Economics and finance | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Economics and finance

Showing 631 - 660 of 1907 results
In the Media

Owen-Smith highlights economic impact of U-M research

Feb 9, 2021 DBusiness
“Our findings illuminate the many different ways in which academic research affects the national economy and society as a whole,” said Jason Owen-Smith. “U-M is an excellent illustration of the multifaceted impact research investments can have,...
In the Media

Collins joins Aspen Economic Strategy Group

Feb 2, 2021 Associated Press News
The Aspen Economic Strategy Group (AESG) announced seven new members [including Susan M. Collins, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs] to the sixty-five member, invitation-only group made up of distinguished leaders and...

Rabe comments on GM's historic move to electric vehicles

Jan 28, 2021
General Motors announced Thursday, January 28, that it would eliminate gasoline and diesel powered engines in their passenger cars, vans, and SUVs by 2035. They also pledged to make their factories carbon neutral by 2040.  In an interview with...
In the Media

Stevenson comments on recession's "triple punch" for women

Jan 12, 2021 CNN
Stevenson tells CNN the impact of the pandemic is a triple punch for women. "They're just disproportionately likely to hold the kinds of jobs we needed to send people home from," said Stevenson. "Women do a lot of caring jobs, in-person jobs....
In the Media

Wolfers: New stimulus is just the first half of the bridge

Jan 5, 2021 NPR
Wolfers: "This is a bill that's going to provide extra support for the unemployed, who really are among the most needy right now, all the way through till the middle of March, when we know the vaccine's not really going to be widely available until...
In the Media

UK-EU trade deal will slow auto trade - Deardorff

Dec 29, 2020 Detroit News
"If nothing else, it will slow down the trade," Deardorff tells the Detroit News. "It's going to take longer for everything to move across the border."  You can read the article...
In the Media

Dynarski: The student loan system has layers and layers of dysfunction

Dec 15, 2020 NPR Marketplace
"The key problem is in default and repayment problems," said Dynarski. "In terms of a macro-level, is this a big drag on the economy? I don't think so. In terms of a micro-level, are there people who's lives are ruined by fairly small amounts of...
In the Media

"Women in Economics" podcast features Stevenson

Dec 11, 2020 Women in Economics
“I didn’t see #MeToo coming, but it came, and it’s taking a while still to come for economics, but it is,” says Stevenson. She talks about her research on women’s labor market experiences and how her teaching style has changed in 2020 in the "Women...
In the Media

Rabe on federal incentives for state-level climate, clean energy action

Dec 10, 2020 Environment & Energy News
"States are absolutely desperate for revenue and have deep concerns about their ability to sustain themselves. There are growing questions of how states are going to reinvent themselves," Rabe said. "Every state is going to be coming to Washington...
In the Media

Stevenson's insight on the "shecession" highlighted

Dec 10, 2020 PBS NewsHour
"We lost jobs in retail, and leisure and hospitality, and health care services. And those are all jobs where women hold the majority of the jobs, and they actually got the majority of the layoffs," Stevenson says. "I think it's amplifying the...
In the Media

Student loan forgiveness proposals bad macro econ policy, says Wolfers

Dec 6, 2020 Chicago Tribune
Most of the [student loan debt] relief would go to people who don't need it and would merely sock it away. "This is the worst macro policy I've ever heard of," said Wolfers. It would make far more sense to funnel money to low-income and unemployed...
In the Media

Rabe: Investment in coal not part of American, global energy future

Dec 5, 2020 Casper Star Tribune
“There are going to be energy bills linked to that stimulus bill,” Rabe said. “And every state is going to be looking for the most advantageous terms. It’s really questionable that coal is going to be center stage in any kind of major stimulus...
In the Media

Stevenson worries about shrinking labor force

Dec 4, 2020 The Wall Street Journal
“If we don’t get all the workers back, we can never have a V-shaped recovery,” said Stevenson. “Everybody should be worried about making sure that we don’t leave workers...
In the Media

Wolfers says people need pandemic relief grants

Dec 2, 2020 NPR Marketplace
Grants should go to people, said Wolfers.  “Unlike previous recessions, we should really design the package around income support for the millions of people who are either without work or on incredibly reduced hours,” he said. You can read and...
In the Media

Deardorff comments on trans-Pacific trade

Nov 27, 2020 Detroit News
Biden may want to join the TPP agreement, said Deardorff. But "he probably knows from the experience of it being negotiated, it's not going be an easy thing to do." Read the full article in the Detroit...

Harris joins Ford School colleagues on Biden-Harris transition

Nov 20, 2020
Ford School professor of practice and Towsley Foundation Policymaker in Residence Adrienne Harris has been named to a Biden-Harris transition Agency Review Team, focusing on the Federal Reserve, Banking and Securities Regulators group includes the...
In the Media

Wolfers: Postpone Thanksgiving to save lives

Nov 19, 2020 New York Times
"Let’s postpone Thanksgiving until May 27. By then Americans should have a lot more to be thankful for, including the likely availability of at least two highly effective vaccines, perhaps the freedom to get together with friends and possibly the...