ADMIN: Pages | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy
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Sheldon Danziger quoted in AP story, "U.S. Wealth Gap Between Young and Old Is Widest Ever" Story
Brian A. Jacob quoted in Detroit News, "Educators say recalculated MEAP, merit test scores show challenges ahead" Story
John R. Chamberlin quoted on about Wayne county officials, well-paid contractors, and ethics Story
Barry Rabe quoted in Center for Michigan article about billion-dollar mining operation exempt from Michigan's severance tax for natural resources Story
House majority leader says government should support innovators Story
Tom Ivacko pens Dome op-ed about declining health of Michigan cities Story
Ford School lecture by Robert B. Zoellick, World Bank president, draws national news coverage. Story
John Ciorciari quoted in Voice of America article about credibility of Khmer Rouge tribunal Story
Early childhood education research by Susan M. Dynarski discussed in Economist blog Story
CLOSUP's Michigan Public Policy Survey findings about financial struggles of local governments appear in news outlets Story
Susan E. Waltz monitored Tunisian vote Story
Ford School MPP students selected as Nonprofit and Public Management Board Fellows Story
CLOSUP poll: Most local leaders in Michigan report ongoing financial woes Story
Ford School expands scope of education policy research Story
CLOSUP poll fuels conversation, debate throughout Michigan Story
New faculty affiliates deepen interdisciplinary expertise and broaden the school's policy impact Story
Mrs. Betty Ford mourned, celebrated Story
Ford School faculty earn top University of Michigan awards Story
Christopher Crachiola (BA '12) named German Academic Exchange Service Young Ambassador Story
Matthew Davis interviewed on NPR's Morning Edition about pharmacy-based flu shots Story
Research by Susan M. Dynarski appears in New York Times Economix blog Story
Growing up in bad neighborhoods has a 'devastating' impact Story
David J. Harding profiled in Institute for Social Research magazine Story
MPP/MPA application for Fall 2012 now online Story
Alumni Board self-nominations are now being accepted Story
October edition of 'the Ford School feed:' Call for Alumni Board nominations, alumni service award recipient, upcoming lecture by the World Bank president, and more Story
Steve Tobocman (MPP/JD '97) receives 2011 Neil Staebler Distinguished Service Award Story
Brian Jacob receives U-M Faculty Recognition Award Story
Understanding international terrorism: Root causes and policy responses panel Video
Michael S. McPherson: Reflections on the 'undermatch' phenomenon in college choice Video
Out of the Blue: Applied Policy Seminar feature Video
Pasuk Phongpaichit and Chris Baker: Understanding the colors of Thai politics Video
Philip Potter and other U-M experts comment on Egypt Video
Richard Murnane: U.S. high school graduation rates: Patterns & explanations Video
Robert B. Zoellick: President and CEO of The World Bank Group Video
Roy B. Norton: Economic leadership for sustainable growth Video
Sultan Al Qassemi: Social media as a change agent in the Middle East Video
Susan M. Collins interviewed by Bloomberg about President's jobs speech, fiscal policies Video
The 2011 International Economic Development Program: Grenada Video
The Middle East: U.S. interests and policies Video