News | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Showing 1261 - 1290 of 1672 results

Goldenberg urges students to vote

Aug 4, 2020
In advance of Michigan’s August 4 primary election, the University of Michigan’s nonpartisan group Turn Up Turnout  (TUT)  continued to encourage students to vote. Ford School professor Edie Goldenberg, who was instrumental in starting TUT, spoke...

Dynarski: “The U.S. is reopening many of the wrong schools”

Aug 4, 2020
Ford School professor Sue Dynarski writes in a column for The New York Times that with coronavirus cases spiking in dozens of states, the prospect of anything resembling a normal school year is fading fast. Schools can’t safely reopen if infections...

Grade inflation can cause real harm according to Courant

Aug 4, 2020
"Everybody's grades are getting better every year," according to Paul Courant, Ford School professor. "When I went to college, a B+ average was considered to be quite good. Now in many places, it's not seen that way." Grade inflation prevents a...

Ford School PhD Phoenix receives Ralph J. Bunche Award

Jul 20, 2020
Ford School graduate Davin Phoenix (PhD, U-M Political Science and Ford School, 2015) has just won APSA's Ralph J. Bunche award for his 2019 book, The Anger Gap: How Race Shapes Emotions in Politics (Cambridge University Press). The award goes to...

Rabe lauds the Great American Outdoors Act

Jul 20, 2020
Ford School professor of Environmental Policy Barry Rabe writes in an essay for the Niskanen Center July 16 that” the recent Senate passage of the Great American Outdoors Act–buoyed with overwhelming bipartisan support–is a remarkable achievement in...

“Promise Kept” on Trump tariff threat - Deardorff

Jul 20, 2020
Alan Deardorff, Ford School professor and one of the world’s leading experts on international trade policy, was referenced in a Politifact “Trump-O-Meter” fact-check of Trump Administration policy promises.   The stated policy: “Any country that...

Combating poverty and inequality amidst a pandemic

Jul 19, 2020
Ford School Dean Michael S. Barr, Associate Dean and Poverty Solutions Director Luke Shaefer and Alford A. Young Jr., Professor of Sociology and African and African American Studies and courtesy faculty at the Ford School, discussed some of the ways...

Research looks at COVID-19 response around the world

Jul 10, 2020
The COVID-19 crisis is affecting an unprecedented number of people at the same time. As the pandemic evolved in April and May, a group of researchers, including Ford School professor Ann Lin, undertook a survey in over a dozen locations around the...

Making sense of the complex unemployment numbers

Jul 10, 2020
On July 2nd, the Labor Department reported that 4.8 million jobs had been added, and unemployment stood at 11% - still higher than it was at the peak of the Great Recession in 2008 — with 17.8 million Americans still out of work. Ford School...

Ali insights into national security highlighted

Jul 10, 2020
Ford School Towsley Foundation Policymaker in Residence Javed Ali has been in the press recently commenting on a range of national security issues that have been in the news, including the president’s daily briefing and the cross-border tensions...