Weiser Diplomacy Center | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
Departments and Research Centers

Weiser Diplomacy Center

The Weiser Diplomacy Center serves as a hub for engagement with the foreign policy community, bringing a diverse cadre of seasoned diplomats and foreign policy experts to campus and creating new opportunities for students and faculty.

Showing 331 - 360 of 489 results

Water diplomacy in the Middle East: Israel, Jordan and Palestine

Nov 8, 2021, 11:30 am-12:45 pm EST
Nov 12, 2021, 2:00-5:00 pm EST
3240 Weill (Monday) 1210 Weill (Friday)
Students will learn the laws that influence water diplomacy in the Middle East and later represent Israel, Jordan and Palestine in a simulation to identify mechanisms that can enable more sustainable water management in the region. 

Michigan November elections

Nov 2, 2021, 7:00 am-8:00 pm EDT
At your polling location or by absentee ballot
Michigan will hold elections on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, and the Ford School strongly encourages all eligible voters to make their voices heard.
North American Colloquium

Historical drivers of nationalist extremism in North America

Oct 28, 2021, 12:30-1:30 pm EDT
Experts from the Autonomous National University of Mexico, University of Toronto, and University of Michigan discussed the local and transnational factors giving rise to far-right social movements and policies in each country. 
Public Policy and Institutional Discrimination Series

Embracing diversity in national security and diplomacy

Oct 21, 2021, 12:00-12:50 pm EDT
The series, open to U-M students, faculty, and staff, is designed to foster dialogue on important issues of U.S. public policy. Facilitated by faculty discussants Susan Page and Javed Ali, this session focuses on the need for diversity in one of the nation’s oldest government agencies. 
Developing Future Leaders in U.S.-Russia Relations

U.S.-Russian Strategic Stability Dialogue

Oct 11, 2021, 11:30 am-12:45 pm EDT
Betty Ford Classroom (Weill Hall 1110)
In this workshop, students will break into small groups, each tasked with determining U.S. preferences for the basic structure of the Strategic Stability Dialogue, its conduct, and its mandate and agenda.

Career talk with Andrew Clark

Oct 4, 2021, 11:30 am-12:30 pm EDT
Student & Academic Services and the Weiser Diplomacy Center host a career talk with Andrew Clark, U-M History graduate '08 and a current Foreign Affairs Officer at the U.S. Department of State.

U.S. Army War College policy simulation on Jammu and Kashmir region

Oct 1-2, 2021, All Day
Ford School, various classrooms
Through this International Strategic Crisis Negotiation Exercise students will learn about the conflict in the Jammu and Kashmir region and be tasked with using diplomacy to address a variety of issues regarding this long-standing conflict.

Alumni-in-Residence student conversation with Penny Naas (MPP '93)

Sep 23, 2021, 12:00-1:00 pm EDT
3240 Weill Hall
Graduate Career Services and the Weiser Diplomacy Center invite Ford School graduate and undergraduate students to an Alumni-in-Residence conversation with UPS President for International Public Affairs and Sustainability, Penelope Naas. 
Weiser Diplomacy Center Series

The road ahead for U.S.-Russia relations

Sep 20, 2021, 4:00-5:20 pm EDT
1120 Weill Hall, Annenberg Auditorium
Former Deputy Secretary of State Stephen Biegun and Alina Polyakova, president and CEO of the Center for European Policy Analysis, discuss the state of relations between the United States and Russia. 

What's next for Afghanistan?

Aug 30, 2021, 11:30 am-12:50 pm EDT
Betty Ford Classroom, 1110 Weill Hall
Join Ford School faculty for a conversation about the situation in Afghanistan after the withdrawal of U.S. and NATO forces.  
Welcome Week

Fall 2021 incoming master's welcome week

Aug 23-27, 2021, All Day
Weill Hall (1st & 2nd floor)
The official start of the school year, welcome week and orientation activities at the Ford School give new master's students the opportunity to meet and engage with peers, faculty, and staff, and begin the process of preparing for the academic year.
Weiser Diplomacy Center Series

Why Nations Rise

Apr 12, 2021, 11:30 am-12:30 pm EDT
In Why Nations Rise, Manjari Miller argues that elites in some states actively reframe their image when their economic and military power increases, applies lessons from historical cases, and reshapes our understanding of rising power.
Career Development

Alumni in Residence conversation with Lesley Miller

Mar 25, 2021, 8:00-9:00 pm EDT
Join us for the Alumni in Residence conversation with Lesley Miller (MPP/MBA '93) Deputy Representative of UNICEF in Viet Nam, focusing on advancing the rights and well-being of the most disadvantaged children and adolescents.

Shared Sovereignty and Accountability in Fragile States

Mar 22, 2021, 4:00-5:30 pm EDT
John Ciorciari and Susanna Campbell will talk about findings from his new book Sovereignty Sharing in Fragile States outlining conditions under which shared sovereignty tends to fail or succeed in advancing accountability for human rights violation.
Weiser Diplomacy Center Series

Police reform in conflict-affected countries

Mar 2, 2021, 11:30 am-12:30 pm EST
Eric Beinhart of the U.S. Department of Justice will discuss approaches to police reform in societies affected by conflict and ways to bridge the divide between formal law enforcement and traditional community governance structures in areas where state institutions have lacked capacity and/or legitimacy.
Weiser Diplomacy Center Series

The Biden administration's policy options on North Korea

Mar 1, 2021, 11:30 am-12:45 pm EST
We invite Ford School students to join us for a conversation with Ambassador Joseph Yun on Biden administration's policy options with respect to North Korea. Yun is a senior advisor to the Asia Program at USIP and one of the nation’s leading experts on relations with North Korea.    

NASPAA-Batten student simulation competition 2021 - Pandemic 2.0

Feb 27, 2021, 12:00-6:00 pm EST
Graduate students from more than 80 universities around Americas, Middle East, Africa and Europe will address pandemic in virtual NASPAA-Batten student simulation competition developed by the Center for Leadership Simulation and Gaming. 

Alumni in Residence conversation with Nicole Shepardson

Feb 22, 2021, 12:00-12:50 pm EST
Join us for the Alumni in Residence conversation with Nicole Shepardson (MPP '01), policy team leader and senior protection policy officer in the Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration at the U.S. Department of State.