Khmer Rouge tribunal's ongoing proceedings against the former Khmer Rouge leaders Nuon Chea and Khieu Samphan are entering their second and final phase with broader attention to the regime's crimes, reports Sok Khemara in a Voice of America...