Ford School News | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Showing 1081 - 1110 of 6211 results
In the Media

Bednar speculates about 2024 Michigan Senate seat

Jan 5, 2023 Newsweek
Jenna Bednar, Newsweek: "I think this is great news for both parties of Michigan. [Stabenow] opened her announcement by talking about how much talent is in the state. Oh my goodness does the Republican Party of Michigan need reorganization, as they...
In the Media

Goldenberg breaks down prolonged Speaker of the House vote

Jan 4, 2023 The Globe and Mail
Edie Goldenberg, The Globe and Mail: "The Republicans are just in a really difficult situation, because their margin is so small and this bloc is so determined. They want to be able to stymie things if things are not going their way. This is an...

Levitsky says US-Brazil relations blooming

Jan 4, 2023
Ford School professor Melvyn Levitsky, a former U.S. ambassador to Brazil, has been commenting on the new relationship between the countries as President Lula da Silva takes office. BBC Brazil, January 2, 2023: "[Inviting Lula to the White House]...

Ford School recognizes 2022 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Fellow

Jan 4, 2023
The Ford School of Public Policy names Katie Hyland (MPP ‘24) as the 2022 Gerald R. Ford Presidential Fellow. Honoring the legacy of President Ford, fellows are chosen for their commitment to bipartisan cooperation and civility, engagement in...
In the Media

Stevenson discusses how central banks see wage increases

Jan 3, 2023 CNN
Betsey Stevenson, CNN: "I think what you're hearing is central banks want to make sure that we're not seeing wage increases drive further inflation because then your wage increases aren't going to do you any good—it's just going to be used to pay...
In the Media

Pilkauskas: Child Tax Credit "lost in the wash of stimulus money"

Jan 3, 2023 Los Angeles Times
Natasha Pilkauskas, Los Angeles Times: "It’s baffling to me that it (the expanded Child Tax Credit) wasn’t more popular." The enhanced payment may have been lost in the wash of stimulus money Americans received at the height of the pandemic,...

Ford School recognizes 2022 Rebecca A. Copeland Fellows

Jan 3, 2023
The Ford School is proud to recognize Huda Bashir (MPP/MPH ‘23) and Brynna Thigpen (MPP/MBA ‘23) as the 2022 Rebecca A. Copeland Fellows. They were chosen for their commitment to public service and focus on promoting health equity. Bashir is...

Aguilar named as Kohn Scholar

Jan 3, 2023
The Ford School recognizes Lizett Aguilar (MPP ‘24) as the 2022 Kohn Scholar. She joins 2021 Kohn Scholar Marco Ramirez (MPP ‘23). Kohn Scholars are chosen for their outstanding qualifications and commitment to public service and advancing social...

Ford School STPP scholars receive inaugural Quad Fellowships

Jan 3, 2023
Two graduate certificate students in the Ford School’s Science, Technology, and Public Policy (STPP) program have been selected for the inaugural cohort of the Quad Fellowship, a program designed to spur interdisciplinary scientific and...
In the Media

Rabe discusses climate policy funding in Michigan

Jan 2, 2023 Bridge Michigan
Barry Rabe, Bridge Michigan: While policy changes tend to face long and uncertain paths to passage in Lansing, Democrats could advance their environmental agenda by spending that money strategically, said Barry Rabe, a University of Michigan...
In the Media

Ali breaks down Putin's rhetoric

Dec 31, 2022 Newsweek
Javed Ali, Newsweek: "(Putin) believes he has sufficient manpower, equipment, and financial resources to continue the fight until he achieves his goals. His statement about defending Russia's interests there and conjuring up the notions of patriotic...
In the Media

Stevenson looks ahead at interest rates and inflation

Dec 28, 2022 CNBC
Betsey Stevenson, CNBC: "I think it’s important to realize that the Fed sees themselves as having two tools right now to bring inflation down. One is bringing rates high, and then the other is keeping them high for longer. And I think one thing...
In the Media

Ali discusses longevity of war in Ukraine

Dec 27, 2022 CBC
Javed Ali, CBC: "How many more months can the Russian military withstand these types of troop and equipment and material losses? I don’t think they can do this for more than six months to a...
In the Media

Stevenson analyzes gender gap in retirement savings

Dec 27, 2022 NPR Marketplace
Betsey Stevenson, NPR Marketplace: Saving for retirement is harder for women because they generally earn less over their lifetimes, said Betsey Stevenson, an economist at the University of Michigan. “For a large number of reasons,” she...
In the Media

Leiser applauds Financial Data Transparency Act

Dec 26, 2022 XBRL US
Stephanie Leiser, XBRL US: "Making government financial data open and accessible to all is the right thing to do, and it is long overdue. Financial transparency is absolutely essential to maintaining trust between governments and the public. Equally...
In the Media

Ali breaks down January 6 report

Dec 23, 2022 CBC
Javed Ali, CBC: "With the different recommendations from the committee report, this is probably the most interesting one. But also the one, that at least from a legal perspective, may be very difficult to achieve. My understanding is that unless...
In the Media

Naas talks trade, entrepreneurship, and female empowerment

Dec 22, 2022 U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Penny Naas, U.S. Chamber of Commerce: "Through our experiences and research, we have discovered four main challenges affecting women entrepreneurs from being involved in trade. A knowledge gap highlights the need to continue educating women...
In the Media

Ali on the impact of Ukraine acquiring air defense system

Dec 22, 2022 TRT World
Javed Ali, TRT World: "It sounds like President Zelenskyy will get some of what he had requested previously from the U.S. government, including this one Patriot air defense system. But it’s only one system, and one system alone is not going to...
In the Media

Dominguez discusses the impact of Japan's increasing interest rates

Dec 21, 2022 Marketplace
Kathryn Dominguez, NPR Marketplace: Higher interest rates can also help Japan combat inflation more generally. And that could help other countries too, said Kathryn Dominguez, an economics professor at the University of Michigan. "If all...
In the Media

Wolfers provides 2023 economic forecast

Dec 21, 2022 In the Bubble
Justin Wolfers, In the Bubble: "(Inflation’s) almost certainly peaked. That’s the mainstream view among both Wall Street and academic economists right now. The Fed’s own forecasts show that it expects inflation to fall relatively dramatically over...

Ford School students participate in UN’s COP27

Dec 20, 2022
Three Ford School students attended the recent UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP 27) summit in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt. The two-week event brought together 112 heads of state and government, and more than 46,000 delegates, including scientists,...

New law on data transparency will improve governance - Leiser

Dec 20, 2022
Increasing transparency in how local government works got a boost when the U.S. Congress passed the Financial Data Transparency Act (FDTA) on December 15, 2022. The act requires the Securities and Exchange Commission to adopt data standards related...