Join us for a discussion with Cecilia Muñoz about her new book, More than Ready: Be Strong and Be You . . . and Other Lessons for Women of Color on the Rise.
The University Musical Society (UMS), in partnership with the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy and the Democracy & Debate Theme Semester is thrilled to announce that Daily Show star Trevor Noah will join the U-M community for a casual and interactive conversation on this pivotal moment that reflects both adversity and possibility.
Panelists will describe real barriers to voting in Michigan today, as well as efforts to change rules and regulations to expand access to voting, and what it will take to increase access for some groups in the upcoming election.
Public Policy and Institutional Discrimination Series
Join professor Frederick Wherry in this discussion about how dignity and respect affect consumers' engagements with and responses to debt. Wherry will share about his work to understand and empower the linkages between lending and human values.
Please join the Education Policy Initiative in welcoming Hirokazu Yoshikawa, the Courtney Sale Ross Professor of Globalization and Education at NYU Steinhardt and a University Professor at NYU, and Co-Director (with J. Lawrence Aber) of the Global TIES for Children center at NYU, for a virtual education policy talk.
Policy Talks @ the Ford School,
Conversations Across Differences
Paula Lantz, associate dean of the Ford School and James B. Hudak Professor of Health Policy, and Michael S. Barr, dean of the Ford School, will discuss the emerging social epidemiology of COVID-19 and current understanding regarding public health and social policy responses.
Join Ford School professors Betsey Stevenson, Justin Wolfers, and Ford School Dean Michael S. Barr for a discussion on the challenges of navigating an economic crisis during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
**Due to COVID-19, this event has been canceled. We are working to reschedule for a future date or deliver this content in a different format. Check this page or follow @fordschool on Twitter for updates. Learn more here about the University of Michigan's new university-wide measures regarding classes and events.**
Please join us for a lunchtime conversation about History, Reparations, and Policy with Dr. Earl Lewis on Wednesday, February 26 from 12:00 - 1:00 PM in 1110 Weill Hall (Betty Ford Classroom).
Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice will reflect on her career and on her new memoir, Tough Love: My Story of the Things Worth Fighting For.
Public Policy and Institutional Discrimination Series
Featuring faculty discussant Fabiana Silva, an assistant professor of public policy at the Ford School. Part of the Ford School's Public Policy and Institutional Discrimination discussion series.
Greg Landsman, a Cincinnati city council member, will give a talk titled "Beyond School: Where to Focus Collective Action to Support Children in Poverty" as part of the 2019 Real-World Perspectives on Poverty Solutions speaker series.
Leading scholars from Africa and Latin America will share insights about macro-level commonalities in transitional justice processes across diverse societies.
Cheer on the Wolverines as they take on the Hawkeyes in the annual Homecoming game! Purchase tickets with your fellow Fordies in the Ford School section.
Facilitated by Ginsberg Center staff, this interactive workshop introduces principles and practices for thoughtfully engaging with communities, including motivations, the impact of social identities, and strategies for engaging in reciprocal, ethical, and respectful ways.