This course examines the policy issues of international trade, including trade in both goods and services and also international flows of direct investment and...
PUBPOL 495 (Policy Seminar) is for students currently enrolled in the Public Policy Undergraduate Program only, no exceptions. Enrollment is by permission...
The combination of slow economic growth and rising inequality has meant that the material living standards of the median American household have improved only slowly since the early...
Communicating through visual presentation of data is a critical skill in a variety of industries. This course will introduce students to data visualization, from principles to...
This course seeks to make students sensitive to and articulate about the ways in which moral and political values come into play in the American policy process, particularly as they affect non-elected public officials who work in a world shaped...
This course provides an introduction to public policy design and analysis using "systematic thinking" from the social sciences and humanities, with the application of scientific methods and knowledge more...
Is Congress too partisan? Can Congress fulfill its legislative and oversight functions? Do the executive and judicial branches effectively control public policy...
This course is designed to familiarize students with core skills in data access, manipulation, analysis, and presentation using Excel (and Excel-like...
The events of 6 January 2021 at the US Capitol served as a stark example of the evolving threat of domestic violent extremism in the United States. This threat has ebbed and flowed in intensity over the past several decades, with some...