Term + Year (Administrative)

Fall 2017

Fall 2017

Showing 31 - 60 of 75 results

PUBPOL 750.307: Special Topics

Stephanie Leiser
  Oliver Wendell Holmes famously said that "Taxes are what we pay for civilized society," but who should pay and how much?  In this course, we will develop the tools of policy analysis and economics to engage in...

PUBPOL 778.001: Project Skills Workshop

Elisabeth Gerber
This is a professional skills workshop that will be required for students enrolled in the Applied Policy Seminar (APS, PP578) and open to other MPP/ Master's student. To be offered each semester, concurrent with the...

PUBPOL 210.001: Hlt&Society:Intro PH

This course is intended to serve as an introduction to the major issues of health and health care in the United States — what they are, what determines them, and how they can be altered. In so doing, the course surveys the field of public...

PUBPOL 201.001: Systematic Thinking

Richard Hall
The main idea that we want to get across is implicit in the title: Systematic thinking - largely from the social sciences, but with the application of scientific methods and knowledge more generally - can make a significant difference in the way...

PUBPOL 510.001: The Politics of Public Policy

Valenta Kabo
This is a core course restricted to Ford School students only This section of 510 aims to help you better understand policy analysis and the political environment within a context of American domestic politics at the national...

PUBPOL 513.001: Calculus

Carl Simon
This course is designed specifically to provide students in all degree programs at the Ford School with the fundamental mathematical tools necessary for their subsequent...

PUBPOL 555.001: Microeconomics A

Justin Wolfers
This course begins a two-term sequence designed to provide students with an understanding of the economic implications of public policies and with analytic tools useful in system design and policy...