Showing 421 - 450 of 591 results

PUBPOL 475.009: Topics: Running, Serving, and Leading

This course will give students a practical understanding of what it takes to run for office, serve as an officeholder, and what leadership amongst leaders means. It takes leadership to change, impact, create and implement...

PUBPOL 495.002: Policy Seminar: Immigration Policy

Ann Chih Lin
Fifty years ago, the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act changed the racial and ethnic composition of America, while creating a system of choices - both intended and unintended - that continue to shape today's authorized and unauthorized...
PubPol 466

PubPol 466: Topics: The History and Future of Detroit

Detroit was the nation’s most important city in the Twentieth Century because the auto industry, the emergence of the blue collar middle class and development of the New Deal. Now it is the most negatively stereotyped city in the...
PUBPOL 475.002

PUBPOL 475.002: Topics: The Politics of Identity

Mara Ostfeld
Race, gender, religion, sexuality and other social identities permeate the development and administration of American public policy. These identities are just as powerful of a tool in efforts to reduce social and economic disparities...