Ford School events for fall 2022 explore racial justice, international affairs, the state of democracy and more | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

Ford School events for fall 2022 explore racial justice, international affairs, the state of democracy and more

August 30, 2022

The Ford School is pleased to announce an exciting lineup for the fall 2022 Policy Talks @ the Ford School series and other special public events hosted with partners from across campus. We are hosting distinguished policymakers, scholars, activists, and writers for events on some of the most pressing policy issues of our time, from health equity and social justice to the state of democracy and beyond.

We hope you will join us for these special events and more happening at the Ford School this semester. Below is just a snapshot of what is in store for this fall. Please visit our events listing for up-to-date information on all of these events and how you can register to attend. You can stay up to date on our events by joining our mailing list and following us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.





  • December 8: Towsley Policymaker in Residence, Judge Laurel Beatty Blunt, will host a public conversation on the social determinants of health and how they impact our justice system.

More event series from some of our research centers

The Center for Racial Justice’s Racial Foundations of Public Policy series this fall will feature renowned scholars from around the country to share insights on the historical roots and impact of race in shaping public policy, as both a disciplinary field and as a course of action, beginning September 15 with NYU School of Law Professor Melissa Murray on Racial Foundations of Public Policy: Reproductive justice.

Blue Bag Lunch Talks at the Center on Finance, Law & Policy kick off September 8 with U-M Ross Professor Nejat Seyhun on race differences in insiders' access to information

This fall's Real World Perspectives on Poverty Solutions series from Poverty Solutions introduces key issues regarding the causes and consequences of poverty, featuring experts in policy and practice from across the nation like U-M School for Environment and Sustainability Professor Ivette Perfecto, Temple University Professor Nyron Crawford, Washtenaw County Prosecuting Attorney Eli Savit and Chief Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Victoria Burton-Harris, and more.

The Education Policy Initiative’s Education Policy Speaker Series returns, bringing together a diverse slate of researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to present cutting-edge research to improve educational outcomes for children across the country, kicking off September 29 with The on-going evaluation of a volunteer tutoring program for struggling readers.

Learn more about our research centers.


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